Quasi Static Compressible Finit Strain for Heterogenous Hyperelastic material

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Animesh Rastogi IIT Gandhinagar

Oct 26, 2020, 3:15:54 AM10/26/20
to deal.II User Group
Hello All,

I am trying to solve the wrinkling problem of a thin stiff film attached to a soft substrate in dealii. I am using the code - from the code gallery for this purpose. For the simulations, I would have to consider the film and the substrate with different material properties.

I understand that I would have to do something within the class Qudrature point history. However, I am getting a little confused on how to approach it. It would be great if someone could help me with this.



Jean-Paul Pelteret

Oct 26, 2020, 5:35:39 PM10/26/20
to dea...@googlegroups.com
Dear Animesh,

Let me preface my suggestion by saying that you can introduce some heterogeneity in more than one way. That is, you're not bound to using a material ID (which is what I'm going to suggest), but you could use some geometric arguments to determine which class or material properties should dictate the constitutive response at a continuum point. You also need not use the class-based structure that this code galley example has. There are other tutorials (e.g. step-8) that use Functions that return the material coefficients at any point in space. So you should keep that in mind as you read my suggestion.

In my opinion, the simplest approach would be the following:

1. The PointHistory::setup_lqp() function is the point at which the constitutive law at some quadrature point is set. So you should extend this function in some way to make a decision about which material it is in, and what the material law at that point is. The first thing that you might do is add an argument for the material ID, and then choose constiutitve parameters based on the material ID. You'll note that the concrete constitutive law is stored in a pointer. This makes it easy to extend to support other constitutive laws, because you can for example abstract the Material_Compressible_Neo_Hook_One_Field class into some base class and other classes (maybe a Material_Compressible_Mooney_Rivlin_One_Field) and then, based on the material ID, select which constitutive law is applied at that quadrature point.
2. The PointHistory::setup_lqp() function is called from Solid::setup_qph() , and more specifically inside a loop over all cells. Its possible to retrieve the cell->material_id() or cell->center() (or, if you create a quadrature rule to help you then you can get the actual position of the quadrature point if you want such granularity). You can then pass this information in to PointHistory::setup_lqp() to help decide which constitutive law / parameters to apply. If using the material ID then you will, of course, want to set the material ID when building or reading in your triangulation.

That is, at least, how I typically do things when using this code as a basis for extension. I hope that this helps you introduce heterogeneities into your problem!

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Animesh Rastogi IIT Gandhinagar

Nov 3, 2020, 1:39:03 AM11/3/20
to deal.II User Group
Hi Jean,

Sorry for late response. Thank you for your detailed answer. Using your suggestions I was able to assign the material ids to different area of my domain of interest.

Thanks again!


Animesh Rastogi IIT Gandhinagar

Nov 10, 2020, 6:54:13 AM11/10/20
to deal.II User Group
Hi Jean-Paul,

There seem to be some inconsistencies in the simulations results that I am getting, therefore I wanted to check if I have applied the material laws properly accounting for the heterogeneities. Below, I have addted the edited functions that are responsible for that. Could you please let me know if there is something wrong here? I have checked the material properties (mu1, mu2 etc), and they are being read correctly by the code from the parameters file. I have also checked that the material ids (1 and 2) are correctly applied to the cells where I need them.

void setup_lqp (const Parameters::AllParameters &parameters, const unsigned int &materialid)

    //Material 1 - Thin Film
    if (materialid == 1)
      material.reset(new Material_Compressible_Neo_Hook_One_Field<dim,NumberType>(parameters.mu1,
    //Material 2 - Substrate
    if (materialid ==2)
      material.reset(new Material_Compressible_Neo_Hook_One_Field<dim,NumberType>(parameters.mu2,



template <int dim,typename NumberType>
  void Solid<dim,NumberType>::setup_qph()
    std::cout << "    Setting up quadrature point data..." << std::endl;


    for (typename Triangulation<dim>::active_cell_iterator cell =
           triangulation.begin_active(); cell != triangulation.end(); ++cell)
        const std::vector<std::shared_ptr<PointHistory<dim,NumberType> > > lqph =
        Assert(lqph.size() == n_q_points, ExcInternalError());

        for (unsigned int q_point = 0; q_point < n_q_points; ++q_point)
          lqph[q_point]->setup_lqp(parameters, cell->material_id());




Animesh Rastogi IIT Gandhinagar

Nov 10, 2020, 10:06:31 AM11/10/20
to deal.II User Group
Hi Jean-Paul,

Another question which might be the reason why I am getting the inconsistencies in my newton-raphson convergence. I just realised this..

