Reactions to new eBird displays and formats

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Patricia Cullen

2024年4月18日 09:39:334月18日
收件人 Colorado Birds
Hello Colorado Birders,

I am just getting used to the new way of showing data in eBird and
enjoying the new information. I like that there is a new
focus on monthly findings, the  top 100 is gone,  although you can
see the top ten birders for lists and species, and that the number
of checklists and species community targets and trip reports are now highlighted in various windows of explore.  For instance if you explore a county you can see the latest
trip reports submitted.  

E.J. Raynor shared with the Larimer chat group that "Community Targets" means
species that have not been reported for this month but are most likely to be found based on past years of eBirding in the region.

Any reactions to these changes?

Pat Cullen
Longmont, CO 

Susan Rosine

2024年4月18日 20:57:164月18日
收件人 Colorado Birds
I'm not sure why eBird felt the need to make the changes.
I personally don't care for the focus on monthly data and I don't think I'll use the community targets or trip reports data. Hopefully that's just me, and everyone else thinks that's all fabulous.
You can still get to the Top 100, if you want. 

Susan Rosine
Brighton CO 

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Diana Beatty

2024年4月18日 21:04:404月18日
收件人 Susan Rosine、Colorado Birds
Just in case anyone is not aware, if you don't prefer the monthly thing, you can change this in your personal settings.

Diana Beatty 
El Paso County

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