My Take on Django Channels

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Mark Lavin

May 5, 2016, 3:34:27 PM5/5/16
to Django developers (Contributions to Django itself)

After somewhat hijacking another thread I thought it was best to start fresh and clearly spell out my feelings about the Channels proposal. To start, this discussion of “Django needs a websocket story” reminds me very much of the discussions about NoSQL support. There were proof of concepts made and the sky is falling arguments about how Django would fail without MongoDB support. But in the end the community concluded that `pip install pymongo` was the correct way to integrate MongoDB into a Django project. In that same way, it has been possible for quite some time to incorporate websockets into a Django project by running a separate server dedicated for handling those connections in a framework such as Twisted, Tornado, Aiohttp, etc and establishing a clear means by which the two servers communicate with one another as needed by the application. Now this is quite vague and ad-hoc but it does work. To me this is the measuring stick by which to judge Channels. In what ways is it better or worse than running a separate server process for long-lived vs short-lived HTTP connections?

At the application development level, Channels has the advantage of a clearly defined interprocess communication which would otherwise need to be written. However, The Channel API is built more around a simple queue/list rather than a full messaging layer. The choices of backends are currently limited to in-memory (not suitable for production), the ORM DB (not suitable for production), and Redis. While Redis PUB/SUB is nice for fanout/broadcast messaging, it isn’t a proper message queue. It also doesn’t support TLS out of the box. For groups/broadcast the Redis Channel backend also doesn’t use PUB/SUB but instead emulates that feature. It likely can’t use PUB/SUB due to the choice of sharding. This seemingly ignores robust existing solutions like Kombu, which is designed around AMQP concepts. Kombu supports far more transports than the Channel backends while emulating the same features, such as groups/fanout, and more such as topic exchanges, QoS, message acknowledgement, compression, and additional serialization formats.

Architecturally, both of these approaches require running two processes. The current solution would run a WSGI server for short lived connections and an async server for long lived connections. Channels runs a front-end interface server, daphne, and the back-end worker servers. Which is more scalable? That’s hard to say. They both scale the same way: add more processes. It’s my experience that handling long-lived vs short-lived HTTP connections have different scaling needs so it is helpful to be able to scale them independently as one might do without Channels. That distinction can’t be made with Channels since all HTTP connections are handled by the interface servers. Channels has an explicit requirement of a backend/broker server which requires its own resources. While not required in the separate server setup, it’s likely that there is some kind of message broker between the servers so at best we’ll call this a wash in terms of resources. However, the same is not true for latency. Channels will handle the same short-lived HTTP connections by serializing the request, putting it into the backend, deserializing request, processing the response in the worker, serializing the response, putting it into the backend, deserializing response, and sending it to the client. This is a fair bit of extra work for no real gain since there is no concept of priority or backpressure. This latency also exists for the websocket message handling. While Channels may try to claim that it’s more resilient/fault tolerant because of this messaging layer, it claims “at most once” delivery which means that a message might never be delivered. I don’t think that claim has much merit. As noted in previous discussions, sending all HTTP requests unencrypted through the Channel backend (such as Redis) raises a number of potential security/regulatory issues which have yet to be addressed.

One key difference to me is that pushing Channels as the new Django standard makes Django’s default deployment story much more complicated. Currently this complication is the exception not the rule. Deployment is a frequent complaint, not just from people new to Django. Deployment of Python apps is a pain and this requires running two of them even if you aren’t using websockets. To me that is a huge step in the wrong direction for Django in terms of ease of deployment and required system resources.

Channels claims to have a better zero-downtime deployment story. However, in practice I’m nTot convinced that will be true. A form of graceful reload is supported by the most popular WSGI servers so it isn’t really better than what we currently have. The Channel docs note that you only need to restart the workers when deploying new code so you won’t drop HTTP connections. But the interface application definition and the worker code live in the same code base. It will be difficult to determine whether or not you need to restart the interface or not on a given deployment so many people will likely error on the side of restarting the interface as well. With a separate async server, likely in a separate code base, it would be easy to deploy them independently and only restart the websocket connections when needed. Also, it’s better if your application can handle gracefully disconnections/reconnections for the websocket case anyway since you’ll have to deal with that reality on mobile data connections and terrible wifi.

There is an idea floating around of using Channels for background jobs/Celery replacement. It is not/should not be. The message delivery is not guaranteed and there is no retry support. This is explicitly outside of the stated design goals of the project. Allowing this idea to continue in any form does a disservice to the Django community who may use Channels in this way. It’s also a slap in the face to the Celery authors who’ve worked for years to build a robust system which is superior to this naive implementation.

So Channels is at best on par with the existing available approaches and at worst adds a bunch of latency, potentially dropped messages, and new points of failure while taking up more resources and locks everyone into using Redis. It does provide a clear message framework but in my opinion it’s too naive to be useful. Given the complexity in the space I don’t trust anything built from the ground up without having a meaningful production deployment to prove it out. It has taken Kombu many years to mature and I don’t think it can be rewritten easily.

I see literally no advantage to pushing all HTTP requests and responses through Redis. What this does enable is that you can continue to write synchronous code. To me that’s based around some idea that async code is too hard for the average Django dev to write or understand. Or that nothing can be done to make parts of Django play nicer with existing async frameworks which I also don’t believe is true. Python 3.4 makes writing async Python pretty elegant and async/await in 3.5 makes that even better.

Sorry this is so long. Those who saw the DjangoCon author’s panel know that quickly writing walls of unreadable text is my forte. It’s been building for a long time. I have an unsent draft to Andrew from when he wrote his first blog post about this idea. I deeply regret not sending it and beginning to engage in this discussion earlier. It’s hard for me to separate this work from the process by which it was created. Russ touched on my previous experience with the DEP process and I will admit that has jaded many of my interactions with the core team. Building consensus is hard and I’m posting this to help work towards the goal of community consensus. Thanks for taking the time to read this all the way through and I welcome any feedback.


Mark Lavin

Andrew Godwin

May 5, 2016, 4:20:06 PM5/5/16
On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 12:34 PM, Mark Lavin <> wrote:

After somewhat hijacking another thread I thought it was best to start fresh and clearly spell out my feelings about the Channels proposal. To start, this discussion of “Django needs a websocket story” reminds me very much of the discussions about NoSQL support. There were proof of concepts made and the sky is falling arguments about how Django would fail without MongoDB support. But in the end the community concluded that `pip install pymongo` was the correct way to integrate MongoDB into a Django project. In that same way, it has been possible for quite some time to incorporate websockets into a Django project by running a separate server dedicated for handling those connections in a framework such as Twisted, Tornado, Aiohttp, etc and establishing a clear means by which the two servers communicate with one another as needed by the application. Now this is quite vague and ad-hoc but it does work. To me this is the measuring stick by which to judge Channels. In what ways is it better or worse than running a separate server process for long-lived vs short-lived HTTP connections?