What I am doing is the following -

I am giving small compressive displacements to the film+substrate. I am also calculating the eigenvalues of the tangent_stiffness matrix (after the convergence of newton method), to understand the stability of the system. The moment I encounter a negative smallest eigenvalue, I want to go to a previous time step and would like to solve for a small compressive displacement. For instance, if the compression is 0.1 at this time step and the eigenvalue is negative, I go to the previous time step and give a compressive displacement of 0.05.

Here is my concern, I have added a condition that, if I find a negative eigenvalue during any time step, I update the solution_n = solution_n - solution_delta; and then run the time step again (with a smaller compressive displacement) after doing solution_delta = 0.0. Since the next state is also dependent on the updated quadrature point data (stresses etc.), I would also need to update the quadrature point data to the previous step. Could you please let me know, how am I supposed to do that?

In the documentation in code gallery, it is written that -

"The first function is used to create a material object and to initialize all tensors correctly: The second one updates the stored values and stresses based on the current deformation measure Gradun"  (inside the Point History class). However, I only find one function which is setup_lqp, and not the update_lqp or something similar.



Jean-Paul Pelteret

Nov 12, 2020, 2:45:07 AM11/12/20
to dea...@googlegroups.com, Animesh Rastogi IIT Gandhinagar
Hi Animesh,

All of this seems reasonable to me. When you ask each PointHistory class instance for its stress etc., it will forward the call to the specific material instance that is initialised with one of the two sets of material parameters that you're setting in the parameters file.


Jean-Paul Pelteret

Nov 12, 2020, 3:04:30 AM11/12/20
to dea...@googlegroups.com, Animesh Rastogi IIT Gandhinagar
Hi Animesh,

> In the documentation in code gallery, it is written that -

This code is based off of step-44, and its documentation is largely identical to what's written there. It looks like that comment was missed when adjustments were being made to the documentation, so you should ignore it. You can see that the stress and tangent are computed directly using the kinematic variables passed as arguments to the class methods:

const SymmetricTensor<2,dim,NumberType> tau = lqph[q_point]->get_tau(det_F,b_bar);
const SymmetricTensor<4,dim,NumberType> Jc = lqph[q_point]->get_Jc(det_F,b_bar);

> I would also need to update the quadrature point data to the previous step. Could you please let me know, how am I supposed to do that?

You can see from the code snippet , as well as from the way that the assembly is structured

template <int dim,typename NumberType>
void Solid<dim,NumberType>::assemble_system(const BlockVector<double> &solution_delta)
const BlockVector<double> solution_total(get_total_solution(solution_delta));

template <int dim,typename NumberType>
Solid<dim,NumberType>::get_total_solution(const BlockVector<double> &solution_delta) const
BlockVector<double> solution_total(solution_n);
solution_total += solution_delta;
return solution_total;

that the only requirement to ensure a consistent state for the entire problem is that the addition of "solution_n" with "solution_delta" reflects the configuration of the body that you're wanting. So if that you're doing in the main "time loop" is something like

while (time.current() <= time.end())
solution_delta = 0.0;
solution_n += solution_delta;

auto tmp_soln_delta = solution_delta;

solution_delta = 0.0; // get_total_solution() takes in the soltuion_delta, so don't solve the eigenvalue problem with the delta accounted for twice
const bool accept_step = solve_eigenvalue_problem();
if (accept_step == false)
  solution_n -= tmp_soln_delta;


then that would seem a reasonable approach to me. As I said before, the stresses and strains are kept in sync with the solution_total within the assembly loop.

I hope that this helps you to locate the source of your issues.


