[Django] #35179: Admindocs omits model methods containing only keyword-only arguments

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9. feb. 2024, 10:43:129. feb.
til django-...@googlegroups.com
#35179: Admindocs omits model methods containing only keyword-only arguments
Reporter: David Sanders | Owner: nobody
Type: Bug | Status: new
Component: contrib.admindocs | Version: 5.0
Severity: Normal | Keywords:
Triage Stage: Unreviewed | Has patch: 0
Needs documentation: 0 | Needs tests: 0
Patch needs improvement: 0 | Easy pickings: 0
UI/UX: 0 |
Given the model:

class Foo(Model):
def arg_and_kwarg_only_method(self, arg, *, kwarg): ...
def kwarg_only_method(self, *, kwarg): ...

The method `arg_and_kwarg_only_method()` will be documented but
`kwarg_only_method()` will be omitted.
Ticket URL: <https://code.djangoproject.com/ticket/35179>
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