Testing Channels database data missing in Consumer

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Daniel Gilge

Feb 6, 2018, 6:37:47 PM2/6/18
to Django users

this question is related to Channels 2.0, Django 2.0, pytest 3.4, pytest-django 3.1 and pytest-asyncio 0.8.

I created a pytest:

def db_with_obj(db):

def test_something(db_with_obj):
= models.MyModelFactory.objects.first()
= WebsocketCommunicator(MyConsumer, 'ws/')
, subprotocol = await communicator.connect()
assert connected
    await communicator
'id': obj.pk,
'content': 'my content',
= await communicator.receive_from()
assert response == 'my content'
    await communicator

print gives me <QuerySet [<MyModel: 1>]>

Here my Consumer code:

class MyConsumer(WebsocketConsumer):
    def receive(self, text_data=None, bytes_data=None):
        # ...

print gives me <QuerySet []>

I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I didn't use both, pytest and Python async code, before. Therefore I don't know where to look for the solution, though I think it's easy to solve. Any hint appreciated.

Thanks :)

Andrew Godwin

Feb 6, 2018, 10:31:14 PM2/6/18
to django...@googlegroups.com
I'm not quite sure either. Does the test setup work if you are not in async mode?


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Daniel Gilge

Feb 7, 2018, 12:51:03 PM2/7/18
to Django users
Hi Andrew,

thanks for your reply.

This test is passing (using the same packages):

def test_fixture(db_with_segment, admin_client):
assert models.MyModel.objects.count() == 1
= admin_client.get('/api/my_model/list/')
assert len(response.json()['results']) == 1

I tried to write a simpler async test with asyncio.wait but I didn't complete it so far.

I thought to just write ChannelsLiveServerTestCase tests but I couldn't manage to serve static files there. (Both, setting static_handler = StaticFilesHandler – what StaticLiveServerTestCase does – and running collectstatic didn't work.)

Finally I ran my development server and did some tests in the browser console. There it works. I'll continue coding using this technique to "test" my code and try to find a solution for the other (real) tests as I have time.
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Andrew Godwin

Feb 7, 2018, 1:09:29 PM2/7/18
to django...@googlegroups.com
Interesting. I did note that you called ORM methods in an async context, which is not how you are supposed to do it, but I also believe that should work. Maybe try splitting the ORM methods into a separate function and awaiting it using SyncToAsync?

As for the staticfiles in live test case problem, I have opened a ticket for that: https://github.com/django/channels/issues/880


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