deal.II Newsletter #199

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Rene Gassmoeller

Feb 1, 2022, 12:00:39 PM2/1/22

Hello everyone!

This is deal.II newsletter #199.
It automatically reports recently merged features and discussions about the deal.II finite element library.

Below you find a list of recently proposed or merged features:

#13319: CMake: call CMake's FindHDF5 instead of trying to find everything by hand (proposed by tamiko)
#13316: MatrixFreeTools::compute_diagonal(): do not initialize vector (proposed by peterrum)
#13315: [WIP] `MatrixFreeTools::compute_diagonal`: introduce template parameter `VectorType` (proposed by mschreter)
#13313: Enable FE_Nothing in DoFTools::extract_constant_modes (proposed by sebproell)
#13312: Fix MGTwoLevelTransfer::restrict_and_add() (proposed by peterrum; merged)
#13311: FEEval: rename get_is_interior_face() to is_interior_face() (proposed by peterrum; merged)
#13310: Speed up evaluation of RefSpaceFEFieldFunction (proposed by kronbichler)
#13309: Added hp-version for `VectorTools::compute_mean_value()`. (proposed by marcfehling; merged)
#13307: Updates to manifolds classes (proposed by bangerth; merged)
#13306: Minor adjustments to the pipe junction geometry. (proposed by bangerth; merged)
#13305: Add a missing assertion. (proposed by bangerth; merged)
#13304: Improve the text of an assertion. (proposed by bangerth; merged)
#13303: Rename Triangulation::manifold to Triangulation::manifolds. (proposed by bangerth; merged)
#13302: Minor updates to the documentation of GridTools::transform(). (proposed by bangerth; merged)
#13301: Avoid a couple of references to GeometryInfo. (proposed by bangerth; merged)
#13300: Avoid 'using namespace' declarations. (proposed by bangerth; merged)
#13299: Remove an unnecessary 'using namespace std' declaration. (proposed by bangerth; merged)
#13298: Minor suggestions for step-55 (proposed by marcfehling; merged)
#13296: Follow-up to is_detected. (proposed by bangerth; merged)
#13294: fix a rendering issue with doxygen 1.9.3 (proposed by tamiko; merged)
#13293: Port 9.3.3 changelog changes to master. (proposed by drwells; merged)
#13291: Use standardized detection idiom (proposed by masterleinad; merged)
#13287: Introduce ReferenceCell::n_isotropic_children(). (proposed by bangerth; merged)
#13281: Introduce FEEval::*_face_data() (proposed by peterrum; merged)
#13272: Switch the consensus algorithms interface to using function objects. (proposed by bangerth; merged)
#13269: Add a test for moving particles in a complex geometry and (proposed by blaisb; merged)
#13260: FEEval: allow to reinit with a batch with arbitrary cells (proposed by peterrum; merged)
#13124: Manifold for `pipe_junction`. (proposed by marcfehling; merged)
#12771: Add Hessian to FE_NedelecSZ (proposed by kinnewig; merged)
#12757: Add a CutFEM tutorial as step-85 (proposed by simonsticko; merged)

And this is a list of recently opened or closed discussions:

#13318 Compatibility with opencascade 7.6.0 (opened)
#13317 size of sparsity pattern not consistent with number of dofs (opened and closed)
#13314 PETScWrappers::MPI::Vector class gives no warning when trying to modify ghosted vectors (opened)
#13308 Documentation of GeometryInfo and ReferenceCell unclear (opened)
#13297 GMRES residual jump at restart when using multigrid matrix-free method (opened)
#13295 Follow-ups to the introduction of `is_detected` (opened)
#13228 The 9.3.3 release (closed)
#13208 ConsensusAlgorithms interface (closed)
#11628 Robustness of ParameterHandler::parse_input() (closed)
#10535 Improve design of GridTools::find_active_cell_around_point() (closed)
#9594 VectorTools::interpolate_boundary_values() (closed)
#8918 Improve documentation of DataOutFaces (closed)
#8914 Can one keep manifolds when merging triangulations? (closed)

A list of all major changes since the last release can be found at this website.

Thanks for being part of the community!

Let us know about questions, problems, bugs or just share your experience by writing to this mailing list, or by opening issues or pull requests on Github.
Additional information can be found at our official website.

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