Freedv 1.7 Build

已查看 57 次

JH0PCF kanda

2022年3月23日 07:24:312022/3/23
收件人 digitalvoice

Thank you for your constant support.

On Ubuntu

I tried to build FreeDV GUI by following the written procedure

Build on Ubuntu Linux (16-20) using PulseAudio.

./ Line 30: cmake: Command not found

+ cd / home / XXXX / freedv-gui

+'[''!' -D LPCNet']'

+ cd / home / XXXX / freedv-gui / LPCNet

+ git checkout master

Already on'master'

Your branch is up to date with'origin / master'.

+ git pull

Already up to date.

+ mkdir -p build_linux

+ cd build_linux

+ rm -Rf'*'

+ cmake -DCODEC2_BUILD_DIR = / home / XXXX freedv-gui / codec2 / build_linux ..

./ Line 39: cmake: Command not found

And cannot be built.

Was there any change?

Jim Tittsler

2022年3月23日 08:30:342022/3/23
On Wed, Mar 23, 2022 at 8:24 PM JH0PCF kanda <> wrote:
> + cmake -DCODEC2_BUILD_DIR = / home / XXXX freedv-gui / codec2 / build_linux ..
> ./ Line 39: cmake: Command not found

It looks like you may not have the `cmake` build tool installed on
that machine. Please try:
sudo apt update && sudo apt install cmake
and then try again.

Jim 7J1AJH

Mooneer Salem

2022年3月23日 10:54:502022/3/23
To add to this, it's possible that there are other required packages that aren't installed as well, so you should run the following command from to make sure you get all of them:

sudo apt install libspeexdsp-dev libsamplerate0-dev sox git libwxgtk3.0-gtk3-dev libhamlib-dev libasound2-dev libao-dev libgsm1-dev libsndfile-dev cmake module-assistant build-essential libpulse-dev

-Mooneer K6AQ

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JH0PCF kanda

2022年3月23日 17:01:322022/3/23
收件人 digitalvoice
Thank you for your support procedure on the terminal again

sudo apt install libspeexdsp-dev libsamplerate0-dev sox git libwxgtk3.0-gtk3-dev libhamlib-dev libasound2-dev libao-dev libgsm1-dev libsndfile-dev cmake module-assistant build-essential libpulse-dev
And when I build it, I can build it.
I was able to run it in ./build_linux/src/freedv
However, for the FreeDV 1.8.0 deb file released the other day, install the package lpcnet lpcnet_toos codec2 released on the Ubuntu terminal first using the dpkg -i command.
With apt-get install ./freedv_1.8.0_amd64.deb
It can be installed without error. The FreeDV icon appears, but it cannot be executed even if it is clicked.
Is it the difference between debian and Ubuntu dependent packages?

2022年3月23日水曜日 23:54:50 UTC+9

Mooneer Salem

2022年3月24日 13:40:322022/3/24
Hi Kanda,

If you try to execute the package's version through the Terminal (by entering "freedv"), does anything appear in it?


-Mooneer K6AQ

JH0PCF kanda

2022年3月24日 17:47:142022/3/24
收件人 digitalvoice
Follow the steps in
Proceed with the build and on the terminal ./build_linux/src/freedv
If so, the freedv software will start up and work normally.
It's working.
On Ubuntu, from the repository as a package
The version that can be dropped is up to 1.4, which is normal
It works upright.
Install FreeDV software packaged from the outside
You can do it and it will be registered in the program menu
Even if I click it, it does not start up and I can not operate it
The same is true for Ver1.8, which was released the other day.

2022年3月25日金曜日 2:40:32 UTC+9

Mooneer Salem

2022年3月25日 03:41:042022/3/25
Hi Kanda,

I looked further and on my 20.04 test VM, it complains about not being able to find (provided by the libhamlib4 package). This seems to be because the packages were built on 21.10. If you're able to install libhamlib4, that should fix the problem. Otherwise I'd suggest just building from source for the time being (which fortunately seems to be working for you).


-Mooneer K6AQ

JH0PCF kanda

2022年3月25日 05:25:432022/3/25
收件人 digitalvoice
thank you,
My environment is also Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
E: If package libhamlib4 is not found
I get a message.
For FreeDV 1.7 version
Build with source code branch master
It's done, so for a while from the source code
Build and use in local folders.