The main gains are (in my opinion):
 - The same server process can serve both HTTP and WebSockets without path prefixing (auto-negotiation based on the Upgrade header); without this you need an extra web layer in front to route requests to the right backend server
 - HTTP long-polling is supported via the same mechanism (like WebSockets, it does not fit inside the WSGI paradigm in a performant way)
 - You get to run less processes overall

That said, I don't see everyone running over to use Daphne in production, which is why it's entirely reasonable to run two servers; one for HTTP and one for WebSockets. Channels fully supports this, whether you run the HTTP servers as self-contained WSGI servers or make them forward onto the ASGI layer via the adapter.

At the application development level, Channels has the advantage of a clearly defined interprocess communication which would otherwise need to be written. However, The Channel API is built more around a simple queue/list rather than a full messaging layer. The choices of backends are currently limited to in-memory (not suitable for production), the ORM DB (not suitable for production), and Redis. While Redis PUB/SUB is nice for fanout/broadcast messaging, it isn’t a proper message queue. It also doesn’t support TLS out of the box. For groups/broadcast the Redis Channel backend also doesn’t use PUB/SUB but instead emulates that feature. It likely can’t use PUB/SUB due to the choice of sharding. This seemingly ignores robust existing solutions like Kombu, which is designed around AMQP concepts. Kombu supports far more transports than the Channel backends while emulating the same features, such as groups/fanout, and more such as topic exchanges, QoS, message acknowledgement, compression, and additional serialization formats.

Firstly, nothing in channels uses pub/sub - channels deliver to a single reader of a queue, and thus cannot be built on a broadcast solution like pub/sub.

asgi_redis, the backend you're discussing, instead uses Redis lists containing the names of expiring Redis string keys with data encoded using msgpack, using LPOP or BLPOP to wait on the queue and get messages. It has built-in sharding support based on consistent hashing (and with separate handling for messages to and from workers).

AMQP (or similar "full message queues") doesn't work with Channels for two main reasons:

 a) Running protocols through a queue like this requires incredibly low latency; the Redis solution is on the order of milliseconds, which is a speed I have personally not seen an AMQP queue reach

 b) The return channels for messages require delivery to a specific process, which is very difficult routing story given the AMQP design structure. There's some solutions, but at the end of the day you need to find a way to route dynamically-generated channel names to their correct interface servers where the channel names change with each client.

There was some work to try and get a fourth, AMQP-based backend for channels a little while back, but it proved difficult as AMQP servers are much more oriented around not losing tasks and going a bit slower, while Channels is (and must be) designed the opposite way, closer almost to a socket protocol.


Architecturally, both of these approaches require running two processes. The current solution would run a WSGI server for short lived connections and an async server for long lived connections. Channels runs a front-end interface server, daphne, and the back-end worker servers. Which is more scalable? That’s hard to say. They both scale the same way: add more processes.

I'd like to point out again that you can still run two servers with Channels if you like, and have it work as you describe, just with a standardised interprotocol communication format.

It’s my experience that handling long-lived vs short-lived HTTP connections have different scaling needs so it is helpful to be able to scale them independently as one might do without Channels. That distinction can’t be made with Channels since all HTTP connections are handled by the interface servers.

Very good point, and why I expect some deployments to have to run different server clusters for different types and configure them differently.

Channels has an explicit requirement of a backend/broker server which requires its own resources. While not required in the separate server setup, it’s likely that there is some kind of message broker between the servers so at best we’ll call this a wash in terms of resources. However, the same is not true for latency. Channels will handle the same short-lived HTTP connections by serializing the request, putting it into the backend, deserializing request, processing the response in the worker, serializing the response, putting it into the backend, deserializing response, and sending it to the client. This is a fair bit of extra work for no real gain since there is no concept of priority or backpressure.

The backpressure point is accurate and I'm considering giving channels a configurable capacity and an exception they raise when full so there's more information for what workers should do.

This latency also exists for the websocket message handling. While Channels may try to claim that it’s more resilient/fault tolerant because of this messaging layer, it claims “at most once” delivery which means that a message might never be delivered. I don’t think that claim has much merit. As noted in previous discussions, sending all HTTP requests unencrypted through the Channel backend (such as Redis) raises a number of potential security/regulatory issues which have yet to be addressed.

The encryption story is very true; we have problems using Redis here at Eventbrite for the same reasons. asgi_redis will soon get support for message encryption both on the wire and at rest in Redis, based on a symmetric key, but that's still likely not sufficient for a full enterprise deployment, where TLS tunnels are likely needed.

One key difference to me is that pushing Channels as the new Django standard makes Django’s default deployment story much more complicated. Currently this complication is the exception not the rule. Deployment is a frequent complaint, not just from people new to Django. Deployment of Python apps is a pain and this requires running two of them even if you aren’t using websockets. To me that is a huge step in the wrong direction for Django in terms of ease of deployment and required system resources.

Channels doesn't change the default deployment story, and indeed you can just keep deploying as you do today; you only need to change deployment if you need websockets or long-polling, which was true in the past anyway; at least now it will be more standardised.

Channels claims to have a better zero-downtime deployment story. However, in practice I’m nTot convinced that will be true. A form of graceful reload is supported by the most popular WSGI servers so it isn’t really better than what we currently have. The Channel docs note that you only need to restart the workers when deploying new code so you won’t drop HTTP connections. But the interface application definition and the worker code live in the same code base. It will be difficult to determine whether or not you need to restart the interface or not on a given deployment so many people will likely error on the side of restarting the interface as well.

True, we could do better documentation around this, but the interface servers would only ever need to be restarted if the one thing they import from the project (the channel layer configuration) changes.

With a separate async server, likely in a separate code base, it would be easy to deploy them independently and only restart the websocket connections when needed.

As mentioned before, you can deploy Daphne separately to just handle WebSockets if needed.

Also, it’s better if your application can handle gracefully disconnections/reconnections for the websocket case anyway since you’ll have to deal with that reality on mobile data connections and terrible wifi.

Agreed. This is why all my examples for channels use ReconnectingWebSocket.

There is an idea floating around of using Channels for background jobs/Celery replacement. It is not/should not be. The message delivery is not guaranteed and there is no retry support. This is explicitly outside of the stated design goals of the project. Allowing this idea to continue in any form does a disservice to the Django community who may use Channels in this way. It’s also a slap in the face to the Celery authors who’ve worked for years to build a robust system which is superior to this naive implementation.

I've always tried to be clear that it is not a Celery replacement but instead a way to offload some non-critical task if required.

I also take slight offense at what seems like a personal attack; I have nothing but the greatest respect for the Celery authors and would definitely not "slap them in the face" or think that my solution was not "naive".

