How to sum up durations if certain patterns are found across columns

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Christoph Ruehlemann

Dec 9, 2020, 7:22:31 AM12/9/20
Hi all,

I have a dataframe with words and their durations in speech (reproducible data below):

       d1    d2    d3    d4    d5    d6    d7    d8    d9   d10  w1       w2      w3  w4  w5    w6  w7  w8  w9  w10
10  0.103 0.168 0.198 0.188 0.359 0.343 0.064 0.075 0.095 0.367 And        I thought  oh  no Sarah  do n't  do   it
132 0.091 0.072 0.109 0.119 0.113 0.087 0.088 0.264 0.092 0.249   I       du       n  no you    ca n't see his head
784 0.152 0.341 0.117 0.108 0.123 0.263 0.083 0.095 0.099 0.098  Oh honestly       I did n't touch  it   I did  n't

The short form n't is treated as if it were a separate word. That's okay as long as the preceding word ends on a consonant such as did, but that's not okay if the preceding word ends on a vowel such as do or ca. Because that separation into different words is incorrect the separation into different durations is incorrect too.

What I'd like to do is sum up the durations of ca and n't as well as do and n't (but leave alone the separate durations for did and n't), move the remaining durations one column to the left and replace the last duration with NA.

I know how to select the rows where the changes need to be implemented:

test1[which(grepl("(?<=(ca|do)\\s)n't", apply(test1, 1, paste0, collapse = " "), perl = T)),]

but I'm stuck going forward.

The desired result would look like this:

       d1    d2    d3    d4    d5    d6    d7    d8    d9   d10  w1       w2      w3  w4  w5    w6  w7  w8  w9  w10
10  0.103 0.168 0.198 0.188 0.359 0.343 0.139 0.095 0.367    NA And        I thought  oh  no Sarah  do n't  do   it
132 0.091 0.072 0.109 0.119 0.113 0.175 0.264 0.092 0.249    NA   I       du       n  no you    ca n't see his head
784 0.152 0.341 0.117 0.108 0.123 0.263 0.083 0.095 0.099 0.098  Oh honestly       I did n't touch  it   I did  n't

How can this be done? Help is much appreciated.

Reproducible data:

test1 <- structure(list(d1 = c(0.103, 0.091, 0.152), d2 = c(0.168, 0.072, 
                   0.341), d3 = c(0.198, 0.109, 0.117), d4 = c(0.188, 0.119, 0.108
                   ), d5 = c(0.359, 0.113, 0.123), d6 = c(0.343, 0.087, 0.263), 
                   d7 = c(0.064, 0.088, 0.083), d8 = c(0.075, 0.264, 0.095), 
                   d9 = c(0.095, 0.092, 0.099), d10 = c(0.367, 0.249, 0.098), 
                   w1 = c("And", "I", "Oh"), w2 = c("I", "du", "honestly"), 
                   w3 = c("thought", "n", "I"), w4 = c("oh", "no", "did"), w5 = c("no", 
                   "you", "n't"), w6 = c("Sarah", "ca", "touch"), w7 = c("do", 
                   "n't", "it"), w8 = c("n't", "see", "I"), w9 = c("do", "his", 
                   "did"), w10 = c("it", "head", "n't")), row.names = c(10L, 
                   132L, 784L), class = "data.frame")
Many thanks in advance!


Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Projekt-Leiter DFG-Projekt "Analyse multimodaler Interaktion im Geschichtenerzählen"

Stefan Th. Gries

Dec 9, 2020, 8:10:39 AM12/9/20
to CorpLing with R
You do not also want to merge the instances of "do"/"ca" and "n't"
whose durations were summed up? (The current version of the desired
result has a mismatch between the d and the w columns, which doesn't
seem desirable to me.)

Martin Schweinberger

Dec 9, 2020, 8:51:51 AM12/9/20
Super ugly (sorry about that) but does the trick (I think)

# prepare session

# generate data

test1 <- structure(list(d1 = c(0.103, 0.091, 0.152), d2 = c(0.168, 0.072,
                   0.341), d3 = c(0.198, 0.109, 0.117), d4 = c(0.188, 0.119, 0.108
                   ), d5 = c(0.359, 0.113, 0.123), d6 = c(0.343, 0.087, 0.263),
                   d7 = c(0.064, 0.088, 0.083), d8 = c(0.075, 0.264, 0.095),
                   d9 = c(0.095, 0.092, 0.099), d10 = c(0.367, 0.249, 0.098),
                   w1 = c("And", "I", "Oh"), w2 = c("I", "du", "honestly"),
                   w3 = c("thought", "n", "I"), w4 = c("oh", "no", "did"), w5 = c("no",
                   "you", "n't"), w6 = c("Sarah", "ca", "touch"), w7 = c("do",
                   "n't", "it"), w8 = c("n't", "see", "I"), w9 = c("do", "his",
                   "did"), w10 = c("it", "head", "n't")), row.names = c(10L,
                   132L, 784L), class = "data.frame")
# inspect data

