I'm a product manager at
Cockroach Labs working on our SQL product area. CockroachDB leverages the Postgres wire protocol to provide distributed SQL to our customers. Because we support the same protocol as Postgres, we can often take advantage of the drivers, ORMs, and tools already created for Postgres with CockroachDB.
Over the years we've seen
community interest in making a CockroachDB specific implementation of Django. In fact, one of our engineers even went so far as to
build a working prototype that passes the initial Django tutorial.
We are now seeking help from experts in the Django community in advancing our prototype to the next level. We would happily welcome contributors to our open-source Django prototype.
We'd also love any beta testers who would be willing to give our prototype a try and provide feedback to us.
If this is something you might be interested in, please let me know.
Thank you!