So Channels is at best on par with the existing available approaches and at worst adds a bunch of latency, potentially dropped messages, and new points of failure while taking up more resources and locks everyone into using Redis. It does provide a clear message framework but in my opinion it’s too naive to be useful. Given the complexity in the space I don’t trust anything built from the ground up without having a meaningful production deployment to prove it out. It has taken Kombu many years to mature and I don’t think it can be rewritten easily.

a) ASGI does not lock everyone into using Redis; it just so happens that is the first backend I have written. It is designed to run against other suitable datastores or socket protocols and we have the money to fund such an endeavour.

b) Kombu solves a different problem - that of abstracting task queues - and it would still be my first choice for that; I have used it for many years and it would continue to be my choice for task queuing.

ASGI is essentially meant to be an implementation of the CSP/Go style of message-passing interprocess communication, but cross-network rather than merely cross-thread or cross-process as I believe that network transparency makes for a much better deployment story and the ability to build a more resilient infrastructure.

I would still expect people to run multiple "clusters" of interface servers, workers and ASGI channel layer servers together and load balance between them; it is not designed to be a single bus that an entire site runs on, but a way to overcome Python's limitations and make applications multi-threaded across a large number of CPU cores and machines.

I see literally no advantage to pushing all HTTP requests and responses through Redis. What this does enable is that you can continue to write synchronous code. To me that’s based around some idea that async code is too hard for the average Django dev to write or understand. Or that nothing can be done to make parts of Django play nicer with existing async frameworks which I also don’t believe is true. Python 3.4 makes writing async Python pretty elegant and async/await in 3.5 makes that even better.

As someone who has been writing async code for the last six years, I like to only write async code when I actually, truly need it; I think specifically for the view- and event-oriented nature of Django code, having a solution like channels where code is run on worker threads fills 80% of people's needs and allows a lot less shooting of oneself in the foot (you can only stall a single "thread" when you do a blocking operation rather than an entire process of hundreds of "threads").

I would also like to see Django get more friendly to async natively in the core, but that is a much more difficult prospect and one we can only really tackle when we drop Python 2 support. I do believe, however, that the ASGI model maps well to writing an event-based single-process program with async support; in fact, I should probably go write an asyncio in-memory backend version to make sure there's no tweaks to make.

Sorry this is so long. Those who saw the DjangoCon author’s panel know that quickly writing walls of unreadable text is my forte. It’s been building for a long time. I have an unsent draft to Andrew from when he wrote his first blog post about this idea. I deeply regret not sending it and beginning to engage in this discussion earlier.

I would have greatly appreciated that; from my perspective, this has been a long slog of refactoring, testing and refinement during which I've received some good feedback and acted on most of it (for example, changing some of the HTTP encoding spec, or how channel names are constructed and routed).

It’s hard for me to separate this work from the process by which it was created. Russ touched on my previous experience with the DEP process and I will admit that has jaded many of my interactions with the core team. Building consensus is hard and I’m posting this to help work towards the goal of community consensus. Thanks for taking the time to read this all the way through and I welcome any feedback.

I will put my hand up and say that this sidestepped the DEP process, and that's entirely my fault. It was not my intention; I've been working on this for over two years, and only last year did I go public with my semi-final design and start asking for feedback; I should probably have taken it into a DEP then, but failed to.

The problem is likely that I kept discussing channels with various members of the core team and other people I know in the Django community, and always received implicit approval, which is a terrible way to go about being transparent. 

That said, I hope that my efforts over the last year to publicise and talk about this in every available avenue have gone somewhat towards alleviating the lack of a DEP; I have never tried to smuggle this in or be quiet about it, in fact very much the contrary. I've had the ASGI spec (which I potentially would like to push as a PEP) up for a while now, too, and have been trying to actively get feedback on it from both the Django and the wider Python community.

I hope we can resolve our differences on this and both walk away happy; you have some very valid points about deployment, reliability, and the newness of all this code, but I also believe that the path from here to having this deployed widely will be a good one.

I have been working on this problem for a long time, and between experiments both by myself and internally at Eventbrite where our engineers tried a large number of different messaging backends for message transport (in our case, for a SOA layer, though it performs a similar function and requires similarly low latency), Redis seemed like the best choice for a first and canonical transport implementation. (AMQP, Kafka, enterprise message buses all have different problems).

I don't expect people to adopt Channels overnight and switch to running Daphne in front of all their traffic; if anything, I expect a lot of people will run it just for WebSockets (I likely would at the moment if faced with a very large deployment). That said, I believe it is certainly at the point where it can be included in Django, if nothing else because the very design of channels and ASGI means that the interface servers and transport layer are both improveable and swappable out of the context of Django core.

The patch to Django core is mostly routing and consumer design - an API I've tried hard to refine to make accessible for beginners while having flexibility for more advanced cases - and that's the only part that will be directly locked in stone for the future. The other components - interface servers and transport layers - exist outside the Django release cycle and have the potential for large improvement or complete replacement as the community starts using Channels and we start getting the feedback and communal knowledge that only the large deployment of this kind of thing can get.

Sorry about circumventing the DEP process and pulling this off in a very strange way; it feels particularly guilty now it's been highlighted to me and I know that you are yourself working on a DEP, and it probably seems like I've abused my position on the core team to pull this off; please understand that was not my intention, and I've always wanted to have an open, frank discussion about channels in Django. In many ways, I'm glad someone has finally brought up all the things I thought would be valid counter-arguments but haven't really been advanced yet.


Ryan Hiebert

May 5, 2016, 4:21:59 PM5/5/16
Thank you, Mark, for starting this discussion. I, too, found myself simply accepting that channels was the right way to go, despite having the same questions you do. I realize this shouldn't be, so I've chimed in on some of your comments.

> On May 5, 2016, at 2:34 PM, Mark Lavin <> wrote:
> [snip]
> The Channel API is built more around a simple queue/list rather than a full messaging layer. [snip] Kombu supports [snip].

The API was purposefully limited, because channels shouldn't need all those capabilities. All this is spelled out in the documentation, which I know you already understand because you've mentioned it elsewhere. I think that the choice to use a more limited API makes sense, though that doesn't necessarily mean that it is the right choice.
> [snip description of architecture]

First off, the concerns you mention make a lot of sense to me, and I've been thinking along the same lines.

I've been considering if having an alternative to Daphne that only used channels for websockets, but used WSGI for everything else. Or some alternative split where some requests would be ASGI and some WSGI. I've tested a bit the latency overhead that using channels adds (on my local machine even), and it's not insignificant. I agree that finding a solution that doesn't so drastically slow down the requests that we've already worked hard to optimize is important. I'm not yet sure the right way to do that.

