Ipswich Parks Byelaws Consultation Update

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Shaun McDonald

2022年1月9日 晚上8:03:202022/1/9
收件者:'STEVE WILLETT' via Cycle Ipswich

There’s some upcoming changes to the parks byelaws in Ipswich.

The consultation responses are in the report going to the Executive committee on Tuesday. Many people have responded to suggest there should be more cycling in parks to support people learning to cycle and utility cycle trips. It was one of the most common things for people to mention in the written responses.

Based on this Ipswich Borough are planning on a publicity campaign to encourage cycling in the parks, however with very limited places that are currently legally allowed to cycle in parks based on the current and proposed byelaws, which are primarily you can’t cycle anywhere unless you can’. Why can’t Ipswich Borough turn the rule on it’s head and allow cycling by default, unless there is a specific safety reason is shouldn’t be banned. Based on the latest LTN 1/20 guidance, Equality legislation, and upcoming Highway Code changes, this would be the preferred option.

I’ve written to my local councillors and relevant Executive committee members as per the bloc post below:

Further background from the initial consultation:


Sandra Tricker

2022年1月11日 上午11:33:252022/1/11

Hi Shaun

Thanks for this very interesting email. Many, many years ago (approx 30!) I was secretary of the then Ipswich Cycle Campaign and one of the items we pursued at that time was cycle routes through the parks which lead to the opening up of the routes through a) the central avenue of Bourne Park and b) the route through Gypswyk Park from Ancaster Road to the London Road. It would be good in Gypeswyk Park to have the path leading up to Lupin Road/Wallers Grove widened & improved, especially the entrance/exit onto Lupin Grove which is especially tight to negotiate.

I've used the tracks and avenue through Chantry Park informally for many years and have not encountered any objections and these could be signed.

I too use the underpass to Sproughton fairly regularly and yes,  both the bollards and the tiny strip of tarmac adjacent to the steps are difficult to negotiate! Children and indeed inexperienced adults could easily come to grief there.

Regarding a link from the London Road down to Hadleigh Road/Church Lane  there is a plannning application currently with Babergh District Council for another housing development  by Taylor Wimpey to be known as Wolsey Grange 2 on the Ipswich side (north side) of the A1071 which would include a cycle/pedestrian path between the London Road and Hadleigh road, possibly along the line of the current footpath. I don't know how, when or if this development will proceed. This is the link to to the documents which are on Babergh District Council website of which there are 250!


One route within the radius that I think could be of benefit is to create a cycle path from the southern end of Cottingham Road (or Sprites Lane near Belstead House) through Belstead Meadows, Quilter Drive Open Space and and Ellenbrook Meadow to Ellenbrook Road which would link well with the pedestrian cycle route along 'Brookview' to Stoke Park Drive and Bourne Park. This could potentially open up a safer cycling route for pupils living in Pinewood Parish to travel to Gusford Primary School.

I'm also happy to look further in the radius marked for further ideas.


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Shaun McDonald

2022年1月25日 下午6:30:262022/1/25
收件者:'STEVE WILLETT' via Cycle Ipswich
Hi Sandra,

Thanks for the background and suggestions.

After further discussions with the parks person and various other people, it sounds as though it’s quite normal to have a huge exception, and allow cycling practically everywhere in the parks. One of the aims with the changes is to allows cycling in many more places, but they still need the ability to have a rule to point to say you can cycle here due to safety issues, or for cycling inconsiderately.

The byelaws are all based off a template and there’s a limit to how much can be changed. Paragraphs can be used or ignored. There’s placeholders for things like dates and locations. Any bigger changes would require central government to make the changes to the model byelaws. I think a more positively written rule regarding cycling would be a good thing to have. Any one have contacts in central government to make that happen?

Thanks for everyone’s comments, I’ve incorporated them into the response to Atkins.


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