Aurora Reservoir (Arapahoe Co.), Wed 26 Nov

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David Dowell

Nov 26, 2014, 8:02:51 PM11/26/14
During the past month, I've checked Aurora Reservoir (east of the Denver metro area in Arapahoe County; fee area) 3 times, each time during the mid-to-late afternoon.  No ice has formed on the lake yet.  Several 100 gulls have been lounging in the marina area during the afternoon.  Most of the others have been out a ways on the water, requiring a scope for views.  Gulls go back and forth between the lake and the nearby dump during the day, and then gull numbers at the lake increase greatly during the last hour of daylight.

Bird turnover has been a bit slow, and gull variety hasn't yet reached what was there last winter.  But, Aurora Reservoir has still been an interesting destination.  Today's most noteworthy new arrival was an adult GREAT BLACK-BACKED GULL, seen mostly by itself on the water, but occasionally pestering other gulls.  Two ongoing immature SURF SCOTERS have been joined by a third.  Two, possibly three, adult LESSER BLACK-BACKED GULLS were present.  I only noticed one immature THAYER'S GULL today, a low count for this location.  A COMMON LOON that has been there for a while continues.

As expected, Herring Gull numbers are increasing (approaching 100), and California Gull numbers are decreasing (down to a few dozen).  And as usual, they have 1000's of Ring-billed Gulls to keep them company.

David Dowell
Longmont, CO

David Dowell

Nov 27, 2014, 7:45:12 AM11/27/14
One more note.  I saw a sign posted yesterday that Aurora Reservoir is closed Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Years Days, but is otherwise open year round.


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