[Django] #21523: Models DateField to_python method no longer supports mock dates.

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Nov 28, 2013, 10:28:23 AM11/28/13
to django-...@googlegroups.com
#21523: Models DateField to_python method no longer supports mock dates.
Reporter: hugo@… | Owner: nobody
Type: Uncategorized | Status: new
Component: Uncategorized | Version: 1.6
Severity: Normal | Keywords:
Triage Stage: Unreviewed | Has patch: 0
Easy pickings: 0 | UI/UX: 0
In between 1.4 and 1.5 a change was made to
django.db.models.fields.DateField.to_python method that broke the use of
mock dates in unit testing. This makes testing of models with mock dates

The to_python method in the DateField (and DateTimeField) is used to parse
field input into the relevant python type. In the case of a DateField this
involves checking for datetime.date and datetime.datetime types, and in
the event of neither of these matching, it is assumed that the input is a
string and an attempt is made to parse the value.

The parse_date function internally performs a regex match, and therefore
implicitly expects a string argument. If the argument is not a string an
error is raised.

This causes a problem when attempting to mock a date or datetime object
for testing purposes. Using the method described (see
http://bit.ly/1bYLdIC) tests will fail as the FakeDate mock fails all of
the above (it is neither datetime nor date, and is not a string). I have
submitted a question on StackOverflow (see http://bit.ly/187sUU9) which
describes a concrete example.

In Django 1.4.x a mock Date / DateTime object could be used as prior to
the parse_date check a call was made to "django.utils.encoding.smart_str",
which converted the FakeDate to a parseable string.

Steps to reproduce:

Create a model with a DateField
Create a test that saves the model using datetime.date.today() as the
field value (should pass)
Create a second test that uses a FakeDate (see http://bit.ly/1bYLdIC) to
mock the datetime.date and provide a fake today() implementation

This second test should fail with "TypeError: expected string or buffer",
as the FakeDate cannot be parsed.

Repeat this test with the 1.4.x branch - test should pass.

Ticket URL: <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/21523>
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The Web framework for perfectionists with deadlines.


Nov 28, 2013, 10:35:27 AM11/28/13
to django-...@googlegroups.com
#21523: Models DateField to_python method no longer supports mock dates.

Reporter: hugo@… | Owner: nobody
Type: Uncategorized | Status: new
Component: Database layer | Version: 1.6
(models, ORM) | Resolution:
Severity: Normal | Triage Stage:
Keywords: | Unreviewed
Has patch: 0 | Needs documentation: 0
Needs tests: 0 | Patch needs improvement: 0

Easy pickings: 0 | UI/UX: 0
Changes (by hugo@…):

* needs_better_patch: => 0
* component: Uncategorized => Database layer (models, ORM)
* needs_tests: => 0
* needs_docs: => 0

Ticket URL: <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/21523#comment:1>


Nov 28, 2013, 10:37:41 AM11/28/13
to django-...@googlegroups.com
#21523: Models DateField to_python method no longer supports mock dates.

Reporter: hugo@… | Owner: nobody
Type: Uncategorized | Status: new
Component: Database layer | Version: 1.6
(models, ORM) | Resolution:
Severity: Normal | Triage Stage:
Keywords: | Unreviewed
Has patch: 0 | Needs documentation: 0
Needs tests: 0 | Patch needs improvement: 0

Easy pickings: 0 | UI/UX: 0

Comment (by hugo@…):

I haven't written formal tests for this, but initial tests demonstrate
that adding a call to django.utils.encoding.smart_text before attempting
to parse_date will fix this.

Ticket URL: <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/21523#comment:2>


Nov 28, 2013, 11:24:16 AM11/28/13
to django-...@googlegroups.com
#21523: Models DateField to_python method no longer supports mock dates.

Reporter: hugo@… | Owner: nobody
Type: Uncategorized | Status: new
Component: Database layer | Version: 1.6
(models, ORM) | Resolution:
Severity: Normal | Triage Stage:
Keywords: | Unreviewed
Has patch: 0 | Needs documentation: 0
Needs tests: 0 | Patch needs improvement: 0

Easy pickings: 0 | UI/UX: 0

Comment (by hugorodgerbrown):

The commit that removed the smart_str call is [0dc9049] (31-May-2012),
is marked as a fix for another issue (#18407). Commit note below.