As far as scaling, it is apparent to me that it will be very important to have the workers split out, in a similar way to how we have different celery instances processing different queues. This allows us to scale those queues separately. While it doesn't appear to exist in the current implementation, the channel names are obviously suited to such a split, and I'd expect channels to grow the feature of selecting which channels a worker should be processing (forgive me if I've just missed this capability, Andrew).
> [[ comments on how this makes deployment harder ]]

ASGI is definitely more complex that WSGI. It's this complexity that gives it power. However, to the best of my knowledge, there's not a push to be dropping WSGI. If you're doing a simple request/response site, then you don't need the complexity, and you probably should be using WSGI. However, if you need it, having ASGI standardized in Django will help the community build on the power that it brings.
> Channels claims to have a better zero-downtime deployment story. However, in practice I’m not convinced that will be true. [snip]

I've been concerned about this as well. On Heroku my web dynos don't go down, because the new ones are booted up while the old ones are running, and then a switch is flipped to have the router use the new dynos. Worker dynos, however, do get shut down. Daphne won't be enough to keep my site functioning. This is another reason I was thinking of a hybrid WSGI/ASGI server.
> There is an idea floating around of using Channels for background jobs/Celery replacement. It is not/should not be. [snip reasons]

It's not a Celery replacement. However, this simple interface may be good enough for many things. Anything that doesn't use celery's `acks_late` is a candidate, because in those cases even Celery doesn't guarantee delivery, and ASGI is a simpler interface than the powerful, glorious behemoth that is Celery.

There's an idea that something like Celery could be built on top of it. That may or may not be a good idea, since Celery uses native protocol features of AMQP to make things work well, and those may not be available or easy to replicate accurately with ASGI. I'll be sticking with Celery for all of those workloads, personally, at least for the foreseeable future.
> [snip] locks everyone into using Redis.

Thankfully, I know you're wrong about this. Channel layers can be built for other things, but Redis is a natural fit, so that's what he's written. I expect we'll see other channel layers for queues like AMQP before too long.
> I see literally no advantage to pushing all HTTP requests and responses through Redis.

It seems like a bad idea to push _all_ HTTP requests through Redis given the latency it adds, but long-running requests can still be a good idea for this case, because it separates the HTTP interface from the long-running code. This can be good, if used carefully.

> What this does enable is that you can continue to write synchronous code. To me that’s based around some idea that async code is too hard for the average Django dev to write or understand. Or that nothing can be done to make parts of Django play nicer with existing async frameworks which I also don’t believe is true. Python 3.4 makes writing async Python pretty elegant and async/await in 3.5 makes that even better.

Async code is annoying, at best. It can be done, and it's getting much more approachable with async/await, etc. But even when you've done all that, there's stuff that, for many reasons, either cannot be written async (using a non-async library), or isn't IO-bound and async could actually _hurt_ the performance. ASGI doesn't force you to write anything synchronous _or_ asynchronous, and that's part of the beauty: it doesn't care.
> Thanks for taking the time to read this all the way through and I welcome any feedback.

I hope my comments have been a help for this discussion. I'll be giving a talk on Channels at the local Python user group later this month, so this is of particular timely importance to me.

Mark Lavin

May 5, 2016, 4:30:11 PM5/5/16
to Django developers (Contributions to Django itself)

I worked very hard to edit the tone of this message and I'm sorry if you felt anything in here was a personal attack. That certainly was not my intent. My natural speaking tendency leans toward hyperbole and I think there may have been places which got away from me here.



Mark Lavin

May 5, 2016, 5:19:21 PM5/5/16
to Django developers (Contributions to Django itself)
Thank you for your comments and I have some brief replies.

On Thursday, May 5, 2016 at 4:20:06 PM UTC-4, Andrew Godwin wrote:

On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 12:34 PM, Mark Lavin <> wrote:

The main gains are (in my opinion):
 - The same server process can serve both HTTP and WebSockets without path prefixing (auto-negotiation based on the Upgrade header); without this you need an extra web layer in front to route requests to the right backend server
 - HTTP long-polling is supported via the same mechanism (like WebSockets, it does not fit inside the WSGI paradigm in a performant way)
 - You get to run less processes overall

As noted I don't see serving them both as an advantage. Also given that daphne is single-thread/eventloop based, it's likely that frontend proxy already would be needed to handle balance multiple processes or SSL termination. I don't think this reduces the number of processes. As stated I think it's the same.

Firstly, nothing in channels uses pub/sub - channels deliver to a single reader of a queue, and thus cannot be built on a broadcast solution like pub/sub.  

If I'm understanding it correctly, groups are an emulated broadcast. I'm saying it would be an advantage for it to use pub/sub but it does not.

I've always tried to be clear that it is not a Celery replacement but instead a way to offload some non-critical task if required.

I don't agree that this has been clear. That is my primary criticism here. I don't think this should be encouraged. Ryan's reply continues with this confusion.

So Channels is at best on par with the existing available approaches and at worst adds a bunch of latency, potentially dropped messages, and new points of failure while taking up more resources and locks everyone into using Redis. It does provide a clear message framework but in my opinion it’s too naive to be useful. Given the complexity in the space I don’t trust anything built from the ground up without having a meaningful production deployment to prove it out. It has taken Kombu many years to mature and I don’t think it can be rewritten easily.

a) ASGI does not lock everyone into using Redis; it just so happens that is the first backend I have written. It is designed to run against other suitable datastores or socket protocols and we have the money to fund such an endeavour.

b) Kombu solves a different problem - that of abstracting task queues - and it would still be my first choice for that; I have used it for many years and it would continue to be my choice for task queuing.

Yes the lock-in is an exaggeration, however, given the poor support/upkeep for third-party DB backends, I doubt the community will have better luck with Channel backends not officially supported by the Django core team. I'd be happy to be wrong here.

Kombu is not to be confused with Celery. Kombu is a general purpose AMQP/messaging abstraction library. I don't think we agree on its potential role here. Perhaps it's better stated that I think Channel's minimalist API is too minimalist. I would prefer if additional AMQP-like abstractions existed such as topic routing and QoS.

ASGI is essentially meant to be an implementation of the CSP/Go style of message-passing interprocess communication, but cross-network rather than merely cross-thread or cross-process as I believe that network transparency makes for a much better deployment story and the ability to build a more resilient infrastructure.

Again I don't agree with this argument and I don't see anything in Channels which backs up this claim. I believe this is where we likely have a fundamental disagreement. I see this network transparency as additional latency. I see the addition of the backend/broker as another moving part to break.


It’s hard for me to separate this work from the process by which it was created. Russ touched on my previous experience with the DEP process and I will admit that has jaded many of my interactions with the core team. Building consensus is hard and I’m posting this to help work towards the goal of community consensus. Thanks for taking the time to read this all the way through and I welcome any feedback.

I will put my hand up and say that this sidestepped the DEP process, and that's entirely my fault. It was not my intention; I've been working on this for over two years, and only last year did I go public with my semi-final design and start asking for feedback; I should probably have taken it into a DEP then, but failed to.

The problem is likely that I kept discussing channels with various members of the core team and other people I know in the Django community, and always received implicit approval, which is a terrible way to go about being transparent. 

That said, I hope that my efforts over the last year to publicise and talk about this in every available avenue have gone somewhat towards alleviating the lack of a DEP; I have never tried to smuggle this in or be quiet about it, in fact very much the contrary. I've had the ASGI spec (which I potentially would like to push as a PEP) up for a while now, too, and have been trying to actively get feedback on it from both the Django and the wider Python community.

