Hugo Osvaldo Barrera
unread,Aug 11, 2015, 11:18:17 PM8/11/15Sign in to reply to author
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I've an app where files are uploaded to differente storages:
Certain files uploaded via de the admin are uploaded to S3 (and served
via a CDN) (using a storage from django-storages).
Other files (user-uploaded files), are saved into into our local storage
(using the default FileField storage). These are served by nginx, since
they're usually only served between 0 and 2 times.
In other words, I have:
image = ImageField(
upload_to='media/', height_field='height', width_field='width'
catalog_photo = ImageField(
I also need to show these files in different templates (and need the
admin to show the properly too!).
If I set MEDIA_URL to point to where I upload the first group, them URLs
for the second are broken, and viceversa.
How can I deal with this? Does the field have anything I can set that I
Also, how can I avoid this breaking in the admin, where editing the
template would be quite a bit more effort (that I'd like to avoid)?
Hugo Osvaldo Barrera