Fixed #18407 -- Made model field's to_python methods fully accept unicode.

When generating error message in to_python, any unicode string
containing non-ascii characters triggered a UnicodeEncodeError for
most field types.

Ticket URL: <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/21523#comment:3>


Nov 28, 2013, 12:53:01 PM11/28/13
to django-...@googlegroups.com
#21523: Models DateField to_python method no longer supports mock dates.

Reporter: hugo@… | Owner: nobody
Type: Uncategorized | Status: new
Component: Database layer | Version: 1.6
(models, ORM) | Resolution:
Severity: Normal | Triage Stage:
Keywords: | Unreviewed
Has patch: 0 | Needs documentation: 0
Needs tests: 0 | Patch needs improvement: 0

Easy pickings: 0 | UI/UX: 0

Comment (by hugorodgerbrown):

I have attached a patch for this. It adds a call to smart_text back in to
the DateField and DateTimeField to_python methods. Patch also includes
test for this.

Ticket URL: <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/21523#comment:4>


Nov 28, 2013, 2:03:08 PM11/28/13
to django-...@googlegroups.com
#21523: Models DateField to_python method no longer supports mock dates.

Reporter: hugo@… | Owner: nobody
Type: Uncategorized | Status: new
Component: Database layer | Version: 1.6
(models, ORM) | Resolution:
Severity: Normal | Triage Stage:
Keywords: | Unreviewed
Has patch: 0 | Needs documentation: 0
Needs tests: 0 | Patch needs improvement: 0

Easy pickings: 0 | UI/UX: 0

Comment (by claudep):

The fact that `smart_str`/`smart_text` is fixing this issue is only
accidental. I'm the one who removed the `smart_str` calls and I am
strongly opposed to reintroduce them (and that for a third-party testing
utility). I can admit that this is a typical case where `isinstance` can
be harmful. In your use case, the basic problem is that `isinstance(value,
datetime.date)` returns False when value is mocked.
I'm not sure we should even accept this ticket, but I'd like to hear the
opinion of another core dev.

Ticket URL: <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/21523#comment:5>


Nov 28, 2013, 2:17:09 PM11/28/13
to django-...@googlegroups.com
#21523: Models DateField to_python method no longer supports mock dates.

Reporter: hugo@… | Owner: nobody
Type: Uncategorized | Status: new
Component: Database layer | Version: 1.6
(models, ORM) | Resolution:
Severity: Normal | Triage Stage:
Keywords: | Unreviewed
Has patch: 0 | Needs documentation: 0
Needs tests: 0 | Patch needs improvement: 0

Easy pickings: 0 | UI/UX: 0

Comment (by hugorodgerbrown):

Happy for it to not be accepted (I don't have strong feelings either way
about the fix),
however not being able to mock DateField or DateTimeField values is fairly
for us; our application is very heavily date-dependent, and we need to be
able to
run deterministic date-based tests.

If anyone has any alternative solutions to mocking datetime.date(time)
I'd love to hear about it.

Ticket URL: <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/21523#comment:6>


Nov 28, 2013, 2:28:38 PM11/28/13
to django-...@googlegroups.com
#21523: Models DateField to_python method no longer supports mock dates.

Reporter: hugo@… | Owner: nobody
Type: Uncategorized | Status: new
Component: Database layer | Version: 1.6
(models, ORM) | Resolution:
Severity: Normal | Triage Stage:
Keywords: | Unreviewed
Has patch: 0 | Needs documentation: 0
Needs tests: 0 | Patch needs improvement: 0

Easy pickings: 0 | UI/UX: 0

Comment (by claudep):

One possible fix would be to replace (in `DateField.to_python`) `if
isinstance(value, datetime.datetime)` by `if hasattr(value, 'tzinfo')`,
and similarly replace `if isinstance(value, datetime.date)` by `if
hasattr(value, 'strftime')`, `tzinfo` and `strftime` being only suggestion
of possible attribute testing. This would be more mocking-friendly at
least, and maybe a little more Pythonic.