I hope we can resolve our differences on this and both walk away happy; you have some very valid points about deployment, reliability, and the newness of all this code, but I also believe that the path from here to having this deployed widely will be a good one.

I have been working on this problem for a long time, and between experiments both by myself and internally at Eventbrite where our engineers tried a large number of different messaging backends for message transport (in our case, for a SOA layer, though it performs a similar function and requires similarly low latency), Redis seemed like the best choice for a first and canonical transport implementation. (AMQP, Kafka, enterprise message buses all have different problems).

I don't expect people to adopt Channels overnight and switch to running Daphne in front of all their traffic; if anything, I expect a lot of people will run it just for WebSockets (I likely would at the moment if faced with a very large deployment). That said, I believe it is certainly at the point where it can be included in Django, if nothing else because the very design of channels and ASGI means that the interface servers and transport layer are both improveable and swappable out of the context of Django core.

The patch to Django core is mostly routing and consumer design - an API I've tried hard to refine to make accessible for beginners while having flexibility for more advanced cases - and that's the only part that will be directly locked in stone for the future. The other components - interface servers and transport layers - exist outside the Django release cycle and have the potential for large improvement or complete replacement as the community starts using Channels and we start getting the feedback and communal knowledge that only the large deployment of this kind of thing can get.

Sorry about circumventing the DEP process and pulling this off in a very strange way; it feels particularly guilty now it's been highlighted to me and I know that you are yourself working on a DEP, and it probably seems like I've abused my position on the core team to pull this off; please understand that was not my intention, and I've always wanted to have an open, frank discussion about channels in Django. In many ways, I'm glad someone has finally brought up all the things I thought would be valid counter-arguments but haven't really been advanced yet.


What's done is done and I don't want to start another process discussion at this point. Maybe another day. I'm doing my best to focus on the technical aspects of the proposal. That isn't to say that I'm without bias and I'm trying to own that. The fact is I have looked into Channels, the docs and the code, and I remain unconvinced this should be the blessed solution for websockets and I've tried to make it clear why. I'd much prefer to continue to run Tornado/aiohttp for the websocket process. That's not a personal attack. I just don't see Channels as a meaningful improvement over that direction.

- Mark

Carl Meyer

May 5, 2016, 5:39:30 PM5/5/16
Hi Andrew,

On 05/05/2016 02:19 PM, Andrew Godwin wrote:
> I will put my hand up and say that this sidestepped the DEP process, and
> that's entirely my fault. It was not my intention; I've been working on
> this for over two years, and only last year did I go public with my
> semi-final design and start asking for feedback; I should probably have
> taken it into a DEP then, but failed to.

This isn't a past-tense question; it's not too late to write a DEP, and
I personally think that a DEP should be written and approved by the
technical board before the channels patch is merged. I actually assumed
that one was still on its way; perhaps I missed some communication at
some point that said it wouldn't be.

I'm sensitive to the fact that you've already put lots of work into this
and time is short if you want to get it into 1.10. On the other hand,
this is precisely why the DEP process exists: to ensure that significant
changes to Django are carefully considered, in public, in a way that
allows those without time to dig into all the details to absorb and
consider the salient high-level points. I think that is precisely what
the channels work needs (in community/process terms), and I think we'd
be very poorly advised to push forward on merging it without an approved

I don't think a channels DEP would need to delve into the details of
precisely which channel backends are currently available, etc; it would
mostly be about justifying the high-level design (and comparing it to
rejected alternatives for solving the same problems). It would focus on
the changes to Django itself, rather than implementation choices of the
initially-available external components. It could probably copy
liberally from (or just be short and heavily reference) the ASGI spec
and/or Channels docs; that's not a problem.

I'm excited about the potential of channels and ASGI, but I'm also
suspicious of arguments that it is urgent to merge into 1.10 at all
costs. I'm not necessarily opposed to that, if it's ready on time and
the community discussion around a DEP seems to have reached a
satisfactory conclusion. (I also think that the important thing is to
make sure the changes to Django itself aren't painting us into any
corners: as long as ASGI is optional in Django, the external support
components don't need to be fully mature yet; especially if we can do an
import dance to make them optional dependencies, which I think is

But I also think it would be far better to wait than to rush it in in
the face of reasonable unresolved concerns from the community, and
without an approved DEP. The argument has been that merging it "sends
the right signal to the community," but I have some concern that rushing
the merge could send negative signals about process consistency and
fairness that could easily outweigh any positive signals about Django
"having an async solution."



Andrew Godwin

May 5, 2016, 6:31:05 PM5/5/16
On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 2:19 PM, Mark Lavin <> wrote:
Thank you for your comments and I have some brief replies.

If I'm understanding it correctly, groups are an emulated broadcast. I'm saying it would be an advantage for it to use pub/sub but it does not.

You are correct; the reason Redis pub/sub is not used is because the ASGI API allows applications to not listen continuously on channels and instead check in every so often, so it uses lists so there's some persistence; this could be changed, though. I do want to improve the group send function so it runs on Lua inside Redis rather than multi-sending from outside, however.

I've always tried to be clear that it is not a Celery replacement but instead a way to offload some non-critical task if required.

I don't agree that this has been clear. That is my primary criticism here. I don't think this should be encouraged. Ryan's reply continues with this confusion.

I would love to work with you on clearing this up, then; trying to communicate what the design is intended to be is one of the hardest parts of this project, especially considering there are so many avenues people hear about this stuff through (and the fact that I do think _some_ non-critical tasks could be offloaded into channels consumers, just not the sort Celery is currently used for).

Yes the lock-in is an exaggeration, however, given the poor support/upkeep for third-party DB backends, I doubt the community will have better luck with Channel backends not officially supported by the Django core team. I'd be happy to be wrong here.

Yes, that's a fair comparison. There was even an effort to try and get a second one going and ready to use before merge but unfortunately it didn't get anywhere yet.

Kombu is not to be confused with Celery. Kombu is a general purpose AMQP/messaging abstraction library. I don't think we agree on its potential role here. Perhaps it's better stated that I think Channel's minimalist API is too minimalist. I would prefer if additional AMQP-like abstractions existed such as topic routing and QoS.

I understand what Kombu is (though it's maintained by the Celery team from what I understand, which is why I refer to them collectively). I still maintain that the design of AMQP and Kombu is unsuited for what I am trying to accomplish here; maybe what I am trying to accomplish is wrong, and I'm happy to argue that point, but based on what I'm trying to do, AMQP and similar abstractions are not a good fit - and I did write one of the earlier versions of Channels on top of Celery as an experiment.

ASGI is essentially meant to be an implementation of the CSP/Go style of message-passing interprocess communication, but cross-network rather than merely cross-thread or cross-process as I believe that network transparency makes for a much better deployment story and the ability to build a more resilient infrastructure.

Again I don't agree with this argument and I don't see anything in Channels which backs up this claim. I believe this is where we likely have a fundamental disagreement. I see this network transparency as additional latency. I see the addition of the backend/broker as another moving part to break.

