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Scarlett Taylor

2021年9月16日 12:49:582021/9/16
收件人 distance-sampling
Hi there, 

I'm wondering if there is a way to get WAIC scores instead of AIC scores from Distance in R for model selection with MCDS? 


Scarlett Taylor  (she/her)
MSc. Candidate
Integrated Fisheries Lab | Department of Biology | LSC 7088
Dalhousie University | Halifax, NS B3H 4R2

Halifax Coordinator: 
Sharks of the Atlantic Research and Conservation Centre (ShARCC)

e: scarlet...@dal.ca
c: (905) 872-8534

Eric Rexstad

2021年9月16日 14:12:192021/9/16
收件人 Scarlett Taylor、distance-sampling

WAIC is not computed by the ds()​function.  There is a function AIC()​ in the Distance package that can compute Bayes Information Criterion (BIC) by setting the argument k​ to be the natural log of the number of detections.

Example here if modelobj​ is the object returned by ds()​ and nval​ is the number of detections.
BIC <- AIC(modelobj, k = log(nval))$AIC
As I understand WAIC, it requires a posterior distribution of parameters, hence is Bayesian in nature.  The Distance package does not carry out Bayesian estimation.

From: distance...@googlegroups.com <distance...@googlegroups.com> on behalf of Scarlett Taylor <scarlet...@hotmail.com>
Sent: 16 September 2021 17:49
To: distance-sampling <distance...@googlegroups.com>
Subject: {Suspected Spam} [distance-sampling] WAIC?
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Scarlett Taylor

2021年9月16日 14:27:232021/9/16
收件人 distance-sampling
Hi Eric, 

Thanks for confirming my suspicions. That's what I was thinking, but I wanted to confirm it before going back to my supervisor and telling them it wasn't possible. It's nice to know that you can calculate BIC however! 

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