what do you think about django FORM system?

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Mar 6, 2015, 10:38:00 AM3/6/15
to django...@googlegroups.com
Hello everyone:

i use django since last year, and now i can not stand the django form any more, hard to use , especially custom error message , i use laravel for php development , and validator of laravel is very easy to use and very clean code , so i hack a small plugin .


i want your opinion my friends.  talk to me please , what is your opinion about django form.

every key to every locked *DREAM* ....................


Mar 6, 2015, 10:46:12 AM3/6/15
to django...@googlegroups.com

It's pretty easy to use django forms after reading the docs.
And django form are well integrated with the whole django framework.
You have multiple layers of cleaning the form, from the widget to the model, and
I love that.

Could you provide us more in-deapth of your feeling using the django form?
What are the problem? Or what do you expect from it?

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Tom Evans

Mar 6, 2015, 11:29:21 AM3/6/15
to django...@googlegroups.com
On Fri, Mar 6, 2015 at 10:37 AM, younger.shen <younger...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello everyone:
> i use django since last year, and now i can not stand the django form any
> more, hard to use , especially custom error message , i use laravel for php
> development , and validator of laravel is very easy to use and very clean
> code , so i hack a small plugin .
> https://github.com/youngershen/django-laravel-validator
> i want your opinion my friends. talk to me please , what is your opinion
> about django form.

I prefer django forms to that style. Each time the form is generated
it must determine what the options are for a field by parsing strings,
which is ugly.

If you don't invest time in to learning how django's forms work, you
will always prefer a form system you already understand. As an
example, this is your RegistValidator as a django form:

class RegistValidator(forms.Form):
email = forms.EmailField()
password = forms.PasswordField(min_length=8)
password_confirm = forms.PasswordField(min_length=8)
captcha_0 = forms.CharField()
captcha_1 = forms.CharField()

def clean(self):
data = super(RegistValidator, self).clean()
if data['password'] != data['password_confirm']:
self.add_error('password', u'密码不匹配')
except CaptchaStore.DoesNotExist:
self.add_error('captcha_0', u'验证码错误')
self.add_error('captcha_1', u'验证码错误')

def clean_email(self):
if User.objects.filter(email=self.cleaned_data['email']).exists():
raise forms.ValidationError(u'该用户已存在')




Mar 6, 2015, 1:47:02 PM3/6/15
to django...@googlegroups.com
El 06/03/15 05:37, younger.shen escribió:
Hello everyone:

i use django since last year, and now i can not stand the django form any more, hard to use , especially custom error message , i use laravel for php development , and validator of laravel is very easy to use and very clean code , so i hack a small plugin .


i want your opinion my friends.  talk to me please , what is your opinion about django form.

I, definitevely, like django forms. They are easy to use and validation is similar to model validation. It just takes a thing: reading the doc.


Mar 6, 2015, 2:39:00 PM3/6/15
to django...@googlegroups.com
I can tell you what I found to be hard to understand (and I don't think I do understand at the moment) that is how to set the HTML, the types, ID, and any of the special attributes of the object.  I understand that I can sub-class but it's also my understanding that I shouldn't have too.  For example I want to use the new HTML 5 type=month.  I'd also like to use size but so far I haven't determined how.  I did get the validation working.



Mar 6, 2015, 3:04:55 PM3/6/15
to django...@googlegroups.com
So you're problem is not about forms but widgets.

The widget are the object that render a field form. You can subclass
it to render it in anyway you want.

What do you don't like in subclassing a widget/model ?


Mar 6, 2015, 3:10:29 PM3/6/15
to django...@googlegroups.com
El 06/03/15 09:38, john escribió:
I can tell you what I found to be hard to understand (and I don't think I do understand at the moment) that is how to set the HTML, the types, ID, and any of the special attributes of the object.  I understand that I can sub-class but it's also my understanding that I shouldn't have too.  For example I want to use the new HTML 5 type=month.  I'd also like to use size but so far I haven't determined how.  I did get the validation working.

Maybe a look at Rendering fields manually in the Forms section of the doc might be helpful.


Mar 6, 2015, 3:11:12 PM3/6/15
to django...@googlegroups.com
OK for example how can I set the size of "widget"?  What I really want is some doc that provides an example - I've searched with no results.  I ended up with using a real HTML on the template along with the rest of the django objects.


Mar 6, 2015, 3:20:31 PM3/6/15
to django...@googlegroups.com
OK I realize you are saying I should read the doc's.  So I will provide exactly what I'm saying from the doc's.

