Watch out for Rattlesnakes on Hanover Road in El Paso County

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Cinnamon Bergeron

May 28, 2020, 1:13:11 PM5/28/20
to Colorado Birds


This morning, I was out looking for the Dickcissel, on Hanover Road.  I knew approximately where it was... by the Sheep Farm.  I had never seen one before.  I went out looking for it yesterday, but didn't find it.  So, this morning, I was standing on the side of the road looking for it.  Another birder, named Kevin, pulls up.  He says, "Are you looking for the Dickcissel?"  I said "yes".  He parks and gets out of his car. He wasn't out of his car for more than 30 seconds and says, "I hear it singing."  I also heard it singing.  It was up on the wire singing.  It was pretty far off.  Kevin had a much nicer camera than mine.  I said, "I'd like to get a little bit closer so I can get a better photo.  So, we walked about 20 feet through some tall grass up to a fence.  The ground was mostly dirt, but there were lots of tufts of tall grass sparsely around. We were standing there at the fence for at least three minutes taking photos and listening to the Dickcissel sing, when we both heard the Rattlesnake start rattling.  The snake was huge and balled up right in between us, about a foot away from my feet.  We both bolted toward the road.  I have never seen a Rattlesnake before in my life.  I am always cautious and looking out for them whenever I walk off the path or into a grassy area.  I really thought I was looking for snakes when we walked over to the fence.  I cannot believe neither of us noticed it.  I feel very grateful that neither of us got bit.  So, If you are looking for the Dickcissel out on Hanover, keep your eyes open and be safe!
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