Towhee ID help wanted

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Ben S

Apr 1, 2017, 5:42:54 PM4/1/17
to Colorado Birds

In my yard in Centennial (Arapahoe County), Spotted Towhees are a regular bird. A few days back, I noticed a female Spotted Towhee it seemed with an orange cap. This is the same place that a Green-tailed Towhee would have an orange cap. It led me to speculate the bird may be a Green-tailed Towhee x Spotted Towhee hybrid. Anyway, the bird came back today. It seems to have paired with a pure male Spotted, as they are always seen together. Adding to the possibility, I have had several Green-tailed Towhees in my yard in May as well as in the fall. Anyway, I noticed she was noticibly smaller than the definite pure spotted. The orange cap, again was obvious. The bird was lighter gray than the male, probably just gender dimorphism, but I don't know. I looked through my field guides. Female Spotted definetly should not have a orange cap. However, one field guide depicted an immature Spotted Towhee as having an orange cap. If this is a hybrid, I'm thinking it is like one part Green-tailed to five Spotted. Anyway, here are some photos. Someone please tell me if it is a hybrid or if I am getting excited over a regular old immature Spotted Towhee. All help appreciated. 

Ben Sampson
Centennial, CO

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