# convert to tidy format
test2 <- test1 %>%
  dplyr::mutate(Sentence = rownames(.)) %>%
  tidyr::gather(Position1, Duration, d1:d10) %>%
  tidyr::gather(Position2, Word, w1:w10) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(Position1 = stringr::str_remove_all(Position1, "[a-z]"),
                Position2 = stringr::str_remove_all(Position2, "[a-z]")) %>%
  dplyr::filter(Position1 == Position2) %>%
  dplyr::rename(Position = Position1) %>%
  dplyr::select(-Position2) %>%
  unique() %>%
  dplyr::mutate(Position = factor(Position, levels = 1:10, labels = 1:10)) %>%
  dplyr::arrange(Sentence, Position)
# inspect data

# identify contractions and calculate new Duration
test3 <- test2 %>%
  dplyr::mutate(NextWord = c(Word[2:length(Word)], NA),
                WordPlusNextWord = paste0(Word, NextWord),
                BigramRep = c(NA, WordPlusNextWord[1:length(Word)-1]),
                NewWord = dplyr::case_when(WordPlusNextWord == "don't" ~ "don't",
                                           WordPlusNextWord == "can't" ~ "can't",
                                           BigramRep == "don't" ~ "don't",
                                           BigramRep == "can't"~ "can't",
                                           TRUE ~ Word)) %>%
  dplyr::group_by(Sentence, NewWord) %>%
  dplyr::summarise(Duration = sum(Duration),
                   Position = Position) %>%
  dplyr::arrange(Sentence, Position)
# inspect data

# remove superfluous conractions and add new positions
test4 <- test3 %>%
  dplyr::rename(Word = NewWord) %>%
  dplyr::ungroup() %>%
  dplyr::mutate(NextWord = c(Word[2:length(Word)], NA),
                Bigram = paste0(Word, NextWord)) %>%
  dplyr::filter(Bigram != "don'tdon't",
                Bigram != "can'tcan't") %>%
  dplyr::group_by(Sentence) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(Position = 1:n()) %>%
  dplyr::select(Sentence, Word, Duration, Position)
# inspect data

# convert back to messy
test5 <- test4 %>%
  dplyr::mutate(WordPosition = paste0("w", Position),
                DurationPosition = paste0("d", Position)) %>%
  tidyr::spread(WordPosition, Word) %>%
  tidyr::spread(DurationPosition, Duration) %>%
  dplyr::select(-Position) %>%
  tidyr::fill(w1:d9) %>%
  dplyr::group_by(Sentence) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(Position = 1:n(),
                MaxPosition = which(Position == max(Position))) %>%
  dplyr::filter(Position == MaxPosition) %>%
  dplyr::relocate(w1, w2, w3, w4, w4, w5, w6, w7, w8, w9, w10, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8, d9, d10) %>%
  dplyr::select(-Position, -MaxPosition)
# add rownames
test6 <- data.frame(test5)
rownames(test6) <- test6$Sentence
test6$Sentence <- NULL
# inspect data

Is this what you were looking for?

Dr. Martin Schweinberger
5/221 Sir Fred Schonell Drive
St Lucia, QLD, 4067

Fon.: +61 (0)404 228 226

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Christoph Ruehlemann

Dec 9, 2020, 9:18:06 AM12/9/20
Thanks a lot, Martin.


Martin Schweinberger

Dec 9, 2020, 9:20:56 AM12/9/20
No worries!

Dr. Martin Schweinberger
5/221 Sir Fred Schonell Drive
St Lucia, QLD, 4067

Fon.: +61 (0)404 228 226

Stefan Th. Gries

Dec 9, 2020, 10:00:54 AM12/9/20
to CorpLing with R
Unless I missed or messed up something, I think this is it:

