Black-necked stilts - Platte River and Bowles, Arapahoe County

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May 10, 2022, 5:32:26 PM5/10/22
to Colorado Birds
This morning at 10:30, and again at 11:00, I saw two black-necked stilts in the Platte River  about 1/4 mile north of Bowles (for those who know the area, just north of Bowles is a footbridge across the river, and just north of that is an island - they were foraging at the south end of the island).

I'm pretty sure that is still Arapahoe County - first time in 22 years I've seen that species on the Platte - very cool!

Bryan Arnold

20220510 Black-necked Stilts.jpg

Evon Holladay

May 11, 2022, 7:02:22 AM5/11/22
to modise, Colorado Birds
Update!  At 6:30 pm there were three black-necked stilts along the island.  Across the river to the east, there were 4 spotted sandpipers, and just north there was a a shore bird mecca. And yes that is Arapahoe County.

Evon Holladay
Arapahoe Co.

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