Bird Conservancy of the Rockies - Chico Basin Ranch banding station 5/17/22

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May 17, 2022, 3:16:24 PM5/17/22
to Colorado Birds
It was a quite unusual day. Thrushes were around during the early morning, then a little lull in activity; during the last net check I guess everyone said it was last call so get into the net! Being the warmest part of the day and having several birds flying into the net seemed unusual for me. Anyhow, 23 bird species captured today. Western 'Palm' Warbler and Western 'Cordilleran' Flycatcher were the new species for the season.

50 New Birds Banded
Yellow Warbler -1
Western 'Palm' Warbler -1
Wilson Warbler -5
MacGillivray's Warbler -6
Ovenbird -1
Northern Waterthrush -1
Audubon's (Yellow-rumped) Warbler -2
Western 'Cordilleran' Flycatcher -1
Willow Flycatcher -1
Dusky Flycatcher-1
Warbling Vireo -6
House Wren -1
Lincoln's Sparrow -1
Lark Sparrow -2
Western Tanager -6
Hermit Thrush -5
Swainson's Thrush -5
Gray Catbird -1
Black-headed Grosbeak -1
Bullock's Oriole -1
Brown Thrasher -1

4 Recaptures/repeats/returns
Brown-headed Cowbird - not this year's banded bird
American Robin- a return that keeps repeatedly getting into net (has a territory near net)
Bullock's Oriole - repeat

Banding station will be operated this week through Sunday first net check is 6 am and will be operated for 5 hours each day. If you are in the area, please stop by and see us!

Julie Shieldcastle
Spring Bird Bander
Bird Conservancy of the Rockies
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