Django handles three distinct parts of the work involved in forms:

  • preparing and restructuring data ready for rendering
  • creating HTML forms for the data
  • receiving and processing submitted forms and data from the client

It is possible to write code that does all of this manually, but Django can take care of it all for you.

I read the above and I say why do I need to subclass anything.  CharField is provided and that's all I really need because it's just a few chars the user is going to enter.  But I need to provide an ID, a SIZE, a few things - where is that info and where are the examples?  Maybe I missed them?  I've been know to mis-read stuff.

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Mar 6, 2015, 4:01:01 PM3/6/15
to django...@googlegroups.com
El 06/03/15 10:20, john escribió:
OK I realize you are saying I should read the doc's.  So I will provide exactly what I'm saying from the doc's.

Django handles three distinct parts of the work involved in forms:

  • preparing and restructuring data ready for rendering
  • creating HTML forms for the data
  • receiving and processing submitted forms and data from the client

It is possible to write code that does all of this manually, but Django can take care of it all for you.

I read the above and I say why do I need to subclass anything.  CharField is provided and that's all I really need because it's just a few chars the user is going to enter.  But I need to provide an ID, a SIZE, a few things - where is that info and where are the examples?  Maybe I missed them?  I've been know to mis-read stuff.

something like this you mean?

class CommentForm(forms.Form):
    name = forms.CharField(widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'class': 'special'}))
    url = forms.URLField()
    comment = forms.CharField(widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'size': '40'}))




Mar 6, 2015, 4:22:55 PM3/6/15
to django...@googlegroups.com
I saws that to in the Doc's - it did not work for me with bootstrap.  I did not find the cause - if there wasn't some sort of bug.  I'm using Django 1.7.5 so I'll guess and say it had something to do with the interaction of the two.  I have moved on to crispy-forms and all seems to work.  But like I said at the start - in answer to the question "Could you provide us more in-deapth of your feeling using the django form?"  I found the information provided from the doc's to be confusing and did not explain why I had to subclass.  More examples are needed (and all in one doc - not link after link after link).  Maybe what I'm asking for is for the tutorial to better explain the use and ways to mod the form code to get things done.

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Mar 6, 2015, 8:26:50 PM3/6/15
to django...@googlegroups.com
El 06/03/15 11:22, john escribió:
I saws that to in the Doc's - it did not work for me with bootstrap.  I did not find the cause - if there wasn't some sort of bug.  I'm using Django 1.7.5 so I'll guess and say it had something to do with the interaction of the two.  I have moved on to crispy-forms and all seems to work.  But like I said at the start - in answer to the question "Could you provide us more in-deapth of your feeling using the django form?"  I found the information provided from the doc's to be confusing and did not explain why I had to subclass.  More examples are needed (and all in one doc - not link after link after link).  Maybe what I'm asking for is for the tutorial to better explain the use and ways to mod the form code to get things done.

I guess you only need to subclass a widget if you want to change appearance and behavior of all instances.
I'm using Django 1.9 and Bootstrap v3.3.1 and I've just tried the example using a CharField in a form like this and worked!

class SearchElementForm(forms.Form):
    q = forms.CharField(label='Search', max_length=30, widget=forms.TextInput(attrs={'size': '40'}))

I wasn't using the size attribute at all but when I tried, it was displayed with a different size every time I changed the size.



Mar 6, 2015, 11:40:11 PM3/6/15
to django...@googlegroups.com

On 03/06/2015 12:28 PM, felix wrote:
> I'm using Django 1.9 and Bootstrap v3.3.1
I did know there was a Django 1.9????

I tried several ways but whatever I was doing the form field size did
not change for me. But I started using crispy-forms and using their
layout stuff allowed everything I needed. That said, I could be the
real issue as I'm not best python programmer and worse with html and

BTW my comment was about how the doc's did not really help me. I think
a person can say - that something I did in some of area was the cause of
the issue and I wouldn't open my mouth. Yet, when reviewing the doc's I
got a very different impression of what was available for me to do with
generic Django forms.



Mar 7, 2015, 1:01:08 AM3/7/15
to django...@googlegroups.com
Hello everyone:

you may have your own opinions, i read the letters all above , the point of why i think the form of django is hard to use  is that the form do 2 kinds of things , first is to build html , secnod is to validate , i never build html in backend it is not good practice , and i really only need to validate input nothing else , form did not support easy validate method, such as when i use django form to validate my form , then i got a error message , i only want a plain text messge , but use the  as_text() method then , i found a * in the string ,  i need to slice the string , i thought what happend to django form , i cant understand the point what the author thought.

every key to every locked *DREAM* ....................

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