Dark-eyed Juncos - Arapahoe

瀏覽次數:32 次

Jared Del Rosso

2019年1月24日 下午1:32:142019/1/24
收件者:Colorado Birds
In my yard, during the snow, were all the expected types of Dark-eyed Juncos, including two of the Gray-backed (my favorites) and one White-winged Junco. I first noticed the White-winged on January 19th. I think it's a first-year, but while it provided good looks today through my binoculars, showing the wingbars, the extensive white on tail when spread, and the larger size than nearby juncos, I can't seem to get a decent photo for closer study. It may be a female. 

For good measure, one of the juncos traipsed across my patio, leaving tracks. 

DSC_0576 Junco Tracks.jpg

- Jared Del Rosso
Centennial, CO

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