Previewers "Display Name" on Harvard Dataverse

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Sherry Lake

Feb 13, 2020, 12:18:42 PM2/13/20
to Dataverse Users Community
I am hoping to configure previewers to UVa's dataverse, but 1st need to understand what I am seeing in Harvard's dataverse VS QDR. Maybe it's just the setup?

I was wondering why the previewer buttons on Harvard's Dataverse all say "Explore" for previewable-files?
Harvard - button says "Explore" for PDFs

QDR (and the preview "curl" commands have "displayname" parameter set up)

The QDR buttons change per previewer:
Shows "Read Text" for TXT & "View Annotations" for json

Shows "Read Document" for PDF


James Myers

Feb 13, 2020, 12:28:42 PM2/13/20


QDR has code that is not yet merged that uses the displayname if there is only one tool for a file type instead of the original generic ‘Explore’ label. (If I recall, with multiple tools, both say explore and then list the tool names – I could be wrong since it’s been a while).


That change could be contributed to IQSS – I think there was just interest in getting the basic mechanism merged without GUI changes in the initial step and we haven’t gone back to create another PR.


If you/others think the change is useful, we can do that. If not – the change is just cosmetic and shouldn’t affect the way to previewers launch/run.


-- Jim

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Tania Schlatter

Feb 13, 2020, 12:35:26 PM2/13/20
Hi Sherry,

I'm not sure if this answers your question, but for context on what you are seeing on Harvard dataverse, we are treating the button to access all previews the same from the dataset page. This is the case in the newer design as well, when the button to "Explore" a file will be represented by the "eye" icon, as you have seen. From the Dataverse software perspective, we want to encourage use of the file page, and shifting some of the heavy aspects of the UI to the file page. This is in part because is it not scaleable to have every bit of file-level functionality accessible from the dataset page, and because users who are interested in a file can get more information about the file from the file page, so we see nudging them there as beneficial for them. The granularity of stating the type of preview available on the dataset page, while informative, is not as high a priority for us as defining a scalable system for helping users get more detailed information about a file. 

- Tania 

James Myers

Feb 13, 2020, 12:42:13 PM2/13/20

That raises a potentially interesting question: with the previewers now available embedded on the file page and the dataset having its own dataset-level tool option, should the file-level buttons on the dataset page exist anymore?

Tania Schlatter

Feb 13, 2020, 1:06:06 PM2/13/20
Hi Jim,

I think the file level buttons are still really useful as a signal for helping people know that there are things they can do with a file, and how to get there. We still want to support the use case of people being able to download an individual file, which they could do with the select buttons and "download" at the top of the file table, but newer users especially really like the clarity of "download" (and "preview" as in the newer mockups) at the file level. Both of these reasons could change in the future, but I see that the buttons are useful for now. 

- Tania

Sherry Lake

Feb 13, 2020, 1:55:17 PM2/13/20
Hi Tania,

I like the "eye" icon in the new mock-ups. That makes sense to me. For me the current problem is, on the button - the word "Explore" with the histo-gram icon. That is very much numerical centric (as was "Explore", which is something you did with tabular files).

Hey, just had an idea... since the "eye" icon is the future, how about changing the histo-gram  Screen Shot 2020-02-13 at 1.52.19 PM.png icon on the explore button to the "eye" icon now (eye icon with the "Explore" text). Then when you remove the button (rectangle-thing), all that will be left is the eye?

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