Animesh Rastogi IIT Gandhinagar

Nov 23, 2020, 5:03:00 AM11/23/20
to deal.II User Group
Hi Jean-Paul,

Thank you for your detailed response. I checked everything twice and found my code consistent with what you suggested. I think I understood the issue of Newton method convergence. The issue is occurring when I am giving a very small compressive displacement as a boundary condition (near -1e-06).

Is there anyway I can get the solution converged even with a very small compressive displacement?



I am getting something like following -

Assembly method: Residual and linearisation are computed manually.
     Reference volume: 1200
     Number of active cells: 4800
     Number ofset degrees of freedom: 9922

    Setting up quadrature point data...

Timestep 1 @ 1s
    SOLVER STEP     |  LIN_IT   LIN_RES    RES_NORM     RES_U     NU_NORM      NU_U
  0  CST  ASM  SLV  |       1  0.000e+00  1.000e+00  1.000e+00    1.000e+00  1.000e+00  
  1  CST  ASM  SLV  |       1  0.000e+00  1.696e-09  1.696e-09    6.675e-09  6.675e-09  
  2  CST  ASM  SLV  |       1  0.000e+00  1.696e-09  1.696e-09    6.675e-09  6.675e-09  
  3  CST  ASM  SLV  |       1  0.000e+00  1.696e-09  1.696e-09    6.675e-09  6.675e-09  
  4  CST  ASM  SLV  |       1  0.000e+00  7.223e-09  7.223e-09    2.843e-08  2.843e-08  
  5  CST  ASM  SLV  |       1  0.000e+00  1.696e-09  1.696e-09    6.675e-09  6.675e-09  
  6  CST  ASM  SLV  |       1  0.000e+00  1.696e-09  1.696e-09    6.675e-09  6.675e-09  
  7  CST  ASM  SLV  |       1  0.000e+00  1.696e-09  1.696e-09    6.675e-09  6.675e-09  
  8  CST  ASM  SLV  |       1  0.000e+00  1.696e-09  1.696e-09    6.675e-09  6.675e-09  
  9  CST  ASM  SLV  |       1  0.000e+00  7.223e-09  7.223e-09    2.843e-08  2.843e-08  
 10  CST  ASM  SLV  |       1  0.000e+00  1.696e-09  1.696e-09    6.675e-09  6.675e-09  
 11  CST  ASM  SLV  |       1  0.000e+00  1.696e-09  1.696e-09    6.675e-09  6.675e-09  
 12  CST  ASM  SLV  |       1  0.000e+00  1.696e-09  1.696e-09    6.675e-09  6.675e-09  
 13  CST  ASM  SLV  |       1  0.000e+00  1.696e-09  1.696e-09    6.675e-09  6.675e-09  
 14  CST  ASM  SLV  |       1  0.000e+00  7.223e-09  7.223e-09    2.843e-08  2.843e-08  
 15  CST  ASM  SLV  |       1  0.000e+00  1.696e-09  1.696e-09    6.675e-09  6.675e-09  
 16  CST  ASM  SLV  |       1  0.000e+00  1.696e-09  1.696e-09    6.675e-09  6.675e-09  
 17  CST  ASM  SLV  |       1  0.000e+00  1.696e-09  1.696e-09    6.675e-09  6.675e-09  
 18  CST  ASM  SLV  |       1  0.000e+00  1.696e-09  1.696e-09    6.675e-09  6.675e-09  
 19  CST  ASM  SLV  |       1  0.000e+00  7.223e-09  7.223e-09    2.843e-08  2.843e-08  
 20  CST  ASM  SLV  |       1  0.000e+00  1.696e-09  1.696e-09    6.675e-09  6.675e-09  
 21  CST  ASM  SLV  |       1  0.000e+00  1.696e-09  1.696e-09    6.675e-09  6.675e-09  
 22  CST  ASM  SLV  |       1  0.000e+00  1.696e-09  1.696e-09    6.675e-09  6.675e-09  
 23  CST  ASM  SLV  |       1  0.000e+00  1.696e-09  1.696e-09    6.675e-09  6.675e-09  
 24  CST  ASM  SLV  |       1  0.000e+00  1.696e-09  1.696e-09    6.675e-09  6.675e-09  
 25  CST  ASM  SLV  |       1  0.000e+00  7.223e-09  7.223e-09    2.843e-08  2.843e-08  
 26  CST  ASM  SLV  |       1  0.000e+00  1.696e-09  1.696e-09    6.675e-09  6.675e-09 