Yes, I think this is fundamentally where we disagree, and most of the other points stem from this.

The only solution for in-process multithreading in Python that is anywhere near effective are reactor-based or greenlet-based async solutions - asyncio, Twisted, gevent, etc. I don't think that, given the state and trend of modern CPU and memory limitations, that we are anywhere near having one process on a single core able to handle a randomly-loadbalanced portion of modern site load; any one big calculation or bad request is enough to bring that core down. In my opinion and experience, any single thing you loadbalance to has to be capable of handling multiple large requests at once, a situation we happily have today with the architecture of things like uwsgi and gunicorn with worker threads/processes.

Based on that already-proven model of worker threads, I then extended it out to be truly multi-process (the first version of Channels had machine-only interprocess communication for transport), and finally given the engineering challenges involved in building a good local-only interprocess layer that works successfully - a situation that ended up using Redis as the local broker anyway rather than playing unstable games with shared memory, files or similar - it seemed that taking it across a network and letting small clusters of machines coordinate made sense, especially in modern cloud hosting environments where any single machine is very subject to bad-neighbour issues.

You are right that it is yet another moving part, though. Would you have less objection if ASGI was merely a cross-process communication interface and just worked on a local machine using shared memory or the filesystem (or some other local resource that worked, like maybe the UDP stack plus other stuff) and required no extra server? If it was just a way of having a WebSocket server and worker thread on the same machine communicating without one having to directly start and interface with the other?

What's done is done and I don't want to start another process discussion at this point. Maybe another day. I'm doing my best to focus on the technical aspects of the proposal. That isn't to say that I'm without bias and I'm trying to own that. The fact is I have looked into Channels, the docs and the code, and I remain unconvinced this should be the blessed solution for websockets and I've tried to make it clear why. I'd much prefer to continue to run Tornado/aiohttp for the websocket process. That's not a personal attack. I just don't see Channels as a meaningful improvement over that direction.

I understand, and I think you have a valid criticism. The way I see it, however, is that even if people want to just keep running Tornado/aiohttp for the websockets, would you not rather have a standardised way that Django could run code triggered by that and send packets back into websockets? Channels isn't meant to be a thing you have to buy into wholesale, it's meant to be something you can just use enough of to fulfill you needs, or use entirely if you want everything it provides or are prototyping rapidly.

Django's job as a framework is, in my opinion, to provide solutions to problems our users have that work for 90% of them, and don't get in the way of the other 10%. Channels won't work for everyone's needs, and people that want to ignore it are free to, but we're sorely missing a solution for the people who just want to develop with websockets without having to bring in a separate stack to manage it.

Do you have an alternate proposal for how Django should integrate websocket support, or do you believe it's not the job of Django to handle at all and should be left entirely to other software? I'm curious, because I obviously believe Django needs to support WebSockets in core, and that this is a solution to that problem, but it might be that you don't believe either, in which case we are unlikely to ever agree.


Andrew Godwin

May 5, 2016, 6:37:53 PM5/5/16
On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 2:39 PM, Carl Meyer <> wrote:
Hi Andrew,

On 05/05/2016 02:19 PM, Andrew Godwin wrote:
> I will put my hand up and say that this sidestepped the DEP process, and
> that's entirely my fault. It was not my intention; I've been working on
> this for over two years, and only last year did I go public with my
> semi-final design and start asking for feedback; I should probably have
> taken it into a DEP then, but failed to.

This isn't a past-tense question; it's not too late to write a DEP, and
I personally think that a DEP should be written and approved by the
technical board before the channels patch is merged. I actually assumed
that one was still on its way; perhaps I missed some communication at
some point that said it wouldn't be.

To be honest, I had entirely forgotten the DEP process existed until this thread started up; I'm not sure what to blame this on, but as a member of the tech board I haven't got an email about approving a DEP since last October, so it's been a while.

I think my own experience merging migrations is to blame, which went very like how this is currently going and so I probably gravitated towards it.
Part of me does not want to aggravate my RSI by having to write and rush through a DEP in the next 10 days, but I can't deny that you are likely correct that it sends the right signal given that we have the process in place.

That said, a couple of decently-sized features (full text search, password validators) have landed recently without one, so I can't entirely feel justified dropping this from 1.10 given that it is fully written, has extensive documentation, a mostly-complete test suite and several fully-worked examples - far more context than a DEP would ever provide. It would feel like a bit of a kick in the teeth, to be honest.


Carl Meyer

May 5, 2016, 7:22:35 PM5/5/16
On 05/05/2016 04:37 PM, Andrew Godwin wrote:
> To be honest, I had entirely forgotten the DEP process existed until
> this thread started up; I'm not sure what to blame this on, but as a
> member of the tech board I haven't got an email about approving a DEP
> since last October, so it's been a while.

There has been more recent activity on several in-progress DEPs on this
mailing list, but it has been a while since one was accepted.

> Part of me does not want to aggravate my RSI by having to write and rush
> through a DEP in the next 10 days, but I can't deny that you are likely
> correct that it sends the right signal given that we have the process in
> place.
> That said, a couple of decently-sized features (full text search,
> password validators) have landed recently without one, so I can't
> entirely feel justified dropping this from 1.10 given that it is fully
> written, has extensive documentation, a mostly-complete test suite and
> several fully-worked examples - far more context than a DEP would ever
> provide. It would feel like a bit of a kick in the teeth, to be honest.

I've no desire either to aggravate your RSI or kick you in the teeth! I
understand the multiple competing pressures here and won't stand in the
way of a merge into 1.10 sans DEP if that still seems like the best path
forward to you. It's not like a merge into alpha is the end of the line
in terms of possible design changes or updates (or even possibly
reverts). A DEP could even happen post-merge; that would be unusual but
perhaps still better than none at all.

I have a couple more comments, more in the line of general thoughts
about the whys and hows of DEPs.

I do think that DEPs have a significant value that goes beyond just
providing information that could be found elsewhere (e.g. in the
channels documentation). They collect that information (or references to
it) in one place, in a standard digestible format, and formally present
it to the community as a requested change, with rationale and rejected
alternatives (including a fair representation of the objections that
have been raised and your answers to them), and present a formal
opportunity for anyone with concerns to raise them (and give you a
reasonable place to later say "this is precisely when you should have
raised your concerns if you had them") and then also store that in a
stable place for future reference when someone comes by in two years and
can't understand why we did things the way we did.

(I'm not saying this to put further pressure on, just to defend the DEP
process against the implicit charge that it's possibly-useless make-work
when other documentation has already been written.)

There's been no clear delineation of what size features should have a
DEP. I think channels, multiple-template-engines, and
reworked-middleware (and migrations, for that matter) are all
rethinkings of long-standing core aspects of how Django works, which in
my mind makes them prime DEP candidates, whereas FTS and password
validation both seem to me like small-to-medium peripheral features that
I wouldn't necessarily have expected to have one.