Ticket URL: <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/21523#comment:7>


Nov 28, 2013, 3:14:38 PM11/28/13
to django-...@googlegroups.com
#21523: Models DateField to_python method no longer supports mock dates.

Reporter: hugo@… | Owner: nobody
Type: Uncategorized | Status: new
Component: Database layer | Version: 1.6
(models, ORM) | Resolution:
Severity: Normal | Triage Stage:
Keywords: | Unreviewed
Has patch: 0 | Needs documentation: 0
Needs tests: 0 | Patch needs improvement: 0

Easy pickings: 0 | UI/UX: 0

Comment (by claudep):

Replying to [comment:6 hugorodgerbrown]:

> If anyone has any alternative solutions to mocking datetime.date(time)
> I'd love to hear about it.

You should generally be able to manually monkeypatch with this pattern:
from datetime import date

def test_something(self):
old_today = date.today
date.today = <your today replacement>
# Your testing code here
date.today = old_today

Ticket URL: <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/21523#comment:8>


Nov 28, 2013, 10:03:46 PM11/28/13
to django-...@googlegroups.com
#21523: Models DateField to_python method no longer supports mock dates.

Reporter: hugo@… | Owner: nobody
Type: Uncategorized | Status: new
Component: Database layer | Version: 1.6
(models, ORM) | Resolution:
Severity: Normal | Triage Stage:
Keywords: | Unreviewed
Has patch: 0 | Needs documentation: 0
Needs tests: 0 | Patch needs improvement: 0

Easy pickings: 0 | UI/UX: 0

Comment (by charettes):

I'm not sure of the actual issue here?

import datetime
from django.db import models

class FakeDate(datetime.date):
def today(cls):
return cls(2000, 1, 1)

assert models.DateField().to_python(FakeDate.today()) ==
datetime.date(2000, 1, 1)

Ticket URL: <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/21523#comment:9>


Nov 28, 2013, 10:23:31 PM11/28/13
to django-...@googlegroups.com
#21523: Models DateField to_python method no longer supports mock dates.

Reporter: hugo@… | Owner: nobody
Type: Uncategorized | Status: new
Component: Database layer | Version: 1.6
(models, ORM) | Resolution:
Severity: Normal | Triage Stage:
Keywords: | Unreviewed
Has patch: 0 | Needs documentation: 0
Needs tests: 0 | Patch needs improvement: 0

Easy pickings: 0 | UI/UX: 0

Comment (by charettes):

> If anyone has any alternative solutions to mocking datetime.date(time)
> I'd love to hear about it.

You should be able to decorate your test methods with `@today(2000, 1, 1)`
using the following class:

import datetime
from functools import wraps

class today(object):
def __init__(*args):
mocked_today = datetime.date(*args)
self.mocked_date_cls = type(
'mocked_date_cls', (datetime.date,),
{'today': staticmethod(lambda: mocked_today)}

def __call__(func):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
with mock.patch('datetime.date', self.mocked_date_cls):
return func(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper

Ticket URL: <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/21523#comment:10>


Nov 29, 2013, 6:12:24 AM11/29/13
to django-...@googlegroups.com
#21523: Models DateField to_python method no longer supports mock dates.

Reporter: hugo@… | Owner: nobody
Type: Uncategorized | Status: new
Component: Database layer | Version: 1.6
(models, ORM) | Resolution:
Severity: Normal | Triage Stage:
Keywords: | Unreviewed
Has patch: 0 | Needs documentation: 0
Needs tests: 0 | Patch needs improvement: 0

Easy pickings: 0 | UI/UX: 0

Comment (by hugorodgerbrown):

Replying to [comment:10 charettes]:

> > If anyone has any alternative solutions to mocking datetime.date(time)
> > I'd love to hear about it.
> You should be able to decorate your test methods with `@today(2000, 1,
1)` using the following class:
> {{{#!python
> import datetime
> from functools import wraps
> class today(object):
> def __init__(*args):
> mocked_today = datetime.date(*args)
> self.mocked_date_cls = type(
> 'mocked_date_cls', (datetime.date,),
> {'today': staticmethod(lambda: mocked_today)}
> )
> def __call__(func):
> @wraps(func)
> def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
> with mock.patch('datetime.date', self.mocked_date_cls):
> return func(*args, **kwargs)
> return wrapper
> }}}

