biochem pricing?

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Jul 3, 2021, 2:42:56 AM7/3/21
to DIYbio
Hi everyone, I have a question.

I was looking through an ecommerce platform for biochemicals, including the active ingredients in supplement products where you see the prices from many companies for a given compound like vitamin b12 or nicotinamide riboside or just about anything else . It's called There are others as well. They sell a range of quantities up to large industrial quantities like kilograms. Wouldn't you expect this to cost way less gram for gram than in a retail supplement product? I figured the cost for example, for 10g of acetyl l-carnitine in this raw form would be significantly less than if I purchased a supplement product from GNC or Vitamin shoppe with the same 10g of acetyl l-carnitine inside. Instead, its the reverse. the bulk quantity price for the raw material is several times higher than for the finished product gram for gram. I compared 8 different compounds. So what gives?

John Griessen

Jul 3, 2021, 2:07:31 PM7/3/21
On 7/3/21 1:42 AM, Frank wrote:
> bulk quantity price for the raw material is several times higher than for the finished product gram for gram. I compared 8
> different compounds. So what gives?

Did your RFQ get above a min order quantity?
Did you ask for 55 gal drums or a 500 grams or 10 grams order?

They probably don't want to deal with small amounts.


Jul 3, 2021, 2:41:17 PM7/3/21
if they didn't want to deal with small quantities then why would they
tell you you can order as little as 1mg. i looked at products where the
price is given per 250mg and per 10g so that may not be it. perhaps
there is actually so little of these ingredients in the supplement
products compared to what they advertise
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Gordana Ostojic

Jul 4, 2021, 6:56:12 AM7/4/21
to DIYbio
Purity and source. In supplements a compound is usually from organic source and just extracted or concentrated from it. 
Even for synthetic DNA that you order price varies a lot depending on level of purification. 


Jul 4, 2021, 6:44:41 PM7/4/21
that's what I thought but these suppliers are not selling pharmaceutical grade product. only industrial grade at best. which i think no more pure than food grade? which is minimally what goes into a supplement . they offer anywhere from 95%-99% purity although who knows how reliable that is. 
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Nathan McCorkle

Jul 12, 2021, 4:15:54 AM7/12/21
to diybio
I'd guess like John, maybe they don't want to deal with such small quantities, but offer it for convenience. Like if I needed 55 gallons of water, 50 lbs of onions, but only a few grams of salt and pepper. One stop shopping has a convenience charge usually.

Or it could be as Gordana put it, supplements can be extracted from GRAS items (generally recognized as safe) so wouldn't even get to the 95-99% purity level you're talking about. Plus the impurities might not be (well) characterized, because if it was "safe" to begin, who cares what "safe" impurities lie within. The industrial grade might give some impurity spec (i.e. some percent nitrates or phosphates, etc).

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