Mark Lavin

May 5, 2016, 8:13:24 PM5/5/16
to Django developers (Contributions to Django itself)
Yes I agree with the value of a standardized way of communicating between these processes and I listed that as a highlight of Channels, though it quickly shifted into criticism. I think that's where we are crossing paths with relation to Kombu/AMQP as well. I find the messaging aspect of Channels far more interesting and valuable than ASGI as a larger specification. Messaging I do think needs to be network transparent. I just don't like that aspect tied into the HTTP handling. At this point I'm not sure how to decouple the messaging aspect from the HTTP layer since I feel they are very tightly bound in ASGI.

Honestly I don't think Django *needs* tightly integrated websocket support but I do see the value in it so we aren't at a complete impasse. I suppose that's why it's my general preference to see a third-party solution gain traction before it's included. I played with integrating Django + aiohttp a few months ago. Nothing serious and I wouldn't call it an alternate proposal. It's barely a proof of concept: My general inclination is that (insert wild hand waving) django.contrib.aiohttp/django.contrib.twisted/django.contrib.tornado would be the way forward for Django + websockets without a full scale rewrite of the WSGI specification.

Not sure if I touched on all of your questions so please let me know if it seems like I'm skipping over something.

- Mark

Jacob Kaplan-Moss

May 5, 2016, 8:14:46 PM5/5/16
to django-developers

On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 7:22 PM, Carl Meyer <> wrote:
I think channels, multiple-template-engines, and
reworked-middleware (and migrations, for that matter) are all
rethinkings of long-standing core aspects of how Django works, which in
my mind makes them prime DEP candidates,

There seems to be pretty strong consensus on this point. I'm writing one, please give me a bit of time to get a draft up.


Andrew Godwin

May 5, 2016, 8:19:52 PM5/5/16
I think you're entirely right, Carl - I'm just getting frustrated with myself at this point for not realising sooner and trying to find ways to not do it - people only pay real attention to a patch as you're close to merging and emotionally invested in it, and it's a little exasperating. 

Jacob has graciously stepped in to help write one, and I am going to have a much-needed evening off from doing Channels stuff, I haven't had a break in a while.


Andrew Godwin

May 5, 2016, 8:52:17 PM5/5/16
On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 5:13 PM, Mark Lavin <> wrote:
Yes I agree with the value of a standardized way of communicating between these processes and I listed that as a highlight of Channels, though it quickly shifted into criticism. I think that's where we are crossing paths with relation to Kombu/AMQP as well. I find the messaging aspect of Channels far more interesting and valuable than ASGI as a larger specification. Messaging I do think needs to be network transparent. I just don't like that aspect tied into the HTTP handling. At this point I'm not sure how to decouple the messaging aspect from the HTTP layer since I feel they are very tightly bound in ASGI.

I see what you mean; HTTP is definitely less of a fit to ASGI than WebSockets, and it wasn't even in there at all initially, but I felt that the ability to unify everything inside Django to be a consumer was too strong to pass up (plus the fact that it allowed long-polling HTTP which I still use a lot in lieu of WebSocket support, mostly for work reasons).

Honestly I don't think Django *needs* tightly integrated websocket support but I do see the value in it so we aren't at a complete impasse. I suppose that's why it's my general preference to see a third-party solution gain traction before it's included. I played with integrating Django + aiohttp a few months ago. Nothing serious and I wouldn't call it an alternate proposal. It's barely a proof of concept: My general inclination is that (insert wild hand waving) django.contrib.aiohttp/django.contrib.twisted/django.contrib.tornado would be the way forward for Django + websockets without a full scale rewrite of the WSGI specification.

The other track for this was definitely to go the South route and have it run externally, but based on my previous experience with that route it is not scalable from a people perspective.

I personally see this as something where any single third-party solution is not going to gain enough traction to be tested and tried enough unless it's defacto recommended by Django itself, at which point it's close to being a core module with provisional status.

I feel like we're never going to quite agree on the approach here; I've explained my stance, you have explained yours, and I think we both have a good idea where we stand. I agree with some of your concerns, especially around introducing more moving parts, but then modern websites have so many already my concerns are perpetually high.

Given your feedback, I do want to work on a local, cross-process ASGI backend and write up a full deployment story that uses WSGI servers for HTTP and Daphne+worker servers for WebSockets, and have it as a top example for what larger sites should do to deploy WebSockets initially; I think that's an important piece of communication to show that this is only as opt-in as you want it to be.

I'm also hopeful that the introduction of chat, email and other protocol (e.g. IoT) interface servers to further highlight the flexibility of a general messaging + worker system will help move us towards a future with less moving parts; ASGI and Channels was always meant to be something to be built upon, a basis for making Django more capable in different arenas.

Your point about the DEP process being circumvented was well made, too, and I'll do my best from now on to make sure any large project I see being attempted gets one in sooner rather than later.

That said, though, I don't know that I can really change Channels in line with your feedback and still achieve the same goals; we've already come a long way with it in terms of proving it in real world scenarios and fixing nasty bugs, and I'm still convinced the core design is sound - we'll take it to a DEP and run it through the actual process before merge to make sure that Django is at least on board with that opinion, I owe you that much at least.


Mark Lavin

May 6, 2016, 7:45:23 AM5/6/16
to Django developers (Contributions to Django itself)
Yes I agree that we do want different things and have different goals. There is nothing wrong with coming to a state of respectful disagreement. I'm glad that some of the feedback could be helpful and I hope it can be incorporated into Channels.

As for a DEP, that would be nice and I'd love to participate in that process. To this point I don't feel like the argument for Channels has been weighed against existing alternative approaches which is largely what I've tried to start here. I mention the DEP process as a source of my own resentment for this change and part of the reason I've held this feedback in for so long. Again I don't think that was fair to you or the Django community to do so. You've been open about your work and your goals. I had plenty of opportunity to voice my concern to you publicly or privately and I chose not to do so for arguably petty reasons. I don't want to see this work blocked because of a lack of DEP if it has the support of the core team and the larger community. I've said my piece about this work and I'm letting those past feelings go so that I can contribute more constructively to this conversation.

- Mark

Mark Lavin

May 6, 2016, 8:21:25 AM5/6/16
to Django developers (Contributions to Django itself)

Sorry if you felt I was ignoring your reply to focus on the discussion with Andrew. You both made a lot of the same points at about the same time but I did want to touch on a couple things.

On Thursday, May 5, 2016 at 4:21:59 PM UTC-4, Ryan Hiebert wrote:
Thank you, Mark, for starting this discussion. I, too, found myself simply accepting that channels was the right way to go, despite having the same questions you do. I realize this shouldn't be, so I've chimed in on some of your comments.

> On May 5, 2016, at 2:34 PM, Mark Lavin <> wrote:
> [snip]
> The Channel API is built more around a simple queue/list rather than a full messaging layer. [snip] Kombu supports  [snip].

