New Question How to Let a user upload a Video and then show the content on Templates in Django?

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Mar 12, 2018, 7:16:52 PM3/12/18
to Django users
Hi Im not sure if i am the only one in the Django community who has been trying to add this feauture for a couple of years Basically what i want is to let the user upload videos.
I know that you could add the line in your models with a ImageField is that right? 

but then in the template with a 


you could do something like that 

but when i load the page it just does not load the pictures or videos 

any help would be great thanks 


Mar 12, 2018, 7:29:11 PM3/12/18
what use Imagefield?,  you use FileField is you need the user upload a video like mp4. avi, mpg etc.
and in your html use tag <video> for render. {{}}
<video width="320" height="240" controls>
  <source src="{{}}" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.

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Carlos Rocha


Mar 12, 2018, 9:11:35 PM3/12/18
to Django users
Hi Carlos I figured it out actually i put this {{user.profile.vid.url}}

On Monday, March 12, 2018 at 2:29:11 PM UTC-5, sacrac wrote:
what use Imagefield?,  you use FileField is you need the user upload a video like mp4. avi, mpg etc.
and in your html use tag <video> for render. {{}}
<video width="320" height="240" controls>
  <source src="{{}}" type="video/mp4">
Your browser does not support the video tag.

On Mon, Mar 12, 2018 at 1:16 PM, djangorobert <> wrote:
Hi Im not sure if i am the only one in the Django community who has been trying to add this feauture for a couple of years Basically what i want is to let the user upload videos.
I know that you could add the line in your models with a ImageField is that right? 

but then in the template with a 


you could do something like that 

but when i load the page it just does not load the pictures or videos 

any help would be great thanks 

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Carlos Rocha

anuch thakker

Mar 12, 2018, 9:11:40 PM3/12/18
to Django users
try to create one folder "{% static 'your folder name /file name' %}"also create static folder
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