Newbie question about Django and Python versions.

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Andrey Consalter

Sep 8, 2014, 8:30:55 PM9/8/14
Hi there,

I've been studying programming with Python 2.7 and Django 1.6, and a few days ago Django 1.7 was release and with it, the new tutorial that I had just started.
What you guys would recommend? Keep working with my current environment or update it?
How this updates work? How "deep" are they?
Would a project/app wrote with previous versions still work with the new ones?

Thanks in advance!

Michael A. Martin

Sep 9, 2014, 12:53:38 AM9/9/14
Is anyone else trying out 1.7? I do a jython runserver 8080 and then it seems to want to render but isn't. 
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Russell Keith-Magee

Sep 9, 2014, 1:56:09 AM9/9/14
to Django Users
Hi Andrey,

On Tue, Sep 9, 2014 at 4:30 AM, Andrey Consalter <> wrote:
Hi there,

I've been studying programming with Python 2.7 and Django 1.6, and a few days ago Django 1.7 was release and with it, the new tutorial that I had just started.
What you guys would recommend? Keep working with my current environment or update it?

If you're just starting out - still at the stage of running the tutorial, then you won't lose much by starting again - but you also won't lose much by finishing the tutorial on the version you started with. 1.7 introduced a couple of small changes to the tutorial, so if you ran the tutorial a second time (this time with 1.7), you'd probably spot a couple of minor changes in the commands you need to issue; but the code itself will be almost exactly the same.
How this updates work? How "deep" are they?

1.7 is a fairly big release, but if you're at the tutorial stage, you should be able to just update Django without too much difficulty.
Would a project/app wrote with previous versions still work with the new ones?
Broadly speaking, yes - Django has a very strong backwards compatibility policy, so code written for one version will generally work with the next version. If something is introduced that isn't backwards compatible, we introduce it softly over a couple of releases, and your code will spit out lots of warnings telling you what needs to be updated.

Russ Magee %-)

Michael A. Martin

Sep 9, 2014, 2:10:03 AM9/9/14
Has anyone had issues with the server in 1.7 running dog slow or not at all? I was using a beta version of 1.7 and the server ran on top of jython with no issue. The only thing that was failing was migrations. Now I do a jython runserver 8080 and the browser seems to not want to render my old apps. Any suggestions?

Andrey Consalter

Sep 9, 2014, 4:16:28 AM9/9/14
Thanks Russ, that clarifies a lot! Nice to see guys like you helping newcomers!
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