deal.II Newsletter #122

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Rene Gassmoeller

Jun 12, 2020, 3:00:55 PM6/12/20

Hello everyone!

This is deal.II newsletter #122.
It automatically reports recently merged features and discussions about the deal.II finite element library.

Below you find a list of recently proposed or merged features:

#10522: Remove auto from GridTools::exchange_cell_data_to_level_ghosts() (proposed by peterrum; merged)
#10521: Bugfix: Return a reference to *this in operator= (proposed by tamiko; merged)
#10520: Clarify docu of GridTools::find_active_cell_around_point() (proposed by nfehn)
#10519: lac/constraints_move: Fix undefined behavior (proposed by tamiko; merged)
#10518: mpi/muelu_periodicity: fix test (proposed by peterrum; merged)
#10517: Fix warning about an unused variable in (proposed by masterleinad; merged)
#10516: Merge implementations of exchange_cell_data_to_(level)_ghosts (proposed by peterrum)
#10514: Tests: Update tests for changes in GridTools::find_active_cell_around_point (proposed by tamiko; merged)
#10513: Add a changelog entry. (proposed by bangerth; merged)
#10512: Remove a surrounding class that is now no longer necessary. (proposed by bangerth; merged)
#10511: Add alias Triangulation::level_cell_iterator (proposed by peterrum; merged)
#10510: Add global particles (proposed by luca-heltai)
#10509: Use usual ++var style. (proposed by bangerth; merged)
#10508: Better describe what we do when running cmake for code gallery programs. (proposed by bangerth; merged)
#10507: Improve tutorial graph layout. (proposed by bangerth; merged)
#10505: improve tests/feinterface/* (proposed by tjhei; merged)
#10504: Fix a bug in CUDAWrappers::MatrixFree::cell_loop (proposed by Rombur; merged)
#10503: Add GridTools::exchange_cell_data_to_level_ghosts() (proposed by peterrum; merged)
#10502: Remove appveyor (proposed by masterleinad; merged)
#10501: Remove % in documentation (proposed by masterleinad; merged)
#10499: [CI] github-actions windows: disable zlib (proposed by tjhei; merged)
#10498: [CI] windows github actions serial (proposed by tjhei)
#10497: add a test for multilevel access of FEInterfaceValues (proposed by tjhei; merged)
#10496: Add missing instantiation for PETSc with complex values (proposed by masterleinad; merged)
#10495: doxygen filter: do not try to link step- without number (proposed by tjhei; merged)
#10493: [CI] remove references to travis (proposed by tjhei; merged)
#10492: Document particle_lost in particle handler. (proposed by luca-heltai; merged)
#10491: [CI] add githubactions indent/documentation check (proposed by tjhei; merged)
#10490: Give each cell a globally unique (level) ID (proposed by peterrum)
#10488: Insert particles (proposed by shahabgol)
#10487: Remove ConstraintMatrix reference (proposed by masterleinad; merged)
#10486: tests/symengine/batch_optimizer: add output variants (proposed by tamiko)
#10485: Fix a dead link in the top level readme. (proposed by drwells; merged)
#10484: CMake: Avoid another symbol clash with adol-c (proposed by tamiko; merged)
#10483: Fix compilation with c++14: add missing instantiation (proposed by tamiko; merged)
#10482: Step 3 tutorial: problem statement inconsistency (proposed by christophkammer1989; merged)
#10481: MGTransferPrebuilt custom constraints test (proposed by tcclevenger)
#10480: Tutorial step 3+4 inconsistency in problem statement (proposed by christophkammer1989)
#10478: Equip GridTools::find_active_cell_around_point() with tolerance (proposed by nfehn; merged)
#10477: refactoring of GridTools::find_all_active_cells_around_point() (proposed by nfehn; merged)
#10475: fixes step-52 doc issue; the correct math expr is sin(x,pi/omega)=0 (proposed by krishnakumarg1984)
#10473: Last real step fixing AffineConstraints (proposed by bangerth; merged)
#10471: Update output of test (proposed by masterleinad)
#10470: Fix more issues found by AddressSanitizer (proposed by masterleinad; merged)
#10469: Fixed default parameters for step-70. (proposed by luca-heltai; merged)
#10465: Remove unneeded template argument (proposed by peterrum; merged)
#10458: remove redundant documentation for GridTools::find_active_cell_around_point() functions (proposed by nfehn; merged)
#10456: Fix bug in find_active_cell_around_point_tolerance() (proposed by nfehn; merged)
#10453: Fix distribution of levels in pft (proposed by peterrum; merged)
#10450: Triangulation/DoFHandler: binary incompatibility note (proposed by peterrum; merged)
#10448: Get rid of TriaObject. (proposed by bangerth; merged)
#10442: Update output of test (proposed by peterrum; merged)
#10348: Applied user constraints before prolongation in MGTransferPrebuilt (proposed by mathmerizing; merged)
#10162: Refactor some SD tests (proposed by jppelteret; merged)

And this is a list of recently opened or closed discussions:

#10515 test particles/particle_handler_06 is broken (opened and closed)
#10506 Test failures in find_active_cell_around_point_tolerance (opened and closed)
#10500 Detangle DEAL_II_WITH_ZLIB and boost::iostreams (opened and closed)
#10494 [CI] windows github actions quick test link failure (opened and closed)
#10489 Travis-CI for documentations throws error when DiscreteTime::get_step_number() is called in a step (opened and closed)
#10479 Remove QuadratureCache from step-62 (opened)
#10476 [Step-52 doc] Consider using a different mathematical variable for one time-step increment (opened)
#10474 DataOut::add_data_vector vector handling (opened)
#10472 Update web page news section. (opened and closed)
#10462 ThreadLocalStorage needs a move operator= (closed)
#10449 Memory consumption of p::f::t (closed)
#10447 Document binary incompatibility of the Triangulation post 9.2 (closed)
#10284 Bug in AffineConstraintsData (closed)
#10072 deal.II Release 9.2.0 (released 2020/05/20) (closed)
#5112 Extend DataOut to output multi-grid vectors (closed)

A list of all major changes since the last release can be found at this website.

Thanks for being part of the community!

Let us know about questions, problems, bugs or just share your experience by writing to this mailing list, or by opening issues or pull requests on Github.
Additional information can be found at our official website.

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