The API was purposefully limited, because channels shouldn't need all those capabilities. All this is spelled out in the documentation, which I know you already understand because you've mentioned it elsewhere. I think that the choice to use a more limited API makes sense, though that doesn't necessarily mean that it is the right choice.
> [snip description of architecture]

First off, the concerns you mention make a lot of sense to me, and I've been thinking along the same lines.

I've been considering if having an alternative to Daphne that only used channels for websockets, but used WSGI for everything else. Or some alternative split where some requests would be ASGI and some WSGI. I've tested a bit the latency overhead that using channels adds (on my local machine even), and it's not insignificant. I agree that finding a solution that doesn't so drastically slow down the requests that we've already worked hard to optimize is important. I'm not yet sure the right way to do that.

As far as scaling, it is apparent to me that it will be very important to have the workers split out, in a similar way to how we have different celery instances processing different queues. This allows us to scale those queues separately. While it doesn't appear to exist in the current implementation, the channel names are obviously suited to such a split, and I'd expect channels to grow the feature of selecting which channels a worker should be processing (forgive me if I've just missed this capability, Andrew).

Similar to Celery, the workers can listen on only certain channels or exclude listening on channels which is sort of a means of doing priority I would also like to see this expanded or more have the use case more clearly documented.
> [[ comments on how this makes deployment harder ]]

ASGI is definitely more complex that WSGI. It's this complexity that gives it power. However, to the best of my knowledge, there's not a push to be dropping WSGI. If you're doing a simple request/response site, then you don't need the complexity, and you probably should be using WSGI. However, if you need it, having ASGI standardized in Django will help the community build on the power that it brings. 
> Channels claims to have a better zero-downtime deployment story. However, in practice I’m not convinced that will be true. [snip]

I've been concerned about this as well. On Heroku my web dynos don't go down, because the new ones are booted up while the old ones are running, and then a switch is flipped to have the router use the new dynos. Worker dynos, however, do get shut down. Daphne won't be enough to keep my site functioning. This is another reason I was thinking of a hybrid WSGI/ASGI server.
> There is an idea floating around of using Channels for background jobs/Celery replacement. It is not/should not be. [snip reasons]

It's not a Celery replacement. However, this simple interface may be good enough for many things. Anything that doesn't use celery's `acks_late` is a candidate, because in those cases even Celery doesn't guarantee delivery, and ASGI is a simpler interface than the powerful, glorious behemoth that is Celery.  

This isn't the place for a long discussion about the inner workings of Celery but I don't believe this is true. The prefetched tasks are not acknowledged until they are delivered to a worker for processing. Once delivered, the worker might die/be killed before it can complete the task but the message was delivered. That's the gap that acks_late solves: between the message delivery and the completion of the task. Not all brokers support message acknowledgement natively and so that feature is emulated which could lead to prefetched message loss or delay. I've certainly seen this when using Redis as the broker but never with RabbitMQ which has native support for acknowledgement.
There's an idea that something like Celery could be built on top of it. That may or may not be a good idea, since Celery uses native protocol features of AMQP to make things work well, and those may not be available or easy to replicate accurately with ASGI. I'll be sticking with Celery for all of those workloads, personally, at least for the foreseeable future.
> [snip] locks everyone into using Redis.

Thankfully, I know you're wrong about this. Channel layers can be built for other things, but Redis is a natural fit, so that's what he's written. I expect we'll see other channel layers for queues like AMQP before too long.

See my previous response to Andrew on this point.
> I see literally no advantage to pushing all HTTP requests and responses through Redis.

It seems like a bad idea to push _all_ HTTP requests through Redis given the latency it adds, but long-running requests can still be a good idea for this case, because it separates the HTTP interface from the long-running code. This can be good, if used carefully.

All of the examples I've seen have pushed all HTTP requests through Redis. I think some of the take-aways from this conversation will be to move away from that and recommend Channels primarily for websockets and not for WSGI requests.

> What this does enable is that you can continue to write synchronous code. To me that’s based around some idea that async code is too hard for the average Django dev to write or understand. Or that nothing can be done to make parts of Django play nicer with existing async frameworks which I also don’t believe is true. Python 3.4 makes writing async Python pretty elegant and async/await in 3.5 makes that even better.

Async code is annoying, at best. It can be done, and it's getting much more approachable with async/await, etc. But even when you've done all that, there's stuff that, for many reasons, either cannot be written async (using a non-async library), or isn't IO-bound and async could actually _hurt_ the performance. ASGI doesn't force you to write anything synchronous _or_ asynchronous, and that's part of the beauty: it doesn't care.

Yes if you are willing to sacrifice latency. That seems like the disconnect for me. Websockets are meant to be "real-time" so I would expect projects using them would want low latency. For me that means writing code which is as close as possible to the client socket. The design of Channels adds a backend layer in between the client socket and the application logic. I guess it depends what performance characteristic you care about.

Ryan Hiebert

May 6, 2016, 9:27:00 AM5/6/16
On May 6, 2016, at 7:21 AM, Mark Lavin <> wrote:


Sorry if you felt I was ignoring your reply to focus on the discussion with Andrew. You both made a lot of the same points at about the same time but I did want to touch on a couple things.

I totally get it. Focus on the Jedi, not the Padawan.

On Thursday, May 5, 2016 at 4:21:59 PM UTC-4, Ryan Hiebert wrote:
[snip] Anything that doesn't use celery's `acks_late` is a candidate, because in those cases even Celery doesn't guarantee delivery, and ASGI is a simpler interface than the powerful, glorious behemoth that is Celery.  

This isn't the place for a long discussion about the inner workings of Celery but I don't believe this is true. [snip]

I just meant them to be _candidates_ for being able to use a less reliable channel. I've got lots of non-acks-late stuff that I couldn't use channels for. No need for further discussion, I just want to point out that I think we're (nearly, at least) on the same page here. You're right that I misspoke when saying it doesn't guarantee delivery, but the end result is similar if the worker gets lost.

All of the examples I've seen have pushed all HTTP requests through Redis. I think some of the take-aways from this conversation will be to move away from that and recommend Channels primarily for websockets and not for WSGI requests.

He's talking now about having a inter-process channel, which doesn't cross system boundaries, so it alleviates my concerns. For my cases the latency will be good enough if we just avoid the machine hopping.

Carl Meyer

May 6, 2016, 1:18:18 PM5/6/16
Hi Andrew,

Replying off-list just to say that I totally understand your frustration
here, and I wish I weren't contributing to it :( I hope I'm managing to
speak my mind without being an asshole about it, and I hope you'd tell
me if I failed.

Really glad Jacob stepped up on the DEP; I was thinking when I wrote my
last email that that'd be the ideal solution, but I didn't want to put
anyone else on the spot (I almost volunteered myself, but I don't think
I'm quite sold enough yet to be a good advocate). I hope the
conversation on the technical topics goes well (I think you've been
doing a great job with it so far on these latest threads) and a
satisfactory resolution is reached in time for a merge into 1.10.

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