Feature request: "resolve as NONE" action for macros

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Mar 16, 2020, 3:05:46 PM3/16/20
to Cursive
Hi! :)

Cursive has excellent support for configuring macros that follow existing patterns via the "resolve as X" feature.
But some libraries (logic/pattern matching) have more complicated semantics.
It would be awesome to have a "resolve as NONE" feature that actively disables attempts to resolve symbols.

As an example, I use Meander quite a lot (https://github.com/noprompt/meander) and this is what it looks like in Cursive:


Note that `s/rewrite` is a macro with sophisticated semantics that binds things like `?description` as logic variables.

For this particular macro, I'd prefer to disable symbol resolution inside the macro invocation as the syntax is not amenable to "resolve as" anything.


Colin Fleming

Mar 16, 2020, 5:56:08 PM3/16/20
to Cursive Group
Hi Timothy,

Yes, something like this is definitely required. I'm actually planning to support meander since a few people have asked about it now, but something like you suggest is also required. There's an issue that I had hoped to fit into 1.9.1 but which won't make it: https://github.com/cursive-ide/cursive/issues/1850. However I like your "Resolve as none" suggestion better, and then I can just use that for comment forms too.

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  • meander-highlighting.png

Alan Thompson

Mar 16, 2020, 11:32:53 PM3/16/20
to cursive
Hi - That would be great!  I have quite a few macros that have the same problem.  Thanks.


Jul 2, 2020, 1:16:33 PM7/2/20
to Cursive
Hi Colin,

Just tickling this thread to remind you! :)
I would <3 to have a way to disable syntax highlighting for some macros.

Colin Fleming

Sep 2, 2020, 1:31:46 AM9/2/20
to Cursive Group
Hi Timothy,

It's your lucky day! This is out now in 1.9.4-eap3. Let me know how it works!

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Timothy Pratley

Sep 2, 2020, 10:11:58 AM9/2/20
to cur...@googlegroups.com
Awesome!!! Thank you so much, it works great! :) :)

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