Thanks for this - unfortunately this appears to have reversed the issue.
The tests still fail on the `isinstance(value, datetime.date)` call inside

> /django/db/models/fields/__init__.py(698)to_python()
--> 698 try:
699 parsed = parse_date(value)

ipdb> value
datetime.date(2012, 12, 7)
ipdb> isinstance(value, datetime.date)
ipdb> type(value)
<type 'datetime.date'>
ipdb> dt = datetime.date(2012, 12, 7)
ipdb> dt
mocked_date_cls(2012, 12, 7)

Ticket URL: <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/21523#comment:11>


Nov 29, 2013, 6:17:52 AM11/29/13
to django-...@googlegroups.com
#21523: Models DateField to_python method no longer supports mock dates.

Reporter: hugo@… | Owner: nobody
Type: Uncategorized | Status: new
Component: Database layer | Version: 1.6
(models, ORM) | Resolution:
Severity: Normal | Triage Stage:
Keywords: | Unreviewed
Has patch: 0 | Needs documentation: 0
Needs tests: 0 | Patch needs improvement: 0

Easy pickings: 0 | UI/UX: 0

Comment (by hugorodgerbrown):

Replying to [comment:9 charettes]:

> I'm not sure of the actual issue here?
> {{{
> #!python
> import datetime
> from django.db import models
> class FakeDate(datetime.date):
> @classmethod
> def today(cls):
> return cls(2000, 1, 1)
> assert models.DateField().to_python(FakeDate.today()) ==
datetime.date(2000, 1, 1)
> }}}

Hi there - this code works fine - but the problem appears when using it
within a test / mock scenario, as mocking the datetime.date affects the
`datetime.date(2000, 1, 1)` expression also (i.e. it returns a mock, not a
genuine date).

Ticket URL: <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/21523#comment:12>


Nov 29, 2013, 10:15:31 AM11/29/13
to django-...@googlegroups.com
#21523: Models DateField to_python method no longer supports mock dates.

Reporter: hugo@… | Owner: nobody
Type: Uncategorized | Status: new
Component: Database layer | Version: 1.6
(models, ORM) | Resolution:
Severity: Normal | Triage Stage:
Keywords: | Unreviewed
Has patch: 0 | Needs documentation: 0
Needs tests: 0 | Patch needs improvement: 0

Easy pickings: 0 | UI/UX: 0
Changes (by charettes):

* cc: charettes (added)

Ticket URL: <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/21523#comment:13>


Nov 29, 2013, 11:42:27 AM11/29/13
to django-...@googlegroups.com
#21523: Models DateField to_python method no longer supports mock dates.

Reporter: hugo@… | Owner: nobody
Type: Uncategorized | Status: new
Component: Database layer | Version: 1.6
(models, ORM) | Resolution:
Severity: Normal | Triage Stage:
Keywords: | Unreviewed
Has patch: 0 | Needs documentation: 0
Needs tests: 0 | Patch needs improvement: 0

Easy pickings: 0 | UI/UX: 0

Comment (by hugorodgerbrown):

I've gone down a bit of a rabbit hole on this one - in principle mocking
can work if you can trap every single instance where a date is created -
so not just `init` and `today()`, but also operators (as adding timedeltas
to dates creates a 'real' date as opposed to the mock), parsing dates
using datetime.datetime.strptime (as it exists on a
django.forms.DateField), etc.

I'm prepared to side with claudep on this that the removal of smart_str
may have simply thrown light on an existing issue of mocking complexity
rather than a bug per se, and that therefore this doesn't merit
acceptance. That said, the `hasattr` suggestion (rather that `isinstance`)
would certainly make life easier.

Ticket URL: <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/21523#comment:14>


Nov 30, 2013, 8:31:10 AM11/30/13
to django-...@googlegroups.com
#21523: Models DateField to_python method no longer supports mock dates.

