Hello, I'm a high school student and I'm working on a school project to produce spider silk in vitro. Part of this project is to find the best media/ringer solution to keep the tissue alive the longest. The goal is to produce the silk at as low as a cost as possible, so I was thinking of cheap ways to get the nutrients it needs. Since it's an organ culture, it won't last much longer than a couple of hours, but I need to supply it with amino acids so it can keep producing silk.So, I was thinking of using an UV light to kill the yeast then incubating it (at 45C?) for a time period. Is this a dumb idea? Will the UV light be effective in killing the yeast and not causing an infection? How do I make the extract suitable for tissue culture?
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Don't do it yourself. It is a bad idea. I spent more money on purification stuff (filters and such) to get enough of it sterile than I would have paid if I got it through a company. And, may I note, this was 15% yeast extract which is 80$ for 500ml (I followed the protocol but dang). Just buy it. I'm sure there is some long lost method on how to efficiently do it out there in old literature, but if you are a high school student, just buy it.
If anyone has a better way I'm all ears, but my experience has been rather bad with diy media components