Whole Exome Sequencing for Biohackers

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Alex Mittendorf

Oct 16, 2016, 5:52:23 PM10/16/16
to DIYbio

I'm part of the management team of Genos (http://www.genosresearch.com/?cid=diybio) and as part of our beta, we are offering a special pricing of $399 for high-quality whole exome sequencing (75x on-target coverage, CLIA).

We thought this would be of a lot of interest to the biohacker community.  In addition to providing a suite of interactive tools to explore your DNA, we also provide access to your raw sequence data so that you can explore, further analyze and hack on your own DNA data.  More information is available at http://www.genosresearch.com/?cid=diybio.

Please let me know if you have any questions.

Best regards,

Cathal Garvey

Oct 17, 2016, 3:21:35 AM10/17/16
to diy...@googlegroups.com
Hey Alex,

Really glad to finally see a DNA-seq company emerge that puts personal genetic ownership front-and-centre! I never went for 23andme because they started asserting ownership over genotypes, and even patented a few genes discovered from their customers.

Does Genos have a customer-facing agreement revoking all moral or legal right to patent or otherwise assert intellectual "property" over their customers' DNA? I appreciate the plain-word pledge on the first page, but I'm thinking of something more clearly defined that can be a best-practice to lead the field.

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Nov 1, 2016, 10:52:49 PM11/1/16
to DIYbio, cathal...@cathalgarvey.me
Hey Cathal,

FYI, the US supreme court in a 9/0 decision invalidated all patents on human genes in 2010. Here is an awesome TED talk by Tania Simoncelli, one of the lawyers involved.


Cathal Garvey

Nov 2, 2016, 10:04:55 AM11/2/16
to diy...@googlegroups.com
Yep..in the USA.

And, they should have been illegal patents in the first place, so the law isn't always a guarantee that people won't misappropriate parts of me!
Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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