Reporter: hugo@… | Owner: nobody
Type: Uncategorized | Status: new
Component: Database layer | Version: 1.6
(models, ORM) | Resolution:
Severity: Normal | Triage Stage:
Keywords: | Unreviewed
Has patch: 0 | Needs documentation: 0
Needs tests: 0 | Patch needs improvement: 0

Easy pickings: 0 | UI/UX: 0

Comment (by hugorodgerbrown):

OK - I've found a workaround to my specific issue (overriding the
__instancecheck__ so that real date objects return True to the
isinstance(value, datetime.date) check when datetime.date is mocked out),
but this feels like an even bigger hack that my original one. That said,
I'm happy to drop this issue if people think it's invalid.

Ticket URL: <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/21523#comment:15>


Nov 30, 2013, 8:42:34 AM11/30/13
to django-...@googlegroups.com
#21523: Models DateField to_python method no longer supports mock dates.

Reporter: hugo@… | Owner: nobody
Type: Uncategorized | Status: new
Component: Database layer | Version: 1.6
(models, ORM) | Resolution:
Severity: Normal | Triage Stage:
Keywords: | Unreviewed
Has patch: 0 | Needs documentation: 0
Needs tests: 0 | Patch needs improvement: 0

Easy pickings: 0 | UI/UX: 0

Comment (by aaugustin):

`__isinstancecheck__` is indeed designed for this purpose.

Ticket URL: <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/21523#comment:16>


Dec 2, 2013, 8:36:57 AM12/2/13
to django-...@googlegroups.com
#21523: Models DateField to_python method no longer supports mock dates.

Reporter: hugo@… | Owner: nobody
Type: Uncategorized | Status: new
Component: Database layer | Version: 1.6
(models, ORM) | Resolution:
Severity: Normal | Triage Stage: Accepted
Keywords: | Needs documentation: 0
Has patch: 0 | Patch needs improvement: 0
Needs tests: 0 | UI/UX: 0
Easy pickings: 0 |
Changes (by aaugustin):

* stage: Unreviewed => Accepted


I took more time to think about this issue today. `to_python` methods are
highly sensitive and we shouldn't change them lightly.

The real question is the contract of the `to_python` method:

- Should it accept ''anything'' and never crash?
- Should it guarantee that its result is a suitable Python value for the

Of course these are incompatible goals. Taking them to the extreme, the
former means that `to_python` should return unknown types (such as mocks)
unchanged and hope duck-typing does the rest; the latter that it should
reject them like it currently does.

At this point, restoring a call to `str` and adding tests starts looking
like a good compromise. A date-like object is likely to have an
unambiguous string representation in the YYYY-MM-DD format.

If we're specifically thinking about mocks, `__isinstancecheck__` is the
answer because it's the way to declare "I pretend I'm this other class".
But if we're also thinking about date-like objects provided by arbitrary
libraries, it makes more sense to rely on `__str__` than

Over the years, Django has moved towards more type safety (and I'm partly
responsible for that). For instance it's less forgiving when you mix dates
and datetimes. But in this case I believe the robustness principle trumps
our (my?) desire for correctness.

Ticket URL: <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/21523#comment:17>


Dec 4, 2013, 10:07:21 AM12/4/13
to django-...@googlegroups.com
#21523: Models DateField to_python method no longer supports mock dates.

Reporter: hugo@… | Owner: nobody
Type: Uncategorized | Status: new
Component: Database layer | Version: 1.6
(models, ORM) | Resolution:
Severity: Normal | Triage Stage: Accepted
Keywords: | Needs documentation: 0
Has patch: 0 | Patch needs improvement: 0
Needs tests: 0 | UI/UX: 0
Easy pickings: 0 |

Comment (by hugorodgerbrown):

I've submitted a PR for this (https://github.com/django/django/pull/2026)
- but I've gone off message slightly in using `hasattr(value,
'isoformat')` instead of `tzinfo` or `strftime` as suggested above.

This way, we maintain the `isinstance(value, datetime.datetime)` and
`isinstance(value, datetime.date)` checks as-is, but if the object fails
both of those, and has an `isoformat`atribute it gets converted into a
string and then parsed using `parse_date` as currently happens. Using
`isoformat` instead of `str` or `smart_str` seems tighter, as if an object
has such an attribute it's a reasonable assumption to assume that it
thinks it's a date (as opposed to `str`).

Ticket URL: <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/21523#comment:18>


Dec 8, 2013, 4:00:46 AM12/8/13
to django-...@googlegroups.com
#21523: Models DateField to_python method no longer supports mock dates.

