Creating the testing db fails (django 1.8.5)

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Uwe Schuerkamp

Oct 14, 2015, 12:34:05 PM10/14/15
to Django users
Hi folks,

this is my first posting in this group, so I'm sorry in advance if I'm breaking any rules or missing some vital information.

My setup: 

Ubuntu Server 14.04.x
Python 2.7.6
Django 1.8.4 (updated to 1.8.5 recently) installed via "pip"
MariaDB 5.5.44

I'm trying to set up a test framework for a little internal project which I've been working on since the Django 1.3 days. I've recently migrated the project to Django 1.8.4/5 via Django 1.7, and everything appears to be working fine. 

Trying to set up a testing framework for the first time to get out of my bad "non-testing" habit and increase the test coverage above "0%" for the first time ever, I've run into a problem when the script tries to create the test database (permissions on the MySQL side are ok, i've tested createdb, dropping, creating and changing tables in the test db manually): 

I've been googling for quite some time and have tried creating the migrations via "--fake-initial", but nothing has helped to work around the problem. 

I've read it could be some foreign key problem (MariaDB 5.5.x backend), but I'm at a loss on how to analyze things further except for randomly reordering my models which seems a bit silly. 8( 

Thanks in advance for any pointers, 


Mike Dewhirst

Oct 15, 2015, 6:59:23 AM10/15/15
On 14/10/2015 11:34 PM, Uwe Schuerkamp wrote:
> Hi folks,
> this is my first posting in this group, so I'm sorry in advance if I'm
> breaking any rules or missing some vital information.
> My setup:Â
> Ubuntu Server 14.04.x
> Python 2.7.6
> Django 1.8.4 (updated to 1.8.5 recently) installed via "pip"
> MariaDB 5.5.44
> I'm trying to set up a test framework for a little internal project
> which I've been working on since the Django 1.3 days. I've recently
> migrated the project to Django 1.8.4/5 via Django 1.7, and everything
> appears to be working fine.Â
> Trying to set up a testing framework for the first time to get out of my
> bad "non-testing" habit and increase the test coverage above "0%" for
> the first time ever, I've run into a problem when the script
> tries to create the test database (permissions on the MySQL side are ok,
> i've tested createdb, dropping, creating and changing tables in the test
> db manually):Â

A quick glance at pastebin indicates the error is a failure to delete
the test database.

Can you manually delete it prior to running the tests? That would skip
the entire section (apparently) which raises the error.


> I've been googling for quite some time and have tried creating the
> migrations via "--fake-initial", but nothing has helped to work around
> the problem.Â
> I've read it could be some foreign key problem (MariaDB 5.5.x backend),
> but I'm at a loss on how to analyze things further except for randomly
> reordering my models which seems a bit silly. 8(Â
> Thanks in advance for any pointers,Â
> Uwe
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Uwe Schuerkamp

Oct 15, 2015, 8:09:39 AM10/15/15
to Django users
Hi Mike,

thanks for your quick reply.

I tried deleting the test database, but that didn't help either (actually I tried this several times before I posted here, I even set up a "fresh" production database  on my test machine and re-imported the live data in order to solve the problem).

All the best, 


Uwe Schuerkamp

Oct 15, 2015, 8:15:12 AM10/15/15
to Django users
Here's some more info in case it helps: 

The " test" call seems to get as far as creating the table "django_migrations", then things break. The production DB has several more tables (25 in all) I'm not seeing in the output below, so I guess this issue must be related to the migrations table in some manner. 

All the best, Uwe

MariaDB [test_club300_owl]> show tables ; 
| Tables_in_test_club300_owl              |
| club300_alert                           |
| club300_area                            |
| club300_bird                            |
| club300_birdcategory                    |
| club300_birdcategory_birdcategory_birds |
| club300_country                         |
| club300_location                        |
| club300_newsitem                        |
| club300_observation                     |
| club300_toplist                         |
| club300_toplist_toplist_birds           |
| club300_userprofile                     |
| django_migrations                       |
13 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Uwe Schuerkamp

Oct 15, 2015, 9:25:52 AM10/15/15
to Django users
I solved it myself... looks like I forgot to create the initial migrations for the app. After running

python makemigrations club300
python migrate --fake-initial

python test club300

appears to work fine. Sorry for the noise & thanks for your help!


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