Applegate recap

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Mark Sanzone

2021年6月27日 23:32:272021/6/27
收件人 Cascade Paragliding Club
It was awesome.  This was my best week of flying in 23+ years.  7 days of XC with my shortest flight still 27K.  I made goal twice and on two days I hit 10K altitude.  Launch is about 3700'.

CPC was well represented:
Sprint = Nick Fulmor, Nick Kadev (both made goal several times)
Race = Mike Steed, Jeff Wishnie, Borche, Mark Sanzone
Volunteers = Luke Christian, David Le, Dave Blizzard, John Sargent, Liala
Super clinic = Adrianne
Let me know if I missed anyone. 

Former CPC'er Matt Henzi took second in the race, and Jeff Wishnie got second in the Masters class (50+).
It is humbling to fly the race.  Both days that I made goal were great but it was a little disappointing to find over 60 others made it before me.  There were 79 pilots in the race.  

Hopefully one of the others will post about their experience.  


Austin Chart

2021年6月28日 00:11:202021/6/28
收件人 Mark Sanzone、Cascade Paragliding Club
Dan Koster and I also participated in the superclinic. It was amazing. 

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David Le

2021年6月28日 00:14:232021/6/28
收件人、Mark Sanzone、Cascade Paragliding Club
Organizers nailed that weather window perfectly. Magical week.

Mark Sanzone

2021年6月28日 00:34:502021/6/28
收件人、、Cascade Paragliding Club
Chris Anderson also volunteered earlier in the week.  

Dan Koster

2021年6月28日 11:02:312021/6/28
收件人、Cascade Paragliding Club、、
I learned so much in the super clinic and my confidence in the air got a huge boost. If you’re thinking about joining next year, I can’t recommend it highly enough. 

/// Dan

Dan Koster  ~


2021年6月28日 12:09:592021/6/28
收件人 Cascade Paragliding Club



Before leaving it looked like there was lift up to 8-10k.  Early in the morning the MM5 showed a slight inversion a little below launch but I didn't see it in the 2pm forecast.  There was a west component to the wind forecast at the coast with south wind near Sollie launch according to MM5.  There was Northeast of course throughout the coastal mountains.  Kavi pulled up the Windy app and it showed a very straight line a few miles inland, parrallel to the coast,  where top of lift had an immediate change from 2k or less, to 8k. Jason, Kavi, Mark (student) and I got a ride to the launch, courtesy of Harrison, arriving at around 10:45am.  There were some good over the back cycles shaking the treetops behind launch.  Usually these were followed by very light and brief cycles coming up the front which were often followed in turn by another over the back cycle.  Harrison's student Mark launch after 11am.  He did a forward with very little to no wind.  The ride was mostly sink with a few light bumps.  Eventually Jacob joined Kavi, Jason and I.  We spent the next few hours trying to stay shaded and sharing information.  We hesitated to fly because of the limited cycles coming up front (none of were close to the strength of the thermic updraft that I saw predicted in the morning forecast).  Eventually we discussed doing a forward from the back of the launch area, running up the berm and possibly launching.  Kavi, having the most successful recent flights, decided to give it a try.  He had two great attempts making it to the top of the berm, with glider centered overhead, before his glider wanted to turn right.   By 3pm the over the back cycles were light and far between.   Still only the lightest cycles coming up the front of launch, Kavi eventually decided to give it a go while the rest of us waited to see if he found any lift.  Kavi did a nice forward launch but found only a couple small bumps on the way to the LZ.  I'm not sure what the exact temperature on launch was but Tillamook airport registered 98F at 4:12pm and topped out at 101F (really hot for Tillamook).  I felt lilke even with the east winds, there should have been some strong thermals over powering the northeast wind, which overall was not very strong.  We also didn't see a whole lot of birds thermalling (other than the flock of birds over the LZ, began the day with some built up excitement for epic flights.  There was the occassional local out front and 1 turkey vulture flew over launch (not circling). Thinking about it after the fact, I am wondering if the coastal air just got underneath that hotter east flow so all of the lift began above launch were the temperatures were warmer than below?  I have a feeling that just a few miles east, conditions would have been significantly different.  All this parawaiting was easier to take thanx to good company and Jacob's foresite in bringing chairs, a cooler with ice cream pops, and cold beverages.

jeffrey wishnie

2021年6月28日 23:08:282021/6/28
收件人、Mark Sanzone、Cascade Paragliding Club、David Le、
Definitely the best conditions of any Rat/Open I've flown. 8 straight days of taskable weather.

Limited incidents.

No major injuries.

Conditions so good that at least one competitor bailed on a task just flew to Shasta (well, past it, all the way to Weed).

For me personally, after 18months grounded for Covid quarantine, it was amazing to get back under the cloth and realize I can still fly the thing!

Jeff Wishnie

(composed with thumbs. please excuse the typos)

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