What is this? CASCADE clausule on DROP COLUMN???

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Aug 25, 2016, 11:09:42 AM8/25/16
to Django users
I did a migration of Django, and then applied a sqlmigrate, giving me this output...

-- Remove field my_column from my_table
ALTER TABLE `my_table` DROP COLUMN `my_column` CASCADE;

I don't find info about it, and I've never seen something like this in my MySQL experience. And the best part is that works (although it is marked as a syntax error). Can anyone throw me some light about it?

Erik Cederstrand

Aug 25, 2016, 12:19:54 PM8/25/16
to Django Users
Are you using MySQL as your backend? I believe that syntax is only for postgresql. CASCADE defines what to do if anything outside the table references the column. CASCADE will drop these references.



Aug 25, 2016, 12:31:33 PM8/25/16
to Django users

I searched for it, and looks like Django uses a general schema constants for common commands (like ALTER). It is stored inside a class, which is the parent class of the rest of the RDBMS schemas. And it isn't replaced, so it justs assumes the value of the parent.

More info https://github.com/django/django/tree/master/django/db/backends . Search in base/schema.py and mysql/schema.py

Would be nice if some could do a pull request modifying the command for MySQL, only to not get the error syntax (it is just a negative trim).
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