Three thousand Red-necked Phalaropes at SL Lake

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May 23, 2017, 10:06:53 PM5/23/17
to Colorado Birds
We are experiencing a new surge in what has been a slow migration in the San Luis Valley. Today at San Luis Lake, I estimated in excess of 3,000 Red-necked Phalaropes in a huge flock (Alamosa Cty). This is likely an all time high for the San Luis Valley in one location. Other birders in the Valley are reporting them as well from other wetlands. Sanderlings, Willet, Marbled Godwit and Peregrine Falcon were also highlights. A Gray Catbird in Mosca was a nice find too.

We are headed out for a San Luis Valley Big HALF Day tomorrow. We expect the winds to halt our birding at 2:00 pm. We will try to get 100 species by noon. Is this an exciting time of year or what!

John Rawinski
Monte Vista,CO

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