What is this fuzz on in vitro plant cultures?

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2017年2月19日 凌晨1:36:172017/2/19
I recently replated some Drosera adalae plantlets onto media with NAA and BAP. After about two weeks, I noticed the roots beginning to get hairy, growing a brown fuzz. I'm almost certain it's not contamination. A buddy of mine also had similar fuzz begin to develop on his VFT callus after replating. Does anyone know what this growth is?

Sebastian S Cocioba

2017年2月19日 上午8:42:272017/2/19
Those are the root hairs of the carnivorous plant. Venus fly traps have the same. Looks like fungus but its just root hair. All roots have hairs and in open air they look quite bushy but in culture they get hidden by the refractive index of the media and translucence of the hairs especially when wet. Good job! 

Sebastian S. Cocioba
CEO & Founder
New York Botanics, LLC

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2017年2月19日 下午4:14:082017/2/19
Interesting, so it's not necessarily influenced by the hormone media?
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