Status bar on ios flashes white during transition

瀏覽次數:21 次

Gareth Murfin

2019年2月25日 中午12:07:112019/2/25
收件者:CodenameOne Discussions
When I move screens on my phone build the status bar on my iphone6 turns white during the transition, is there a way to avoid this ?

Shai Almog

2019年2月25日 晚上11:15:272019/2/25
收件者:CodenameOne Discussions
How did you style the status bar/title area?

Gareth Murfin

2019年2月27日 清晨6:09:572019/2/27
收件者:CodenameOne Discussions
I used colors.xml

   <color name="colorPrimary">#ff451DA7</color>
   <color name="colorPrimaryDark">#ff451DA7</color>
   <color name="colorAccent">#ffffffff</color>

(is it colorAccent? i tried this to get the icons/text white), actually it happens even in simulaor using iphone6 skin

Shai Almog

2019年2月27日 晚上10:11:322019/2/27
收件者:CodenameOne Discussions
The StatusBar UIID in the designer/css...
That only applies to native Android devices.

Gareth Murfin

2019年3月8日 凌晨3:07:552019/3/8
收件者:CodenameOne Discussions
I tried styling StatusBar with zero padding/margin to see if it would help but it still flashes, any ideas?

Shai Almog

2019年3月9日 凌晨12:09:242019/3/9
收件者:CodenameOne Discussions
Can you get a screenshot of the problem?

Gareth Murfin

2019年3月28日 中午12:36:012019/3/28
收件者:CodenameOne Discussions
Yes, you can see during the transition the top turns white, before and after its fine. 

Shai Almog

2019年3月28日 晚上11:22:582019/3/28
收件者:CodenameOne Discussions
How did you customize the colors of the title area/form?
I'm guessing you are seeing one of those there during the transition.

Gareth Murfin

2019年3月29日 清晨5:51:162019/3/29
收件者:CodenameOne Discussions
Well, thats a difficult question to answer because im not sure what you mean, well im not sure what the white bar is in the first place. 

My form is a borderlayout, inside "contentpane" I have NORTH, CENTRE, SOUTH, but im presuming that is not relevant. So looking at component inspector I have what you would expect Toolbar contains StatusBar, and a container with 2 buttons with TitleCommand uuid. 

Now I want the text to be white and the background to be whatever the rest of NORTH is. So I tried styling StatusBar and TitleCommand, but none of my changes have any affect, I delierately used bright colours so it would be easy to notice.

I wonder if its related to having the side menu ?? Ive made an animated gif to show the issue properly, please excuse the cracked iphone screen :))) 

Shai Almog

2019年3月30日 凌晨1:29:522019/3/30
收件者:CodenameOne Discussions
I'll need a test case as this doesn't happen in our tests. So I'll need you to isolate that in a clean sample.
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