Jean-Paul Pelteret

Nov 25, 2020, 2:38:57 AM11/25/20
to dea...@googlegroups.com
Dear Animesh,

Well, with such a small incremental displacement its probable that you're either working in the linear range of the constitutive model or that the update between equilibrium states is at least linear. So after a single Newton iteration you have probably converged system, and given that the relative error norms do not decrease any further it is also probable that its converged down to machine precision. You can check this by printing out the absolute error norms in addition to the relative error norms (see https://github.com/dealii/code-gallery/blob/master/Quasi_static_Finite_strain_Compressible_Elasticity/cook_membrane.cc#L1354-L1355). If you're satisfied that that this the "problem" (i.e. that the system is converged but its not being detected by the nonlinear solver) then you can simply amend the convergence criteria for the NL solver (see https://github.com/dealii/code-gallery/blob/master/Quasi_static_Finite_strain_Compressible_Elasticity/cook_membrane.cc#L1272-L1273) to include checks on the absolute error.

I hope that this helps.

Animesh Rastogi IIT Gandhinagar

Dec 29, 2020, 6:55:20 AM12/29/20
to deal.II User Group
Hi Jean-Paul,

I have reconfigured and reinstalled dealii with Trilinos so that I can use the eigenvalue functionality from Trilinos.

When I am running the Quasi_Static_compressibility (cook_membrane) code from the code gallery, I am getting the following error. I did not face this issue when my dealii was not compiled with Trilinos.

/home/animesh/Documents/dealii/dealii-9.2.0/examples/Quasi_static_Finite_strain_Compressible_Elasticity/cook_membrane.cc:2325:1:   required from here
/home/animesh/share/trilinos/include/Sacado_Fad_Exp_Ops.hpp:775:1: error: no type named ‘type’ in ‘struct Sacado::mpl::enable_if_c<false, Sacado::Fad::Exp::MultiplicationOp<Sacado::Fad::Exp::PowerOp<Sacado::Fad::Exp::GeneralFad<Sacado::Fad::Exp::DynamicStorage<double, double> >, double, false, true, Sacado::Fad::Exp::ExprSpecDefault, Sacado::Fad::Exp::PowerImpl::Scalar>, dealii::Tensor<2, 2, Sacado::Fad::Exp::GeneralFad<Sacado::Fad::Exp::DynamicStorage<double, double> > >, false, false, Sacado::Fad::Exp::ExprSpecDefault> >’
CMakeFiles/cook_membrane.dir/build.make:62: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/cook_membrane.dir/cook_membrane.cc.o' failed
make[3]: *** [CMakeFiles/cook_membrane.dir/cook_membrane.cc.o] Error 1
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:195: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/cook_membrane.dir/all' failed
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/cook_membrane.dir/all] Error 2
CMakeFiles/Makefile2:138: recipe for target 'CMakeFiles/run.dir/rule' failed
make[1]: *** [CMakeFiles/run.dir/rule] Error 2
Makefile:144: recipe for target 'run' failed
make: *** [run] Error 2

Could you please let me know how to get rid of this issue?

I am attaching the full command line output when I ran the cook_membrane's program and cmake command used to build Trilinos in my system.



Jean-Paul Pelteret

Dec 29, 2020, 12:36:54 PM12/29/20
to dea...@googlegroups.com, Animesh Rastogi IIT Gandhinagar
HI Animesh,

You forgot to show the most critical part of the error report in your post: The actual source line that's causing the problem! Thankfully it was included in the error log that you uploaded.

