deal.II Newsletter #214

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Rene Gassmoeller

Jun 1, 2022, 12:01:21 PM6/1/22

Hello everyone!

This is deal.II newsletter #214.
It automatically reports recently merged features and discussions about the deal.II finite element library.

Below you find a list of recently proposed or merged features:

#13884: Use map::find rather than insert to avoid creating temporary (proposed by kronbichler)
#13883: Remove another inclusion of hanging_nodes_internal.h. Documentation. (proposed by kronbichler)
#13882: Fix typo in documentation for UpdateFlags (proposed by masterleinad)
#13880: fix parallel .vtu missing footer (proposed by tjhei)
#13879: add large vtu test (proposed by tjhei)
#13878: Reduce run time of matrix-free RT tests (proposed by kronbichler; merged)
#13876: update large IO test output (proposed by tjhei; merged)
#13875: vtu zlib: assert max size (proposed by tjhei; merged)
#13874: Allow to call communicate_mg_ghost_cells in 1D (proposed by kronbichler; merged)
#13873: MatrixFree: Use faster data structure to detect parents of cells (proposed by kronbichler)
#13872: MatrixFree: Do not construct hanging nodes structure for non-adapted meshes (proposed by kronbichler)
#13871: Remove header inclusion (proposed by kronbichler; merged)
#13870: MatrixFree: Avoid use of deprecated n_components_filled (proposed by kronbichler; merged)
#13869: Speed up the function MatrixFree::n_active_entries_per_cell_batch (proposed by kronbichler; merged)
#13868: FEInterfaceValues: add more tests (proposed by zjiaqi2018)
#13867: LargeCount MPI_write/read_at (proposed by zjiaqi2018)
#13866: Clean up PolynomialsRaviartThomas (proposed by kronbichler)
#13865: Prevent endless particle loop during refinement (proposed by gassmoeller; merged)
#13864: Make VectorTools::project compile with complex numbers (proposed by kronbichler; merged)
#13863: Fixing grammar mistakes in comments (proposed by pengfej; merged)
#13862: Fix a grammar mistake. (proposed by bangerth; merged)
#13861: Add a missing assertion in the XDMF writer. (proposed by bangerth; merged)
#13860: Properly tag an output file. (proposed by bangerth; merged)
#13858: Fix bug for global coarsening: Must allow invalid proc id (proposed by kronbichler; merged)
#13857: Ignore *.ptvu files from tutorial steps (proposed by gfcas)
#13856: Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 3 (proposed by dependabot[bot]; merged)
#13855: Step-81: add authors to intro.dox (proposed by tamiko; merged)
#13854: Optimize Utilities::pack/unpack for empty objects. (proposed by bangerth; merged)
#13853: Avoid some uses of Triangulation::user_flags (proposed by kronbichler)
#13852: missing changelog entries (proposed by tjhei; merged)
#13851: Use LargeCount MPI_write_at and MPI_read_at functions (proposed by pengfej; merged)
#13850: update (proposed by tjhei)
#13849: doxygen comments: @ref fixes (proposed by tjhei; merged)
#13847: Add a changelog for the new CutFEM functionality in NonMatching. (proposed by simonsticko; merged)
#13846: Restore compatibility with OpenCASCADE >= 7.6.0 (proposed by marcfehling)
#13845: Introduce DEAL_II_OPENCASCADE_VERSION_GTE (proposed by marcfehling; merged)
#13844: Suppress some unused variable warnings when we don't have muParser. (proposed by drwells; merged)
#13843: Fix FESystem::initialize for pyramids/wedges (proposed by peterrum; merged)
#13842: FESystem::build_interface_constraints() for wedges/pyramids (proposed by peterrum)
#13841: Intel 18: more constexpr problems (proposed by marcfehling; merged)
#13840: Fix test output for trilinos 13.2.0 (proposed by marcfehling; merged)
#13839: Fix petsc/solver_08 for petsc 3.17.1 (proposed by marcfehling; merged)
#13838: Intel 18: static constexpr bool (proposed by marcfehling; merged)
#13836: some doxygen formatting fixes (proposed by tjhei; merged)
#13835: Implement class NonMatching::MappingInfo (proposed by bergbauer)
#13834: Generalize FETools::Compositing::multiply_dof_numbers() (proposed by peterrum; merged)
#13833: Deprecate GridTools::CellDataTransferBuffer (proposed by kronbichler; merged)
#13832: Minor updates to a few changelog entries. (proposed by bangerth; merged)
#13831: Provide a defaulted copy operator. (proposed by bangerth; merged)
#13830: Better document ReferenceCell and the reference cell glossary entry. (proposed by bangerth; merged)
#13829: Remove some unneeded header inclusions (proposed by kronbichler; merged)
#13828: Simplify access to MG DoFs in DoFAccessor (proposed by kronbichler)
#13827: CMake: Skip expensive boost test (proposed by tamiko; merged)
#13826: Consensus algorithm specialization for the case where no answer is requested. (proposed by bangerth; merged)
#13825: Fix the function declaration a doc string is attached to. (proposed by bangerth; merged)
#13824: Augment documentation of the consensus algorithm free functions. (proposed by bangerth; merged)
#13823: CMake: Make configure file naming consistent (proposed by tamiko; merged)
#13819: [9.3] Take over doxygen fixes (proposed by tamiko; merged)
#13816: Use GridTools::exchange_cell_data_on_ghosts for DoF renumbering (proposed by kronbichler; merged)
#13811: Optimize Utilities::pack for std::vector<std::vector<trivial>> (proposed by kronbichler; merged)
#13807: Compute Quadrature formula over a general poly (proposed by fdrmrc; merged)
#13805: Fix test dependencies (proposed by drwells; merged)
#13787: Massively lower some IDA solver tolerances. (proposed by drwells; merged)
#13773: Refactor function parser (proposed by drwells; merged)
#13769: Deprecate ConsensusAlgorithms::AnonymousProcess. (proposed by bangerth; merged)
#13768: Consensus Algorithms: Move template functions into .h file. (proposed by bangerth; merged)
#13673: Upgrade write_vtu_in_parallel based on mpi large IO update (proposed by pengfej; merged)
#13512: Update constant_modes doc (proposed by gfcas; merged)
#12807: Tutorial: Time-harmonic Maxwell solver with perfectly matched layer (proposed by tamiko; merged)

And this is a list of recently opened or closed discussions:

#13881 Unity build is broken (opened)
#13877 DataOut::write_vtu_in_parallel: missing closing xml elements (opened)
#13859 write_hdf5 does not support mixed meshes and has no warning (opened and closed)
#13848 [Tutorial step-1] part of the HTML is malformed. (opened and closed)
#13837 Replace FE_PolyTensor::inverse_node_matrix with something more accurate (opened)
#13822 Compilation fails for opencascade 7.6.1 (opened)
#13821 Compilation fails for `Intel 18` (opened and closed)
#13764 Resolving external library interdependencies (closed)
#13308 Documentation of GeometryInfo and ReferenceCell unclear (closed)
#13263 Optimize `MatrixFree::n_active_entries_per_*_batch()` (closed)
#13098 Compilation error because of complex<double> and matrix-free. (closed)
#10921 FEFaceEvaluation: efficiency of gather_evaluate + integrate_scatter (closed)
#10388 TaskFlow: How to start a single task (closed)

A list of all major changes since the last release can be found at this website.

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