ob Opportunity & $5k USD mini-grants for open/participatory science with Open Humans

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Bastian Greshake Tzovaras

Aug 23, 2017, 1:43:51 PM8/23/17
to diy...@googlegroups.com
Dear fellow DIYBio folks,

I want to share a couple opportunities that may be of interest: $5k USD grants anyone can apply for and a developer job opening, at Open Humans, a nonprofit project for open, participatory science.

About the grants: Open Humans is offering grants of up to USD 5,000 to project ideas that add data sources, enable data exploration, or connect studies/other participatory science projects. So, if you have a cool idea but lack the resources to do it, that might be your chance https://www.openhumans.org/grants/
Their website lists some example project ideas, if you want some inspiration.

With openSNP we’d love to have a bridge between openSNP and Open Humans, to allow for an easy cross-linking of data sets, but we’re short on time and thus can’t do it ourselves right now. So if that would be a project/grant idea you're interested in please be in touch with me, we’d love to help you with the grant application and support you.

About the job: Open Humans is also offering a developer position right now. If you’re into web development and open science, that might be a great chance to earn a living doing both things. Unlike many nonprofits, they are fortunate to have raised enough funding to be able to pay market rate for this position! More details are at: https://www.openhumans.org/jobs/

Please also share it with other people who’re in the field and might be a good fit or have project ideas!


mobile phone +49 176 213 044 66

While I may be sending this email outside my normal office hours, I have no expectation to receive a reply outside yours.

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