Hi all,
i am new in django, and i want to deploy my application.
i create a package via setuptools.
in my prod server i create myvirtualenv where i installed my new package.
i also installed supêrvisor and i configured it.
i tried to use gunicorn, i install it and when i run : gunicorn_django --bind localhost:8001
there is an error with rpc4django:
File "/home/zzarkouna/.virtualenvs/DEP/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/rpc4django/rpcdispatcher.py", line 350, in register_rpcmethods
app = __import__(appname, globals(), locals(), ['*'])
but when i run it normally : Myproject_admin runserver 8001 ---> everything is OK!
My second prob is how to configure apache with my application package?
Any idea??