# create data (slightly changed to test something)
x.old <- x <- structure(list(
   d1 = c(0.103, 0.091, 0.152), d2 = c(0.168, 0.072, 0.341),
   d3 = c(0.198, 0.109, 0.117), d4 = c(0.188, 0.119, 0.108),
   d5 = c(0.359, 0.113, 0.123), d6 = c(0.343, 0.087, 0.263),
   d7 = c(0.064, 0.088, 0.083), d8 = c(0.075, 0.264, 0.095),
   d9 = c(0.095, 0.092, 0.099), d10 = c(0.367, 0.249, 0.098),
   w1 = c("And", "I", "Oh"), w2 = c("I", "do", "honestly"),
   w3 = c("thought", "n't", "I"), w4 = c("oh", "no", "did"),

   w5 = c("no", "you", "n't"), w6 = c("Sarah", "ca", "touch"),
   w7 = c("do", "n't", "it"), w8 = c("n't", "see", "I"),
   w9 = c("do", "his", "did"), w10 = c("it", "head", "n't")),
   row.names = c(10L, 132L, 784L), class = "data.frame")
# process
for (i in seq(nrow(x))) {
   find.1st <- grep("^(ca|do)$", x[i,11:20])
   find.2nd <- grep("n't", x[i,11:20])-1
   both <- intersect(find.1st, find.2nd)
   if (length(both)==0) { next }
   for (j in rev(both)) {
      # summing up in the d-columns
      x[i,j] <- x[i,j]+x[i,j+1]
      x[i,min(j+2, 10):10] -> x[i,min(j+1, 9):9]
      x[i,10] <- NA
      # merging/shifting in the w columns
      x[i,10+j] <- paste0(x[i,10+j], x[i,10+j+1])
      x[i,min(j+12, 20):20] -> x[i,min(j+11, 19):19]
      x[i,20] <- NA
# check:

Martin Schweinberger

Dec 9, 2020, 10:07:43 AM12/9/20
way more elegant and old school ;)

Dr. Martin Schweinberger
5/221 Sir Fred Schonell Drive
St Lucia, QLD, 4067

Fon.: +61 (0)404 228 226

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Stefan Th. Gries

Dec 9, 2020, 10:10:12 AM12/9/20
to CorpLing with R
Old school is my middle name! Maybe I'll retire soon and then -
finally! - a new order can take over ;-))
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Christoph Ruehlemann

Dec 9, 2020, 10:53:12 AM12/9/20
Beautifully clear!

Thanks a lot.



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Christoph Ruehlemann

Dec 18, 2020, 2:58:21 AM12/18/20
Sorry for this totally delayed answer! (only saw your post yesterday).
Yes, sure, I did want to also merge the relevant word pairs but did not ask for a solution for that too as I felt asking for the other solution was already demanding a lot. But no worries, I've found a solution that takes care of that as well. But thanks a lot!


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Stefan Th. Gries

Dec 18, 2020, 9:47:39 AM12/18/20
to CorpLing with R
> Sorry for this totally delayed answer! (only saw your post yesterday).
> Yes, sure, I did want to also merge the relevant word pairs but did not ask for a solution for that too as I felt asking for the other solution was already demanding a lot. But no worries, I've found a solution that takes care of that as well. But thanks a lot!
The solution I sent you 9 days ago did both ...

Earl Brown

Dec 23, 2020, 9:46:36 PM12/23/20
to CorpLing with R
I know I'm late to the party, but I wanted to contribute the solution below in case you need to fix sentences that aren't exactly ten words long.

### create test1 data frame with the code given by Chris in his original post ###

### load the workhorses ###

### define function ###
fix_df <- function(df) {
  n_rows <- nrow(df)
  df_rownames <- rownames(df)
  df_temp <- df %>% 
    pivot_longer(everything(), names_to = c(".value", "n"), names_pattern = "([dw])(\\d+)") %>% 
    mutate(n = as.integer(n))
  n_wds <- df_temp %>% pull(n) %>% max()
  df_fixed <- df_temp %>% 
    mutate(d = ifelse(str_detect(w, "^(ca|do)$") & str_detect(lead(w), "^n't$"), d + lead(d), d)) %>% 
    mutate(w = ifelse(str_detect(w, "^(ca|do)$") & str_detect(lead(w), "^n't$"), str_c(w, lead(w)), w))  %>% 
    mutate(keep = ifelse(!(str_detect(w, "^n't$") & str_detect(lag(w), "^(ca|do)")), TRUE, FALSE)) %>% 
    mutate(set = rep(1:n_rows, each = n_wds)) %>% 
    arrange(set, desc(keep), n) %>% 
    mutate(w = ifelse(keep, w, NA), d = ifelse(keep, d, NA)) %>% 
    group_by(set) %>% 
    mutate(n = seq(n_wds)) %>% 
    ungroup() %>% 
    select(-keep) %>% 
    pivot_wider(names_from = n, names_glue = "{.value}{n}", values_from = c(d, w))  %>% 
    select(-set) %>%
  rownames(df_fixed) <- df_rownames
}  # end function definition

### test the function ###
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