deal.II Newsletter #254

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Rene Gassmoeller

May 18, 2023, 12:00:44 PM5/18/23

Hello everyone!

This is deal.II newsletter #254.
It automatically reports recently merged features and discussions about the deal.II finite element library.

Below you find a list of recently proposed or merged features:

#15239: Fix the number of pyramid lines and one pyramid table. (proposed by drwells)
#15238: Initialize and check an assertion in the NOX solver. (proposed by bangerth)
#15237: Properly treat exceptions in a user callback in NOX. (proposed by bangerth; merged)
#15236: Minor updates to the NOX solver documentation. (proposed by bangerth; merged)
#15235: Fix Tpetra for newer Trilinos (proposed by masterleinad)
#15233: fix bug in find_active_cell_around_point (proposed by richardschu)
#15231: improve documentation for PETSc SNES (proposed by tjhei; merged)
#15230: Patterns: Fix parsing lists of lists (proposed by masterleinad; merged)
#15229: MatrixFree: Avoid setting face vectorization group boundary in serial (proposed by kronbichler)
#15228: Avoid compiler warning (proposed by kronbichler; merged)
#15226: Tpetra is not functional without sync() function (proposed by sebproell)
#15223: Convert ARKode interfaces to conform to our callback policy. (proposed by bangerth)
#15222: Minor doc improvement in step-6. (proposed by bangerth; merged)
#15221: Update output of step-77. (proposed by bangerth; merged)
#15220: fix some compiler warnings (proposed by richardschu; merged)
#15219: fixed some compiler warnings in (proposed by richardschu)
#15218: Add a function for computing distances to unit cells. (proposed by drwells)
#15217: Make MatrixFree evaluation kernels more flexible w.r.t. number type (proposed by kronbichler)
#15216: SUNDIALS: remove outdated copy functionality (proposed by sebproell; merged)
#15215: Face path for FEPointEvaluation (proposed by bergbauer; merged)
#15214: Fix step-77 NOX test (proposed by sebproell; merged)
#15212: Fix Kokkos compilation with GCC 13. (proposed by drwells; merged)
#15211: FEPointEvaluation: Use template argument consistently (proposed by bergbauer; merged)
#15210: Fix step-77: zero out residual before assembly (proposed by sebproell; merged)
#15209: Integrate DG into non-nested MG (proposed by jh66637)
#15208: Fix typo in documentation (proposed by kronbichler; merged)
#15207: Tensor product kernels: Use the right type in some templated functions (proposed by kronbichler; merged)
#15206: Fix warnings with gcc-13.1 (proposed by masterleinad; merged)
#15205: CMake: create a compile_commands.json symlink (proposed by tamiko; merged)
#15204: Adds create_with_same_size function (proposed by MarcelKoch)
#15203: Updates Ginkgo solver wrappers (proposed by MarcelKoch)
#15202: Adds wrappers for Ginkgo matrices (proposed by MarcelKoch)
#15200: Use Kokkos to launch kernels in CUDAWrappers::MatrixFree (proposed by Rombur)
#15199: Allow finding user-installed HDF5 (proposed by masterleinad; merged)
#15197: Add an abstract base class ReadVector purely for vector access. (proposed by drwells)
#15196: Avoid variables named 'import', part 2. (proposed by bangerth; merged)
#15195: [WIP] Avoid the name 'import' as a function name. (proposed by bangerth)
#15194: KINSOL: do not copy vectors internally (proposed by sebproell; merged)
#15193: Remove overhead from AlignedVector in FEFaceNormalEvaluationImpl (proposed by bergbauer; merged)
#15191: Avoid variables named 'import'. (proposed by bangerth; merged)
#15189: Add a test with an irrecoverable failure of KINSOL. (proposed by bangerth; merged)
#15188: Clean up after ourselves. (proposed by bangerth; merged)
#15187: Catch and rethrow *all* exceptions. (proposed by bangerth; merged)
#15186: Let NOX callbacks conform to our new standard for callback errors. (proposed by bangerth; merged)

And this is a list of recently opened or closed discussions:

#15234 Documentation not showing up correctly - issue with DEAL_II_CXX20_REQUIRES (opened)
#15232 Linker fails due to hwloc (opened)
#15227 Parameter Pattern for list of lists is not parsed correctly (opened and closed)
#15225 SolutionTransfer: Implement more general interpolation algorithms (opened)
#15224 Allow vectors in MatrixFree context to skip constrained DoFs (opened)
#15213 nvcc fatal : A single input file is required for a non-link phase when an outputfile is specified (opened)
#15201 Potential floating point comparison issue in AffineConstraints<number>::is_consistent_in_parallel (opened)
#12066 Use N_Vector wrappers in KINSOL interfaces (closed)
#12025 Fix MatrixFree::find_vector_in_mf for multiple DoFHandler/AffineConstrains (closed)
#8437 Look over clang-format indentation with many specifiers (closed)
#7357 SphericalManifold inaccurate/broken (closed)
#2000 DoFHandler index handling (closed)

A list of all major changes since the last release can be found at this website.

Thanks for being part of the community!

Let us know about questions, problems, bugs or just share your experience by writing to this mailing list, or by opening issues or pull requests on Github.
Additional information can be found at our official website.

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