Django Weekend Cardiff

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Daniele Procida

Nov 13, 2013, 11:11:27 PM11/13/13
(With apologies if you have already seen this on another email list or newsgroup.)

The UK's first-ever Django conference will take place on the 7th-9th February 2014 in Cardiff, Wales.


The programme for the event:

Friday: tutorials and demonstrations (also open to the public)
Saturday: talks
Sunday: code sprints and clinics

The conference is Django-focused, but all of all aspects of Python fall within its remit - particularly in the tutorials and workshops.

A venue has been booked at Cardiff University.

Registration and ticket sales will open soon, as well as a call for papers.

To be a success, the conference needs the support of:

* people in Wales, the UK and beyond who will participate as attendees or volunteers
* speakers who'd like to give talks or conduct tutorials
* organisations locally and internationally willing to provide sponsorship or other support

If you can offer support, please get in touch.

One of the aims of the conference is to establish it as an annual event that will raise the profile in Wales of open-source software in general and Python in particular, and also bolster the local open-source software community here.

Above all, however, the intention is to establish the Django Weekend in Cardiff as a meaningful and enjoyable date in the Django/Python calendar.

We'll publish updates on our website, our Twitter account <> and elsewhere as appropriate.


Tom Christie

Nov 14, 2013, 4:30:39 PM11/14/13
Thanks for that Daniele - will be looking forward to that.
Will make sure to promote it at the next Brighton and London meetups, and I'd probably be interested in talking and/or giving a tutorial.
What's the best forum for staying in the loop re. conf organization?



Daniele Procida

Dec 16, 2013, 8:07:49 AM12/16/13
On Wed, Nov 13, 2013, Daniele Procida <> wrote:

>The UK's first-ever Django conference will take place on the 7th-9th
>February 2014 in Cardiff, Wales.
>The programme for the event:
>Friday: tutorials and demonstrations (also open to the public)
>Saturday: talks
>Sunday: code sprints and clinics
>The conference is Django-focused, but all of all aspects of Python fall
>within its remit - particularly in the tutorials and workshops.

Tickets are on sale (the £50 early-bird tickets are nearly sold out).

Tickets include meals and refreshments as well as other conference goodies.

We're accepting proposals for talks and tutorials. There'll be lightning talks too. We want a wide range of talks, so don't hestitate to submit a proposal.

We have a number of tutorials already confirmed:

* Test-driven development
* Building asynchronous applications with Tornado and Django
* Getting started as a contributor to open-source projects

One of the aims of this conference is to create a big Django/Python/open-source software splash in Wales. Through our open-day activities we'll be showcasing Django and Python to local government and business, university researchers and students, local software developers and school teachers and pupils.

If you can put on a tutorial or demonstration that shows the power of Python/Django to one of these audiences, please drop us a line.

A number of Django core developers are already attending, and we hope more will confirm soon. They'll be there at the sprints and code clinics.

There are also several of super Django-using companies sponsoring the event.

There's information on international travel to Cardiff, discounted conference accommodation and other things to do while you're here all on our website: <>.

We hope to see you in Cardiff in February!


Daniele Procida

Dec 20, 2013, 9:07:21 AM12/20/13
to Django Users
As you may already be aware, tickets for Django Weekend Cardiff <> sold out in three weeks.

If you were hoping to attend, please add your name to the waitlist as soon as possible:


We know a lot of people are disappointed, and we are considering our options for moving the event to a larger venue.

This is going to involve quite a lot of extra work, and it has budget implications too.

The more people who have signed up to the waitlist, the stronger the case for we have for doing that.

Another way to help make it easier for us is to step forward as a sponsor. Our sponsors are not a luxury or an extra, they are making the event possible.

To give you an idea of what sponsorship means:

ticket price: £60
cost of meals and refreshments per attendee: considerably more than £60

In short, more attendees requires more sponsorship in order to maintain the same quality of experience.

Please keep an eye on our website for updates.

Many thanks for all the interest and support for this event from around the world.


Tom Lockhart

Dec 20, 2013, 5:01:47 PM12/20/13

On 2013-12-20, at 1:07 AM, "Daniele Procida" <> wrote:

As you may already be aware, tickets for Django Weekend Cardiff <> sold out in three weeks.

Congratulations Daniele!

Tom Lockhart

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