Reporter: hugo@… | Owner: nobody
Type: Uncategorized | Status: new
Component: Database layer | Version: 1.6
(models, ORM) | Resolution:
Severity: Normal | Triage Stage: Accepted
Keywords: | Needs documentation: 0
Has patch: 0 | Patch needs improvement: 0
Needs tests: 0 | UI/UX: 0
Easy pickings: 0 |

Comment (by aaugustin):

#21577 was a duplicate.

Ticket URL: <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/21523#comment:19>


Jan 27, 2014, 1:00:56 PM1/27/14
to django-...@googlegroups.com
#21523: Models DateField to_python method no longer supports mock dates.
Reporter: hugo@… | Owner: nobody
Type: | Status: new
Cleanup/optimization | Version: 1.6
Component: Database layer | Resolution:
(models, ORM) | Triage Stage: Accepted
Severity: Normal | Needs documentation: 0
Keywords: | Patch needs improvement: 0
Has patch: 0 | UI/UX: 0
Needs tests: 0 |
Easy pickings: 0 |
Changes (by carljm):

* type: Uncategorized => Cleanup/optimization

Ticket URL: <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/21523#comment:20>


Aug 13, 2014, 9:19:17 PM8/13/14
to django-...@googlegroups.com
#21523: Models DateField to_python method no longer supports mock dates.
Reporter: hugo@… | Owner: nobody

Type: | Status: new
Cleanup/optimization | Version: 1.6
Component: Database layer | Resolution:
(models, ORM) | Triage Stage: Accepted
Severity: Normal | Needs documentation: 0
Keywords: | Patch needs improvement: 0
Has patch: 1 | UI/UX: 0

Needs tests: 0 |
Easy pickings: 0 |
Changes (by timgraham):

* has_patch: 0 => 1

Ticket URL: <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/21523#comment:21>


Aug 13, 2014, 9:50:42 PM8/13/14
to django-...@googlegroups.com
#21523: Models DateField to_python method no longer supports mock dates.
Reporter: hugo@… | Owner: nobody

Type: | Status: new
Cleanup/optimization | Version: 1.6
Component: Database layer | Resolution:
(models, ORM) | Triage Stage: Accepted
Severity: Normal | Needs documentation: 0
Keywords: | Patch needs improvement: 1

Has patch: 1 | UI/UX: 0
Needs tests: 0 |
Easy pickings: 0 |
Changes (by timgraham):

* needs_better_patch: 0 => 1


The latest [https://github.com/django/django/pull/2027 PR] uses the mock
library which I don't think we want. Not sure of the merits of the patch
and this idea is probably outside the scope of this ticket, but I wonder
if it might be worth vendoring `unittest.mock` from Python 3.3+ so we can
use it in our tests and have 2.7/3.2 support.

Ticket URL: <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/21523#comment:22>


Aug 14, 2014, 5:14:40 AM8/14/14
to django-...@googlegroups.com
#21523: Models DateField to_python method no longer supports mock dates.
Reporter: hugo@… | Owner: nobody

Type: | Status: new
Cleanup/optimization | Version: 1.6
Component: Database layer | Resolution:
(models, ORM) | Triage Stage: Accepted
Severity: Normal | Needs documentation: 0
Keywords: | Patch needs improvement: 1
Has patch: 1 | UI/UX: 0
Needs tests: 0 |
Easy pickings: 0 |

Comment (by claudep):

I've created the ticket #23289 to discuss `mock` availability in the test

Ticket URL: <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/21523#comment:23>


Dec 26, 2014, 1:54:09 PM12/26/14
to django-...@googlegroups.com
#21523: Models DateField to_python method no longer supports mock dates.
Reporter: hugo@… | Owner: nobody
Type: | Status: new
Cleanup/optimization |

Component: Database layer | Version: 1.6
(models, ORM) |
Severity: Normal | Resolution:
Keywords: | Triage Stage: Accepted
Has patch: 1 | Needs documentation: 0
Needs tests: 0 | Patch needs improvement: 0

Easy pickings: 0 | UI/UX: 0
Changes (by timgraham):

