Transfection in vivo - AAV vs PEI delivery efficiency

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Andreas "Mega" Stuermer

Jan 4, 2021, 7:59:44 PM1/4/21
to DIYbio
Hi everyone! 

Not something for DIYbio, but as there are a lot of smart people here,  I was still wondering if anyone has done this. 

We want to find a comparison of AAV to PEI for in vivo studies in mice. 

~100 Million AAV particles with GFP are equivalent to XX micrograms of DNA packaged with PEI at the optimal ratio. 

I guess it strongly depends on the PEI to DNA ratio; organism, injection site, ... etc. But maybe someone has seen numbers 

Andreas "Mega" Stuermer

Jan 4, 2021, 8:02:33 PM1/4/21
to DIYbio
Maybe the easiest calculation would be like this: 

They transfect x microgrms of DNA into cells and then it gets packged into 10^8 infectious replication-deficient AAV. 

So you can estimate the uptake efficiency in vitro. 

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