It's superfluous, but the source code for FreeDV 1.8.0 is
Which branch will it be?
Will it be freedv-gui-ms-2020-experiment?
At this branch on an Ubuntu 20.04 terminal ./ pulseaudio
Even if you can't make something that can be executed
Is it the difference between Ubuntu versions?
Below is the screen after executing ./ pulseaudio.
[100%] Built target freedv_700d_tx
make [1]: exit from directory'/ home / wind / freedv-gui-ms / codec2 / build_linux'
/ usr / bin / cmake -E cmake_progress_start / home / wind / freedv-gui-ms / codec2 / build_linux / CMakeFiles 0
+ cd src
+ export LD_LIBRARY_PATH = / home / wind / freedv-gui-ms / LPCNet / build_linux / src
+ LD_LIBRARY_PATH = / home / wind / freedv-gui-ms / LPCNet / build_linux / src
+ ./freedv_tx 2020 /home/wind/freedv-gui-ms/LPCNet/wav/wia.wav-
+ ./freedv_rx 2020-/ dev / null
frames decoded: 23 output speech samples: 66240
+ cd / home / wind / freedv-gui-ms
+ git pull
fatal: not a git repository (or any of the parent directories): .git

2022年3月25日金曜日 16:41:04 UTC+9

JH0PCF kanda

2022年3月25日 08:26:482022/3/25
收件人 digitalvoice
About libhamlib2
Search by search, package
Download and install
After that, install the publicly available lpcnet, lpcnet-tools, codec2, and then freedv 1.8.0
I was able to install and launch
thank you

2022年3月25日金曜日 18:25:43 UTC+9 JH0PCF kanda:

Mooneer Salem

2022年3月25日 15:38:412022/3/25
Hi Kanda,

Good to hear that the packages are working for you now.

BTW, as for the branch, currently they're being built from ms-2020-experiment but official releases (as well as the official packages generated by the various distros) use master.


-Mooneer K6AQ

JH0PCF kanda

2022年3月26日 06:04:422022/3/26
收件人 digitalvoice
I am always grateful for your help.
FreeDV 1.8.0 package can be installed
The resulting Ubuntu version will be 21.10.
20.04 LTS requires a required package version
I couldn't start even if I installed it because it didn't match.
Thank you

2022年3月26日土曜日 4:38:41 UTC+9

Mooneer Salem

2022年3月29日 04:17:332022/3/29
Hi Kanda,

The build I just emailed contains Debian packages built with 20.04 LTS, so those should hopefully work better for you. Let me know if that's not the case.


-Mooneer K6AQ

JH0PCF kanda

2022年3月29日 07:26:172022/3/29
收件人 digitalvoice
FreeDV 1.8.0 running on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
Thank you for making it, install it immediately
I confirmed that it works.
I would like to inform you that there are some points that are of concern.
Audio config API is ALSA,
It is a point that has become.

Please see the photo FreeDV1.8.0_1
pluse Audio Adjust with the volume control program
When you try
Photo Config of Audio Config like FreeDV1.8.0_pluse
The number of sound devices will change.
How ALSA handles sound devices on Ubuntu
Alsa mixer alone is very difficult to control.

Like the FreeDV GUI source code master branch
Pluse Audio compatible builds are available in Ver1.8.0
Can't you do it?

FreeDV 1.7.0  master 
2022年3月29日火曜日 17:17:33 UTC+9

Mooneer Salem

2022年3月29日 12:57:082022/3/29
Hi Kanda,

I generate the packages using PortAudio mainly due to PulseAudio not being the default for Linux; the cpack tool is already configured to be able to handle either properly. However, if people would much rather PulseAudio be the default, we can modify the script accordingly.


-Mooneer K6AQ

JH0PCF kanda

2022年3月31日 07:30:572022/3/31
收件人 digitalvoice
HI Mooneer
FreeDV 1.8.0-devel for Ubuntu with Pluse Audio
Thank you very much for building.
Immediately install it on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
I've tried it and it's working fine so far.
Thank you very much.
Also for amateur radio stations in Japan
I will tell you through the site I manage.
Thank you

2022年3月30日水曜日 1:57:08 UTC+9
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