Why does sqlmigrate need a connection to an existing database?

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Shmuel Treiger

Dec 7, 2021, 7:46:42 PM12/7/21
to Django users
Wondering why sqlmigrate needs a connection to an existing database.

I understand that for certain commands, it needs the database to generate the migration. But for most (basic) commands, no connection is really needed.

For example, I created a test project and generated migration files. Without ever running the `migrate` command, I was able to use `sqlmigrate` perfectly well on all migrations, save the last, which drops a `unique_together`.

I'm sure there are other commands which actually need a database connection (though I haven't found them yet). Seems to me sqlmigrate could be rewritten along the lines of:
  • Try to generate sql from migration file
  • If it hits a command it needs the database, attempt to connect
Or else:
  • If no connection, check if migration file needs connection to database
Is there something I'm unaware of?

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Dec 9, 2021, 8:01:31 AM12/9/21
to Django users
It uses db connection in two places:

building the migration graph in order to load previous applied migrations and transaction begin/end wrapping

This makes sense, because you can have N unapplied migrations between the db and your migrations history package.  

Shmuel Treiger

Dec 10, 2021, 12:06:21 PM12/10/21
to Django users
Build graph has a specific separate path for `if self.connection is None:`, so that shouldn't be an issue?
As far as atomicity, what if, in a case where no connection is found, it could just prompt: "No database connection found. Do you want your migration to be atomic? (y/N)"


Dec 11, 2021, 10:59:32 AM12/11/21
to Django users

the comment in the migration loader class probably explains your question.  also, look at `collect_sql` at the bottom, and how its used at the end of sqlmigrate. specifically, it uses schema editor (https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.2/ref/schema-editor/#module-django.db.backends.base.schema) as a context manager to have the connection turn migration nodes to SQL.

Shmuel Treiger

Dec 24, 2021, 6:39:42 PM12/24/21
to Django users
To any future readers, the real answer is that connections are deeply baked into how Django migrations operate. Things as seemingly simple as `can_migrate_model` require a connection. The other problems pointed out by Jason are easily patched, but the schema_editor (and all of the migration operations in migrations/operations which rely on the schema_editor) totally break without a connection.

I think it could be done, but it isn't an easy patch.
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