Oct. 2nd 5PM: Seminar on Flyway-scale Shorebird Conservation by Dr. Brad Andres in Fort Collins

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Francis Commercon

2017年9月22日 10:37:082017/9/22
收件人 Colorado Birds
Hello all,

Dr. Brad Andres, Coordinator of the US Shorebird Conservation Partnership, will present a fascinating seminar on the CSU Campus in Fort Collins on Monday October 2nd, 5PM. The seminar is hosted by Colorado State University Field Ornithologists, and it is open to anyone interested from the public as well as our usual CSU audience.

Here are the details:

Speaker: Dr. Brad Andres
Presentation: Why a Flyway Approach is Needed for Shorebird Conservation: An Example from the Western Atlantic Flyway and Sustainable Shorebird Hunting
Location: Colorado State University Main Campus, Wagar Building room 232, (Fort Collins, CO)
Time: 5:00-6:30PM
Cost of Attendance: Free
Parking: free parking available after 4:30PM, email csuornithologyATgmail.com for directions and details.

Please contact csuornithologyATgmail.com for any additional details regarding the event. We hope to see you there!
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