Round 3061 - HODMANDODS - Results

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Tim B

Mar 30, 2020, 4:15:37 PM3/30/20
In round 3061 Tim Lodge took top spot with 5 points; 2 points for a correct guess and 3 for his
"workwear overalls" makes him the overall winner.

There are 3 runners-up with 3 points each: Efrem Mallach, Mike Shefler and Nancy Richardson. The
true definition was 2, snails in their shells, which 4 players guessed; Johnny Barrs was DQ.

1. [Scots sl.] warts.
Submitted by Efrem Mallach who voted for 2* & 3
Votes from Lodge - Score 1+2*=3
2. snails in their shells.
Submitted by “1811 Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue” by Francis Grose (from Project Gutenberg) which
didn’t vote
Votes from Lodge, EMallach, Naylor, Shepherdson - D4
3. a state of nervous anxiety.
Submitted by Chris Carson who didn’t vote
Votes from EMallach, Naylor - Score 2+0=2
4. [Yorkshire dialect] workwear overalls.
Submitted by Tim Lodge who voted for 1 & 2*
Votes from Madnick, AMallach, Shefler - Score 3+2*=5
5. [Shropshire Dial.] overshoes; galoshes.
Submitted by Mike Shefler who voted for 4 & 8
Votes from Madnick, Shepherdson, Widdis - Score 3+0=3
6. leaves chewed or brewed in tea as a stimulant.
Submitted by Judy Madnick who voted for 4 & 5
Votes from no-one - Score 0
7. a collier’s tools, especially those used for cutting coal blocks.
Submitted by Dave Cunningham who didn’t vote
Votes from AMallach, Widdis - Score 2+0=2
8. insignia of rank carried or worn by a Cossack hodman (var., hetman) or chieftain.
Submitted by Alan Mallach who voted for 4 & 7
Votes from Shefler - Score 1+0=1
9. plankton that congregate in multiple-species groups, apparently due to wave action.
Submittted by Nancy Shepherdson who voted for 2* & 5
Votes from Embler - Score 1+2*=3
10. [Old Finn] the snake that encircles the world and feeds on the sacred ash tree yggadrasil.
Submitted by Johnny Barrs who was DQ
Votes from Embler = Score 1+0=1
11. a drink similar to egg-nog, typically sweetened with sugar, flavoured with rum, brandy,
orange flower water, etc., and served warm.
Submitted by Shani Naylor who voted for 2* & 3
Votes from no-one - Score 0+2*=2
12. articles of agreement between the captain of a vessel and the seamen on board, in respect
to the amount of wages, length of time for which they are shipping, etc.
Submitted by Dan Widdis who voted for 5 & 7
Votes from no-one - Score 0+0=0

No definition:
Debbie Embler voted for 9 & 10 - Score 0

A results table is attached.

Congratulations to Tim, and best wishes to you all,

Tim Bourne (who is due for a rest, having dealt 3 of the last 9 rounds!)

Tim Lodge

Mar 30, 2020, 5:18:46 PM3/30/20
to Dixonary
Ah - I took my eye off the ball and didn't see that coming!  New word coming up before I go to bed.

--  Tim L
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