In file included from /home/animesh/Documents/dealii/dealii-9.2.0/examples/Quasi_static_Finite_strain_Compressible_Elasticity/cook_membrane.cc:73:0:
/usr/local/include/deal.II/physics/elasticity/kinematics.h: In instantiation of ‘dealii::Tensor<2, dim, Number> dealii::Physics::Elasticity::Kinematics::F_iso(const dealii::Tensor<2, dim, Number>&) [with int dim = 2; Number = Sacado::Fad::Exp::GeneralFad<Sacado::Fad::Exp::DynamicStorage<double, double> >]’:
/home/animesh/Documents/dealii/dealii-9.2.0/examples/Quasi_static_Finite_strain_Compressible_Elasticity/cook_membrane.cc:1861:90:   required from ‘void Cook_Membrane::Assembler<dim, Sacado::Fad::Exp::GeneralFad<Sacado::Fad::Exp::DynamicStorage<double, double> > >::assemble_system_tangent_residual_one_cell(const typename dealii::DoFHandler<dim>::active_cell_iterator&, typename Cook_Membrane::Assembler_Base<dim, Sacado::Fad::Exp::GeneralFad<Sacado::Fad::Exp::DynamicStorage<double, double> > >::ScratchData_ASM&, typename Cook_Membrane::Assembler_Base<dim, Sacado::Fad::Exp::GeneralFad<Sacado::Fad::Exp::DynamicStorage<double, double> > >::PerTaskData_ASM&) [with int dim = 2; typename dealii::DoFHandler<dim>::active_cell_iterator = dealii::TriaActiveIterator<dealii::DoFCellAccessor<dealii::DoFHandler<2, 2>, false> >; typename Cook_Membrane::Assembler_Base<dim, Sacado::Fad::Exp::GeneralFad<Sacado::Fad::Exp::DynamicStorage<double, double> > >::ScratchData_ASM = Cook_Membrane::Assembler_Base<2, Sacado::Fad::Exp::GeneralFad<Sacado::Fad::Exp::DynamicStorage<double, double> > >::ScratchData_ASM; typename Cook_Membrane::Assembler_Base<dim, Sacado::Fad::Exp::GeneralFad<Sacado::Fad::Exp::DynamicStorage<double, double> > >::PerTaskData_ASM = Cook_Membrane::Assembler_Base<2, Sacado::Fad::Exp::GeneralFad<Sacado::Fad::Exp::DynamicStorage<double, double> > >::PerTaskData_ASM]’

/home/animesh/Documents/dealii/dealii-9.2.0/examples/Quasi_static_Finite_strain_Compressible_Elasticity/cook_membrane.cc:2325:1:   required from here
/usr/local/include/deal.II/physics/elasticity/kinematics.h:294:47: error: no match for ‘operator*’ (operand types are ‘Sacado::Fad::Exp::PowerOp<Sacado::Fad::Exp::GeneralFad<Sacado::Fad::Exp::DynamicStorage<double, double> >, double, false, true, Sacado::Fad::Exp::ExprSpecDefault, Sacado::Fad::Exp::PowerImpl::Scalar>’ and ‘const dealii::Tensor<2, 2, Sacado::Fad::Exp::GeneralFad<Sacado::Fad::Exp::DynamicStorage<double, double> > >’)
   return std::pow(determinant(F), -1.0 / dim) * F;

What's going on here is that Sacado's implementation of the pow() function returns a specialised number type that deal.II doesn't recognise (this Sacado number type uses expression templates, which means that every operation returns a specialised type, and not the original AD number type). I guess that we could try to detect this and implement support in the operator* for Tensors and SymmetricTensors (and probably in other places in the library), but this would only be possible if Sacado has some type traits to help us filter out which of these special numbers are indeed Sacado types. I'm pretty sure that they do have such traits, but its been some time since we implemented this so I cannot remember for certain.

For now,the simple solution would be to cast the LHS value to a Sacado type. like this:

return SacadoNumberType(std::pow(determinant(F), -1.0 / dim)) * F;

where SacadoNumberType is some type definition for the Sacado type that you're using. We certainly have support for premultiplication of a Tensor<rank, dim, SacadoNumberType> by another SacadoNumberType.

I hope that this fixes the issue for you.

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