Question about bird call, Fremont County

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Laura Gorman

May 17, 2021, 9:16:06 AM5/17/21
to Colorado Birds
From my backyard here in Canon City, I keep hearing a two- note bird call that sounds a bit like “bob white”, stronger on the second syllable, repeated at intervals.  The bird apparently does not move around much, as I keep hearing it from the same general area. Can anyone take a guess at what this might be?
Laura Gorman

Carol Kampert

May 17, 2021, 10:44:37 AM5/17/21
to Laura Gorman, Colorado Birds
Laura -

The "Bob White" sound you're heariing may be a Common Poorwill's two-note whistle which it repeats over and over, especially in the late afternoon and evenings.  It's a wonderful summer sound.

Carol Kampert

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Laura Gorman

May 17, 2021, 11:15:40 AM5/17/21
to Colorado Birds

Thank you Carol.  I listened to recordings for the poorwill, and while I can see why you thought of it based on my description, it is not quite an exact match.  Mine is more deliberate and the intervals between the calls are longer.  Also, I am hearing it during the day, and from higher than ground level,  although I will listen in the evening and night for it.  Any other thoughts?  
Thanks, Laura
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