November 2017 Birds, Woodland Park Area

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30 nov. 2017, 18:47:1130/11/2017
à Colorado Birds
November 2017 Birds, Woodland Park Area

Downy Woodpecker- 1 in yard area on 11-15, 11-16, 11-14, 11-7, 11-4

Hairy Woodpecker- 1 along Highline Canal Trail in Englewood on 11-26

Northern Three-toed Woodpecker- 2 on Ring the Peak Trail S of Divide on 11-11

Steller’s Jay- On 11-5 along Lovell Gulch Trail, flock joined by Pygmy Nuthatches mobbing a Gray Fox that had curled up to keep warm  inside an old magpie nest in a Lodgepole Pine

Clark’s Nutcracker- 1 in Victor on 11-28

Ruby-crowned Kinglet- Along Highline Canal Trail in Englewood on 11-25 and 11-26.

Townsend’s Solitaire- Calling along Highline Canal Trail in Englewood on 11-25 and 11-26.

Black-capped Chickadee- 1 on 11-29, 11-16, 11-5

Red-breasted Nuthatch- Parents house and along Highline Canal Trail in Englewood 11-23 to 11-26

Pygmy Nuthatch- Small flock along Highline Canal Trail in Englewood on 11-25 and 11-26

Brown Creeper- Yard area on 11-15, 1 on Ring the Peak Trail S of Divide on 11-11,

Spotted Towhee- Along Highline Canal Trail in Englewood on 11-25 and 11-26.

White-throated Sparrow- 1 in yard area on 11-5, FOS, first record in yard area

Dark-eyed Junco- All 5 subspecies present thru the month until 11-22 when Oregon and White-winged left the yard area. Another bonus was a Slate-colored Variant (dark gray/black with white wing bars) seen off and on from 11-6 to 11-15. Along Highline Canal Trail in Englewood on 11-25 and 11-26.

Pine Siskin- Yard area- 7 on 11-15, a few in late Nov.

Cassin’s Finch- Small flock present thru the month in yard area. 1 or 2 along Highline Canal Trail in Englewood on 11-24

American Goldfinch- 1 along Highline Canal Trail in Englewood on 11-26.

Joe LaFleur
Woodland Park, Teller Cty., 8500 feet
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