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Ken Smith

Jun 14, 2021, 1:32:51 PM6/14/21
to Django users
I sure hope that somebody can take the time to do this. I'm just wondering one of you brilliant programmers can look at this webpage and tell me where the errors are so that it can be fixed? Apparently the programmers at the website are not as smart as you people are. If someone has the time and inclination to do so with a please go over the code and highlight where the errors are in the corrections necessary in send back to me in a file in response. I would greatly be so happy. Thank you and have a wonderful day.

Kasper Laudrup

Jun 14, 2021, 5:13:18 PM6/14/21
Instead of wasting space on meaningless flattering of the very diverse
members of this list/forum and begin rude to the developers at you would have a much better chance of getting help if you
instead showed that you were willing to do at least a minimal effort

What errors are you talking about and what have you done to try and
solve them?

Just attaching and HTML file and expecting people to fix errors you
cannot even bother to point out is not gonna get you much positive feedback.

Also, how is this related to Django at all?

Finally, are you sure that is OK with you sharing their
copyrighted works without their acceptance?

Kind regards,

Kasper Laudrup


Jacob Greene

Jun 14, 2021, 9:21:42 PM6/14/21
Lol what do you expect anyone to do? You just post some random HTML, zero code, no backtrace, nothing to even indicate there is an issue that someone could solve even IF they were willing... This has nothing to do with Django. I don't understand what you thought was going to happen. This is possibly the dumbest "question" I have ever read. I'd be willing to consult at double my normal hourly rate if you are the point of contact. 

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Ken Smith

Jun 15, 2021, 9:13:57 PM6/15/21
to Django users
There is the issue to solve that is the result of pressing the button to complete your transaction. And it may be dumb because I don't know a damn thing about  django and I assume that I would get an intelligent response on this forum.  This was in fact a sincere request because I know nothing about this code. If I did I would've discovered it myself. I merely had the stupid assumption that someone would actually consider this a challenge. But apparently not even your up to a challenge maybe it's too hard for you. That is coded in django as I understand I may be wrong. I only read what was presented on the error page. If it's not that would you please direct me to what code it could possibly be as I am not a coder in any way shape or form. I stopped even trying long before these new methods of coding came out. I think the last time I tried to write code was in the 1990s. I know there is a solution to my question I just hope there is someone with the intelligence to take on the challenge for me or at least direct me to where I need to go instead of making jokes. Perhaps someone can tell me something about where I need to go or what I need to do there is a lot of money involved in getting this code correct so that I can send the corrected information to the company who owns the webpage. Not everybody here knows how to code some of us are actually wanting some answers to questions that we have. I am by trade an aircraft mechanic. So I can laugh at you if I asked you to go clean the air sock and you don't even know what I'm talking about but I won't because you don't know what I'm talking about. Neither do I know anything about what I presented and I don't pretend to know that's why I asked for some intelligent information. Have a good day regards Ken
2021-06-12 (3).png

Julio Cojom

Jun 15, 2021, 9:39:54 PM6/15/21
Pretty easy to be honest. The web page need an http response and it's give none instead. :) 

If you don't know about the code, maybe you should hire a developer or learn by yourself. 

Ken Smith

Jun 15, 2021, 9:39:59 PM6/15/21
to Django users
Kasper, I am not sure of anything at this point. As for the denigrating of the Safeway programmers this has been going on for quite some time and I have money in that account that I am unable to withdraw because the failure of the page for withdrawal. And no I'm not sure of anything about permissions or anything else I just thought that this would be the place to ask if someone could provide the corrections so that I could send that to the company and have been directed to their programmers and maybe this might actually get things going so that I can withdraw my funds from their. As for flattery certainly most of the members of this former way smarter than I am in this area as I know nothing about the coding that you are involved in. It was not flattery it was merely a statement of fact. If you want to know how to fix airplanes you come to me as I have over 40 years experience in it. However I know nothing about code anymore it is been more than two decades since I even tried to code. And I'm/very aware that things are greatly changed since then. From the response of another member here I'm not even sure if the code is in django. It was merely mentioned on the error page that was presented. If you'll read my most recent post you will see the error page and why I got that assumption. I merely wish to be able to withdraw my money from the website and anything I can do to help their coders to do the job would be worth it to me. As I said to other members I presented this hoping that someone might be interested in taking up the challenge but is as of yet no one on this forum appears to be up to the challenge.

It would be appreciative if anyone here could direct me to somebody who could actually help me with this so that I can present the corrected information to the company so that they may make the corrections necessary and have the page work. One thing I do remember from code it can be very difficult and mistakes can be made on a simple thing that can cause everything not to work. That's why collaboration is often very important when things don't work. As you probably well know.

Have a wonderful day

Ken Smith

Jun 15, 2021, 9:44:26 PM6/15/21
to Django users
jul, thank you so very much for your very simple and honest answer. This was the best response I could have ever received from anyone and I appreciate it. I'm getting a bit old at 66 it seems my brain doesn't work as good as it did even 10 years ago for learning something as difficult as coding. Although your suggestion makes good sense and holds merit. I do thank you for your response. I only ask one more simple thing can you tell me which line of the code the HTTP response is missing from.

Your answer has really opened up my brain to the possibility that the website has left that out on purpose so that members cannot withdraw their money.

Again thank you so very much for your response and have a wonderful day

Nikeet NA

Jun 16, 2021, 2:45:05 AM6/16/21
to Django users

In your withdraw view you have return render this should be missing check inside if statements or inside your custom logic which you have written without seeing the actual code its hard to tell.

Krish M

Jun 16, 2021, 5:02:07 PM6/16/21
to Django users

Base on what you're asking, and from the source code (view-source) & screenshot, I don't think you have access to the right code to make the fix.

Maybe contacting and letting them know their platform has a bug? 

If they are unwilling to fix their backend bug, then there is nothing us here can help with.

I am assuming, if you have access to the backend code (Python, Django) you should hire someone to fix that bug for you, you can point them to Jul response.

Ken Smith

Jun 16, 2021, 5:18:54 PM6/16/21
Thank you very much they are very much aware that there is a problem with that page and and they seemed not be able to fix it for a week's now. I have contacted them time and time again about it. Actually I am beginning to think that they have at that way on purpose of that they don't have to pay out  Is there customers money they just keep getting it in. I take rather that they might be very unscrupulous. Thank you for your input have a great day

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