Missing basis sets in online database

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Jul 2, 2024, 12:17:08 PMJul 2
to cp2k

Sometime ago, I used cp2k version 2.6 with the basis set TZV2PX-MOLOPT-GTH-q4 with the potential GTH-PBE-q4. I am now preparing cp2k files to be used in version 7.1, however, I cannot find this basis set in the updated data files found here:

Has it been renamed? Can I still use the older data files with the newer cp2k versions?


Frederick Stein

Jul 3, 2024, 4:09:09 AMJul 3
to cp2k
Dear eftrsd,
I have never heard of this page before but if you mean the parameters for Carbon, then I am able to find them there. I am sure that you are able to find the parameters in the data directory (compare the current https://github.com/cp2k/cp2k/tree/master/data) of your CP2K installation.
Anyways, is there a specific reason to stick to such an old version released 5 years ago? The current release is 2024.1.


Jul 3, 2024, 6:56:40 AMJul 3
to cp2k
Hi Frederick,

Thanks for your response. Actually, the 7.1 and 9.1 versions are the only available options on the HPC that I can use currently. I am actually having trouble running a job on this HPC. So I would appreciate it a lot if someone ran the attached job oon their hardware and let me know if the run was successful. 



Thomas Kühne

Jul 3, 2024, 7:45:02 AMJul 3
to 'Dorothea Golze' via cp2k
Dear eftrsd, 

the website is accessing the files within cp2K/data. The correct 
one for the particular basis set you are requesting is:  
Therein the TZV2PX-MOLOPT-GTH-q4 for carbs is present. 

Thomas Kühne

P.S. BTW, I am also able to retrieve the correct basis sets and PPs 
also vie Pierre Beaujean’s website … 

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Frederick Stein

Jul 3, 2024, 8:00:19 AMJul 3
to cp2k
Dear eftrsd,
Your input file contains tabs, please replace them with spaces (`sed -i "s/\t/ /g" cp2k.inp`). Beware that starting from version 8.1, the keyword MAP_CONSISTENT is not available anymore and has to be removed (its behavior became the default). With these changes, I can run your input file with the development version. You should set EPS_SCF in your OUTER_SCF section to ${SCF_CONV} 
As a next step, optimize EPS_DEFAULT, CUTOFF and EPS_SCF.
Please ensure that you provide correct periodicities. To me, it appears as if you want to simulate a fullerene molecule for which you should set PERIODICITY NONE in the CELL and the PERIODIC sections (default: XYZ=3D periodic).
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