While executing a Celery Task , Error Occured: 'AsyncResult' object is not iterable

已查看 521 次

Dilipkumar Noone

2020年4月22日 09:21:112020/4/22
收件人 Django developers (Contributions to Django itself)

I am Using Celery to perform a task in the background on form submission. As soon as form is submitted during POST request, I have created a task to execute in the back ground using delay method. This task processes some click operations on some other web using selenium web driver and return two python lists after task execution. Based on list content I want to display pop up message.

When I execute the task using celery and run the Django web development server on form submit , I am getting error message: 'AsyncResult' object is not iterable”.

Please suggest how to resolve this issue and proceed further.

Here is my code snippet: sample List content which obtained through selenium operations on web page is as shown below:

board_not_used_list = ['16123','14960']
board_mgr_permissions_not_present_list = [ '23456','45678']

    def conclude_key_issue_form(request, id=None):
        if id:
            action = 'edit'
            model = get_object_or_404(ConcludeKeyIssues, pk=id)

            action = 'submit'
            model = ConcludeKeyIssues()

        message = ""   

        if request.method == 'POST':

            form = ConcludeKeyIssuesForm(request.POST, instance=model)

            selected_model_name = request.POST.get('registered_model')      

            if form.is_valid():

                new_key_issue_request = form.save(commit=False)
                new_key_issue_request.integrator_id = request.user.username

                integrator_username = new_key_issue_request.integrator_id
                integrator_password = form.cleaned_data['integrator_pwd']

                new_key_issue_request.integrator_pwd = integrator_password


                created_pk = new_key_issue_request.pk

                if id is None:

            if board_not_used_list and 
                alert_flag = True
                alert_message = "SAS Board ID's:{} in Not Used state."
                context = {'form': form, 'registered_model_data': registered_models,   
                           'alert': alert_flag, 'alert_message': json.dumps(alert_message)}
                return render(request, 'ConcludeKeyIssue.html', context)

            elif not board_not_used_list and board_mgr_permissions_not_present_list:
                alert_flag = True
                alert_message = "You don't have Board Manager Permissions"
                context = {'form': form, 'registered_model_data': registered_models,    
                           'alert': alert_flag, 'alert_message': json.dumps(alert_message)}
                return render(request, 'ConcludeKeyIssue.html', context)

            return HttpResponseRedirect('/swatapp/ConcludeKeyIssueList')

    print("Fill Conclude Key Issues")
    form = ConcludeKeyIssuesForm(instance=model)    

    context = {'form': form,'Message': message, 'action': action}

    return render(request, 'ConcludeKeyIssue.html', context)

def task_check_board_availability_and_permissions(created_pk):
    print("From tasks.py conclude_key_issue_through_selenium")

    print("Conclude Key Issue Through Selenium")

    latest_record_pk = created_pk

    # Get the instances of ConcludeKeyIssues
    conclude_key_issue_obj_list = ConcludeKeyIssues.objects.all()

    # Get the latest created record details
    get_created_record_details = ConcludeKeyIssues.objects.get(pk=latest_record_pk)

    # Get the id or location value of selected from SAS URL
    sas_board_ids = get_created_record_details.sas_ids

    # Get SAS Board IDs in list
    sas_board_ids_list = sas_board_ids.split(",")

    # Input username and password
    username = get_created_record_details.integrator_id
    password = get_created_record_details.integrator_pwd

    board_not_used_list, board_mgr_permissions_not_present_list = \
        check_board_availability_and_permissions_for_all_requested_sas(sas_board_ids_list, username, 

    return board_not_used_list, board_mgr_permissions_not_present_list

CELERY_BROKER_URL = 'amqp://guest:guest@localhost:5672//'

1.Please suggest how to resolve this error and proceed further.

2.How to retrieve the 2 lists [ board_not_used_list,board_mgr_permissions_not_present_list] using celery result.


N.Dilip kumar.

Adam Johnson

2020年4月22日 09:39:492020/4/22
收件人 django-d...@googlegroups.com

I think you've found the wrong mailing list for this post. This mailing list is for discussing the development of Django itself, not for support using Django. This means the discussions of bugs and features in Django itself, rather than in your code using it. People on this list are unlikely to answer your support query with their limited time and energy.

For support, please follow the "Getting Help" page: https://docs.djangoproject.com/en/3.0/faq/help/ . This will help you find people who are willing to support you, and to ask your question in a way that makes it easy for them to answer.

Thanks for your understanding and all the best,


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