* needs_better_patch: 1 => 0

Ticket URL: <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/21523#comment:24>


Mar 7, 2015, 6:08:08 AM3/7/15
to django-...@googlegroups.com
#21523: Models DateField to_python method no longer supports mock dates.
Reporter: hugo@… | Owner: auvipy
Type: | Status: assigned

Cleanup/optimization |
Component: Database layer | Version: 1.6
(models, ORM) |
Severity: Normal | Resolution:
Keywords: | Triage Stage: Accepted
Has patch: 1 | Needs documentation: 0
Needs tests: 0 | Patch needs improvement: 0

Easy pickings: 0 | UI/UX: 0
Changes (by auvipy):

* owner: nobody => auvipy
* status: new => assigned

Ticket URL: <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/21523#comment:25>


Mar 30, 2015, 11:00:00 AM3/30/15
to django-...@googlegroups.com
#21523: Models DateField to_python method no longer supports mock dates.
Reporter: hugo@… | Owner: auvipy
Type: | Status: assigned
Cleanup/optimization |
Component: Database layer | Version: 1.6
(models, ORM) |
Severity: Normal | Resolution:
Keywords: | Triage Stage: Accepted
Has patch: 1 | Needs documentation: 0
Needs tests: 0 | Patch needs improvement: 1

Easy pickings: 0 | UI/UX: 0
Changes (by timgraham):

* needs_better_patch: 0 => 1


Reviewed the PR.

Ticket URL: <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/21523#comment:26>


Nov 18, 2015, 7:23:41 AM11/18/15
to django-...@googlegroups.com
#21523: Models DateField to_python method no longer supports mock dates.
Reporter: hugo@… | Owner:
Type: | Status: new

Cleanup/optimization |
Component: Database layer | Version: 1.6
(models, ORM) |
Severity: Normal | Resolution:
Keywords: | Triage Stage: Accepted
Has patch: 1 | Needs documentation: 0
Needs tests: 0 | Patch needs improvement: 1
Easy pickings: 0 | UI/UX: 0
Changes (by auvipy):

* owner: auvipy =>
* status: assigned => new

Ticket URL: <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/21523#comment:27>


Apr 16, 2016, 2:02:22 PM4/16/16
to django-...@googlegroups.com
#21523: Models DateField to_python method no longer supports mock dates.
Reporter: hugo@… | Owner: akki
Type: | Status: assigned

Cleanup/optimization |
Component: Database layer | Version: 1.6
(models, ORM) |
Severity: Normal | Resolution:
Keywords: | Triage Stage: Accepted
Has patch: 1 | Needs documentation: 0
Needs tests: 0 | Patch needs improvement: 1
Easy pickings: 0 | UI/UX: 0
Changes (by akki):

* owner: => akki

* status: new => assigned

Ticket URL: <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/21523#comment:28>


Apr 16, 2016, 7:16:05 PM4/16/16
to django-...@googlegroups.com
#21523: Models DateField to_python method no longer supports mock dates.
Reporter: hugo@… | Owner: akki
Type: | Status: assigned
Cleanup/optimization |
Component: Database layer | Version: 1.6
(models, ORM) |
Severity: Normal | Resolution:
Keywords: | Triage Stage: Accepted
Has patch: 1 | Needs documentation: 0
Needs tests: 0 | Patch needs improvement: 0

Easy pickings: 0 | UI/UX: 0
Changes (by akki):

* needs_better_patch: 1 => 0


PR: https://github.com/django/django/pull/6468

Ticket URL: <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/21523#comment:29>


Apr 18, 2016, 4:19:57 AM4/18/16
to django-...@googlegroups.com
#21523: Models DateField to_python method no longer supports mock dates.
Reporter: hugo@… | Owner: akki
Type: | Status: assigned
Cleanup/optimization |
Component: Database layer | Version: 1.6
(models, ORM) |
Severity: Normal | Resolution:
Keywords: | Triage Stage: Accepted
Has patch: 1 | Needs documentation: 0
Needs tests: 0 | Patch needs improvement: 0
Easy pickings: 0 | UI/UX: 0

Comment (by claudep):

@akki Could you also explore the duck-typing strategy? See

Ticket URL: <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/21523#comment:30>


