Red Phalarope, etc., Union Reservoir, Weld County, Sept. 27

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Ted Floyd

Sep 28, 2014, 10:54:18 AM9/28/14
Hello, Birders.

Andrew and I saw a Red Phalarope yesterday afternoon, Saturday, Sept. 27, at Union Reservoir, Weld County.

Also of note were 8 tardy Northern Rough-winged Swallows. At least 70 Franklin's Gulls were hanging on, and we saw Great-tailed Grackles, singles and couples, at various spots around the lake.

The Aechmophorus grebe flock there is amazing. We counted 1,680, mainly Westerns Grebes, but also a decent number of Clark's Grebes. As in recent years, pint-sized young birds are present, despite the late date. The grebes are quite vocal, which is nice. Along with all the Aechmophori, we saw a single, early Horned Grebe, a bird well along in its prebasic molt.

eBird checklist, with details on the phalarope, here:

We had two that got away. I heard a Sprague's-like call note above the lake, but saw no bird; coulda been an odd Horned Lark or American Pipit, of course. And on the drive down from Cheyenne (more on that in a sec.), I thought we saw a Broad-winged Hawk flying across I-25 near Loveland; not sure.

Regarding Cheyenne, Andrew and I had been up there earlier in the day, for the High Plains Audubon Society's 40th anniversary. We started off the morning at the very birdy Wyoming Hereford Ranch, Laramie County, where the highlight was at least 4, and probably more, White-throated Sparrows. Lots of other nice stuff there. WYOBirds trip report here:

Oh, and a late report. Here are some bird sounds, insect sounds, and insect photos from around Boulder County a week ago, Sunday, Sept. 21:

Ted Floyd
Lafayette, Boulder County, Colorado

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