Making a scheduling app/programm for recurring treatment

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Nithin Bhaskar

Oct 30, 2019, 7:09:25 AM10/30/19
to Django users
I am trying to make a scheduling app/program for recurring for patients requiring treatments daily (5 days a week) for about 6-7 weeks.

Scheduling has to happen for 6-7 rooms with each room accommodating 50 patients each per day, and each treatment slot extending anywhere between 20-40min (based on the site and type of treatment)

My idea is to have the following data in the front end:
  1. patient name
  2. Hospital ID
  3. Site of treatment
  4. modality of treatment
  5. Expected starting date
  6. No of fractions (no. of recurrences)
Based on the data on 3-6 above, the room has to be allotted for the patient and also further booking for the next 6-7weeks (based on the no. of fractions) has to be blocked for him [except on saturdays and sundays] against his name and ID.

I am completely new to django and python and don't have a background in programming
I have taught myself a bit of python and django and use PyCharm

Kindly help me out


Kasper Laudrup

Oct 30, 2019, 9:29:50 AM10/30/19
Hi Nithin,

On 30/10/2019 08.19, Nithin Bhaskar wrote:
> I am completely new to django and python and don't have a background in
> programming
> I have taught myself a bit of python and django and use PyCharm
> Kindly help me out

What exactly do you need help with? What have you done so far? Where are
you stuck?

You need to be more specific.

Kind regards,

Kasper Laudrup

Nithin Bhaskar

Oct 30, 2019, 10:05:28 AM10/30/19
Well to be frank, I am stuck right at the beginning itself.

I am working in a public sector with limiter resources and a huge patient load and almost no funding. I was thinking of making patient scheduling a bit manageable and easy in my hospital.

I have not yet figured out how to go about with it. I know its too naive, but i could really use some help starting from the core basics. I have just made an app called scheduler1.
1. How do i progam treatments in the  7 scheduling rooms and block them for the next 7 weeks.
2. Certain procedures are done only in room 1 and 2. So in option 4 (modality of treatment), if i have chosen them, the patients have to be scheduled in these rooms.

But before this, I need to start with the basic layout of the app.

I understand that you may find it similar to teaching a kindergarten kid, but I would be really grateful if you could help me put

Thanking you


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Uzama Zaid Mohammed Jaward

Oct 30, 2019, 12:44:24 PM10/30/19
I think you don’t get any answer for these like questions in here. This is a forum to discuss about Django and Support. First you have to design the system. Then onwards you can use Django. You might get answer for this if you will post this in stack overflow 

Motaz Hejaze

Oct 30, 2019, 1:06:25 PM10/30/19
I can cooperate with you .. 
Talk to me on skype : m3tz-hjze

Nithin Bhaskar

Oct 31, 2019, 12:12:31 AM10/31/19
What would be the right time to call you?

Motaz Hejaze

Oct 31, 2019, 3:15:25 AM10/31/19
Any time , send me a text message at first

Nithin Bhaskar

Nov 1, 2019, 10:15:04 AM11/1/19

I have send you a request. I think the name may appear as 'Charu'
Do let me know when you are free


Amitesh Sahay

Nov 1, 2019, 10:58:27 PM11/1/19
Hello Nitin,

First of all, you start with the following basics:

-  Install Django, database(if you do not wish to use the default one)
-  Register the Database to you Django project inside
-  a Django project.
-  create an APP.
-  register the APP in
-  create an under the APP.
-  create a templates folder under your ROOT_DIR(project level).
-  create a static folder inside your APP.
-  Decided on the HTML Layout that you would like to have for your pages.There are lots of ready-     made HTML templates available on various online websites, you can use them if you do not wish to     create on your own. If you have knowledge about creating front-end pages then I would     recommend you start on your own, that way you would know what is where.
-  start creating HTML pages inside the templates folder.
-  under the static folder create sub directories(CSS, js, media).

Once you are done with the front-end , now return to back-end logic.

-  Decide on the types of form fields that you need to have in your APP.
-  Now manually write down the fields name on a piece of paper and make their entry in the I am assuming that you know how to create models.

The list will go on, but start with the above, and then ask questions on the advanced part. You will face lots of issues while working on the above points itself.

For basic configuration, you can follow my project that I have on git-hub, below is the link

Do not try to understand the advance part of the project, just see how the project skeleton is developed, I am sure you will get lots of good information.


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