Apr 18, 2016, 11:58:38 AM4/18/16
to django-...@googlegroups.com
#21523: Models DateField to_python method no longer supports mock dates.
Reporter: hugo@… | Owner: akki
Type: | Status: assigned
Cleanup/optimization |
Component: Database layer | Version: 1.6
(models, ORM) |
Severity: Normal | Resolution:
Keywords: | Triage Stage: Accepted
Has patch: 1 | Needs documentation: 0
Needs tests: 0 | Patch needs improvement: 1

Easy pickings: 0 | UI/UX: 0
Changes (by timgraham):

* needs_better_patch: 0 => 1

Ticket URL: <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/21523#comment:31>


May 10, 2016, 1:03:39 PM5/10/16
to django-...@googlegroups.com
#21523: Models DateField to_python method no longer supports mock dates.
Reporter: hugo@… | Owner: akki
Type: | Status: assigned
Cleanup/optimization |
Component: Database layer | Version: 1.6
(models, ORM) |
Severity: Normal | Resolution:
Keywords: | Triage Stage: Accepted
Has patch: 1 | Needs documentation: 0
Needs tests: 0 | Patch needs improvement: 1
Easy pickings: 0 | UI/UX: 0

Comment (by akki):

@claudep I have updated my [https://github.com/django/django/pull/6468
PR]. Please see if that agrees with what you were looking for.

Ticket URL: <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/21523#comment:32>


May 14, 2016, 3:20:33 AM5/14/16
to django-...@googlegroups.com
#21523: Models DateField to_python method no longer supports mock dates.
Reporter: hugo@… | Owner: akki
Type: | Status: assigned
Cleanup/optimization |
Component: Database layer | Version: 1.6
(models, ORM) |
Severity: Normal | Resolution:
Keywords: | Triage Stage: Accepted
Has patch: 1 | Needs documentation: 0
Needs tests: 0 | Patch needs improvement: 0

Easy pickings: 0 | UI/UX: 0
Changes (by claudep):

* needs_better_patch: 1 => 0

Ticket URL: <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/21523#comment:33>


Jun 2, 2016, 8:17:48 PM6/2/16
to django-...@googlegroups.com
#21523: Models DateField to_python method no longer supports mock dates.
Reporter: hugo@… | Owner: akki
Type: | Status: assigned
Cleanup/optimization |
Component: Database layer | Version: 1.6
(models, ORM) |
Severity: Normal | Resolution:
Keywords: | Triage Stage: Ready for
| checkin

Has patch: 1 | Needs documentation: 0
Needs tests: 0 | Patch needs improvement: 0
Easy pickings: 0 | UI/UX: 0
Changes (by phildini):

* stage: Accepted => Ready for checkin


The patch looks good, is documented, and has tests.

Ticket URL: <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/21523#comment:34>


Jun 3, 2016, 8:39:42 AM6/3/16
to django-...@googlegroups.com
#21523: Models DateField to_python method no longer supports mock dates.
Reporter: hugo@… | Owner: akki
Type: | Status: assigned
Cleanup/optimization |
Component: Database layer | Version: 1.6
(models, ORM) |
Severity: Normal | Resolution:
Keywords: | Triage Stage: Accepted

Has patch: 1 | Needs documentation: 0
Needs tests: 0 | Patch needs improvement: 1

Easy pickings: 0 | UI/UX: 0
Changes (by timgraham):

* needs_better_patch: 0 => 1

* stage: Ready for checkin => Accepted


Added some comments for improvement on the PR.

Ticket URL: <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/21523#comment:35>


Jun 30, 2016, 12:34:00 AM6/30/16
to django-...@googlegroups.com
#21523: Models DateField to_python method no longer supports mock dates.
Reporter: hugo@… | Owner:
Type: | Status: new

Cleanup/optimization |
Component: Database layer | Version: 1.6
(models, ORM) |
Severity: Normal | Resolution:
Keywords: | Triage Stage: Accepted
Has patch: 1 | Needs documentation: 0
Needs tests: 0 | Patch needs improvement: 1
Easy pickings: 0 | UI/UX: 0
Changes (by akki):

* owner: akki =>

* status: assigned => new

Ticket URL: <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/21523#comment:36>

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